183. Monsters

"To fight monster, you need another monster. Isn't that right, partner?"-Jon

'Let's show who's the real monster here!'-Kurama grin

Jon cancel his susanoo, then he make some hand seals.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kurama!"-Jon



"!? Nine tailed fox?"-Kaido is surrpised

Jon is standing on Kurama's head and then he activate his susanoo. Golden armor start to cover Kurama's body, and surprisingly, susanoo's wings & swords are still there, on Kurama's back.

"I thought the wings & swords will disappear like when Madara & Sasuke use it."-Jon

"Who cares, if we can fly then it's a good thing too. I can't use swords though, so it might be useless."-Kurama

"That's fine."-Jon

"Worororo, brat, i thought you want to fight me alone. Did you got scared so you call your friend? A mythical zoan user, and nine tailed fox at that. How did you get it?"-Kaido

"Huh? Zoan user?"-Kurama

"Psst! I think he misunderstood you as a human with devil fruit power. Let's play along with it!"-Jon whisper

"Oh, alright."-Kurama

"I remember the nine tailed fox devil fruit was eaten by that Devon b*tch. I don't know how you take it from her, but this devil fruit power is on my wishlist in the past. How if you join me rather than these kids?"-Kaido

""In your dreams.""-Kurama & Jon

They refuse Kaido's offer and act like Kurama is a devil fruit user. Kaido just laugh and say he will make Kurama join his crew. Jon feel a little annoyed that he didn't get offered though. Jon & Kurama stop thinking about that and attack Kaido.

Kurama run then jump at Kaido and send a claw attack. Jon make some hand seals and create chidori like lightning on Kurama's hand through his susanoo. Kaido also send a haki cladded claw attack and their claws meet.


They stay in a stalemate, and then got fling behind by the shockwave. Kurama & Kaido seem to have similar physical power and no one have the advantage. Kaido's scales are also very tough and even Kurama can't wound him easily.

However, Jon didn't get depressed, but he got happy instead. Previously, his power with susanoo is lower than Kaido, but now they're on par. Beside, Kaido's claw now have a little burnt mark from Jon's lightning jutsu.

His Susanoo have lower strength than Kurama & Kaido, so he can't contest in strength with Kaido. Now with Kurama here, Jon just need to maintain his susanoo's armor toughness. He also can create justsu to enhance their attack.

"You guys are not bad at all, but too bad we're on the opposite side."-Kaido

"Still trying to recruit people?"-Jon

"No need, i know people like you won't bow down to others, so i'll eliminate you now."-Kaido

Kaido rush forward, and so are Kurama & Jon. Both sides exchange blows after blows with their raw power. Kurama & Kaido's dragon form have similar raw physical power, and Kaido's scales are as tough as Jon's susanoo, so they're on a stalemate now.

Jon also keep gathering senjutsu chakra while he control susanoo & help Kurama with some jutsu. He don't need to move inside Susanoo's crystal, so he can gather senjutsu. With senjutsu, he can toughen susanoo armor and cover their attacks with chakra.

Their battle continue, then suddenly Kaido wrap his body around Kurama and try to squeeze them, but Kurama grab him and bite his neck. Kaido growl but he didn't budge, then he use his flame cloud to fly themselves and throw Jon & Kurama to the ground.

Kaido then dive at high speed at them and want to headbutt them with his haki covered forehead & horns. Kurama get up and stand on his hind legs. Jon cover the susanoo armor on Kurama's right 'hand' with haki & earth chakra.


Jon & Kurama send a punch at Kaido's headbutt. Their attack meet, and black lightning like effect generate, indicating Conquerors clash. The ground around them also got destroyed a little by the shockwave from their clash. They stay like that for a moment, before Kaido make a move.

Kaido move his tail and swing it at Jon & Kurama. Jon warn Kurama, and the nine tailed fox use his tails to cover his body like a ball. Jon also stengthen his susanoo armor to receive the impact. Kaido's tail attack hit them and they are thrown away.

Jon & Kurama crash to the Udon Prisoner Mine and break the wall. It's surprising that the Mine didn't destroyed completely by Kurama's size, and their flying speed. However, Jon & Kurama can't get worried about that now, as Kaido is flying to their direction and arrive shortly.

Kaido gather energy in his mouth and Jon know what it is. Jon ask Kurama to prepare tailed beast bomb too. Kaido shoot his fire breath attack to them, but Jon didn't ask Kurama to shoot the bomb. Kurama jump out from the mine, then run to the side and dodge the fire breath while still preparing his bomb.

Kaido move his breath to chase Kurama & Jon, causing the ground to get destroyed. Jon then control his susanoo wings to make them fly and move around to avoid the fire breath. After sometime, Kaido run out of energy to shoot his fire breath, and Jon know it's his chance.


Kurama shoot his tailed beast bomb toward Kaido. Kaido try to avoid the bomb, but Jon ignite it with a seal that he plant on the bomb and make it explode near Kaido. Kaido got pushed down and he slam to the ground.

"Did we got him?"-Kurama

"Yeah, but i'm not sure if he will get big injury."-Jon

The impact from Kaido's fall create a very big dust cloud. Jon see through the dust and see Kaido move again.

"That's a strong attack there, as i thought of a Mythical zoan. But if that's the best you can do, then you won't win."-Kaido


Red fire cloud suddenly surround Jon & Kurama. The cloud wrap Kurama's legs & Jon's susanoo wings. Kurama & Jon suddenly can't control their legs & wings and they float to the sky without their control.

"What happen?"-Kurama

"It must be Kaido's dragon flame cloud power, be careful!"-Jon

Jon dispell a clone to get senjutsu chakra and he cover his susanoo with it. He don't know what Kaido is planning, so he need to prepare. He need to toughen his susanoo so it will hold any of Kaido's attack.

Kaido get close to them and wrap his snake like body around Kurama. Kurama & Jon can't move at all because of the fire cloud & Kaido's bind. Kaido grab Kurama's mouth with his left hand and close it, while the right hand is free.

"Let's see if your armor is tough enough to accept this."-Kaido

"What'd he-"-Jon

Kaido's right hand suddenly become black and form a fist. Jon feel it with his observation haki & widen his eyes. He cursed and cover the susanoo's armor on Kurama's stomach with haki. He also strengthen it further with Senjutsu chakra.

Kaido hit Kurama's stomach with his fist, and he coat it with Conqueror haki. Jon see this coming, that's why he do what he did before. The susanoo armor held on, but Kurama still got hurt.

Conqueror coated attack can only blocked by the same technique or haki projection technique. Jon still can't coat his Conqueror on a wide area like Kurama's stomach. His haki, Susanoo, & senjutsu can reduce the power, but Conqueror haki coated attack can destroy from inside out, so Kurama still get attacked by it.

'Ugh, that attack can pass through your susanoo. Even with my physical power, i still get hurt by it. What a crazy technique.'-Kurama talk to Jon through telepathy because their minds are connected

'It seem we can't keep going like this, or the consequence will be high. He can even project his haki and add conqueror on it in his big dragon form. He already have high mastery over this technique. I'll unsummon you, we will find a way later.'-Jon

'I guess that's the only way for now.'-Kurama

Jon unsummon Kurama and deactivate his susanoo. It make him free from Kaido's bind, and he teleported away. He can't use teleport earlier, because Kurama is too big for him to teleport immediately.

"Kurama & Susanoo are too big, so i can't teleport freely. It seem i need to fight with normal size, but it will be hard to fight that massive thing."-Jon

'Do you want to use jinchuriki mode?'-Kurama

"No, i can't use ninjutsu in that chaotic chakra form. Tch, if only i can use Kyuubi mode now, it will be easier."-Jon

'Don't think of what we can't do currently!'-Kurama

"I know"-Jon

"Where's your friend, kid? Running away?"-Kaido

"Don't worry! I just told him that i can fight you on my own."-Jon

"Hmph, still cheeky like before."-Kaido

"Well, that's my character."-Jon

Jon suddenly disappear and appear on Kaido's stomach, near his scar from Oden. Jon has marked many places on Kaido's body in their clash earlier. He do it when Kurama hit Kaido and he put seal marks through his susanoo.

Jon draw his swords, then cover them with armament and conqueror haki. He even use sharp wind chakra with Senjutsu enhancement. Then he slash Kaido right at where the scar from Oden is located.


Jon always want to say that, so he say it now. Jon's attack hit Kaido and it open his wound again. Jon has re-open Kaido's old wound that has been closed, literally.


Kaido get hurt & angry because Jon has re-open his wound. The wound that Oden gave was one of Kaido's nightmare after all. It is the only scar on his body, so it must hurt his pride when someone re-open it.

Kaido then gather energy in his mouth and shoot it. The Bolo Breath shoot faster than what Jon have seen. However, it's still look slow in front of Jon's sharingan. Jon immediately teleport away from there, and appear on the other side.

Kaido realize that Jon now can move very fast, and use teleport freely. Previously, he can't do it with Susanoo & Kurama's giant body. Now Jon can teleport freely, and he use it to attack Kaido.

Kaido feel annoyed, but he know he can't catch Jon in his Dragon form. However, Jon also can't hurt him badly without Kurama. Their fight will be a cat & mouse game, and Kaido didn't like it.

Kaido then get down and *poof*, he deactivate his dragon form. He appear in his hybrid form which looks very menacing. A humanoid dragon really have different aura than other humanoid beast form.

"Ooh, so scary."-Jon

"Enough chitchat! This is the end, brat."-Kaido

"I don't think so."-Jon

Jon teleport behind Kaido and swing his sword. Surprisingly, Kaido can catch up to him and block his sword with his Kanabo on his back. Jon click his tongue and flicker around to attack Kaido from every angle.

Kaido cover his whole body with armament haki. He just block some attacks that aimed at vital area. Kaido just let his armament defend his body if Jon didn't attack vital area.


Kaido jump and spin his kanabo, then he coat it with armament & conqueror. Kaido descend and swing it to the ground, creating a strong shockwave. The ground destroyed and the shockwave spread.

Jon that flicker near Kaido got pushed behind by the force. Kaido look at him and flash to Jon at a very fast speed.


Kaido swing his kanabo that create a black lightning effect to Jon. Jon see it and block with his sword using armament & conqueror haki coating too. Their attack meet and create a big shockwave.

They are in a stalemate, but then Kaido swing his long tail at Jon's left side. It's very fast that Jon can't dodge it even when he see it. So Jon try to cover his left side with armament.

The tail attack also coated in conqueror and it hit Jon cleanly. Jon got fling and crash to the ground multiple times. He only stop when he crash to the Prisoner Mine. That attack is very strong, and it make Jon fall unconscious.