186. Showdown

Kaido just attacked Jon with a haki projection shot. Kaido can shoot his haki projection like a bullet to a distance. Jon is surprised by this, but he also got excited. This means that haki have more things to explore, and he want to explore it.

'Observation haki can see a glimpse of future in advanced stage. Armament can be projected and manipulated in advanced stage too. Then conqueror can be manifested physically. Hakis are a lot more versatile than i thought.'-Jon

Jon is excited, but he didn't lose his focus and still eyeing Kaido. Jon then make 2 wood clones and they teleport away. He still need the Senjutsu chakra as it can enhance his attack and help him break Kaido's ridiculous defense. It can also help him save some chakra.

Kaido move again and flash in front of Jon. Kaido swing his kanabo at Jon, and Jon see it coming, so he drop himself behind. Jon put his hands on the ground and raise his legs to kick Kaido while propelling himself with his hands.

Kaido just take Jon's kick and just got pushed behind without any damage. Jon immediately flicker on top of Kaido and send a kick. Kaido punch at Jon's kick and the collision create a big shockwave.

The collision push them back, and Jon rotate himself on the air before landing. Jon immediately create something that he always want to make but can't he can't make it before. Some small chakra hands appear on Jon's arm and each one of them make rasengan. Then the smaller rasengans rotate around the main rasengan on Jon's right hand.

"Senpo! Planetary Rasengan!"-Jon

Jon flicker to Kaido, and attack Kaido with his planetary rasengan. Kaido counter with his kanabo, still coated with armament & conqueror haki. Or at least, he try to counter it, because Jon use his nine tails to grab Kaido's limbs and tail, make him unable to defend at the right time.

Kaido can only use armament to defend himself in time. But even then, it will be hard to injure Kaido in his hybrid form. Then Jon hit Kaido's torso with his planetary rasengan.

"UGH!"-Kaido feel hurt

Kaido might feel hurt, but Jon know it's not enough to injure him. Jon put more senjutsu chakra on his rasengan and make it stronger. The rasengan finally break Kaido's armament defense and get to his body.

Kaido spat some blood and Jon let go of Kaido from his tails. He push the rasengan and shoot it forward. The shoot make Kaido fling to a distance, and when the rasengan is not get controlled by Jon anymore, it explode.

The explosion is very big, bigger than any rasengan explosion that Jon have ever made. However, Jon know that this is still not enough. If Kaido get defeated just by something like this, he won't be the strongest creature.

Jon look at the dust cloud from the explosion and try to find Kaido. Suddenly the dust dispersed and giant blue dragon come out and fly to the sky. Kaido has transformed into his dragon form.

"Not bad at all, kid. I must admit that you have the capacity to stand & fight with me on equal ground."-Kaido

"Alright, but i won't just stay on equal ground with you, i will stand above that ground."-Jon

"Worororo~, that might happen, if you survive today."-Kaido

"Don't worry about me, worry about yourself! Maybe you won't see the sunrise tomorrow."-Jon

Jon create a perfect susanoo, and it looks a little different from before. Now the golden susanoo armor have black outlines and golden black firey aura, make it more threatening.

Jon then flow Kurama's chakra on his susanoo and it change again. Now the humanoid susanoo seem to be alive with orange colour. The armor also change it's position a little, and the mask on the eyes open, but the lower half is still intact. Nine tails also come out from the back of susanoo.

Susanoo have become more like an orange light human wearing armor now. The armor have golden colour with black outline & aura. The transformation is a little similar like when Sasuke use Tailed Beasts chakra on his susanoo.

"Finally, i can come out again. The mindscape is not bad, but outside world is still better. But what's with this form?"-Kurama

"Don't worry, this is a better combination of yout power & mine. Rather than just covering you with susanoo armor, now you become one with it. It give better defense and also enhance our attack."-Jon

That's right, the humanoid giant that merge with susanoo is Kurama, and it even have beast eyes. Jon didn't just use Kurama's chakra like Sasuke, but he use Kurama himself. 'Use' is a little wrong though, and it's better to call it working together.

However, this is just the first step, as the next step is more crucial. Jon concentrate and then he clap his hands and close his eyes. Then when he open his eyes again, his eyes change from sharingan to Kurama's beast eyes, while the giant now have EMS eyes.

Jon have switched with Kurama, as Jon will do the fight. Kurama will meditate and keep gathering senjutsu chakra for their battle. Kurama's chakra source is senjutsu, so he can keep taking it like a kid taking candies from his dad's store.

"Let's continue, Kaido!"-Jon bump his fists

"Can you even keep up with me in that giant form? You can't teleport with it, so you'll get defeated easily."-Kaido

"I can't teleport, but it din't mean i can't move fast."-Jon

Jon flicker and appear in front of Kaido, surprising him. Jon cock his fist, then punch at Kaido's head with full power. Now Jon can do a lot more than when he just control the giant susanoo from inside the crystal chamber.

Kaido's head got thrown to the side, but his tail have move to Jon. He slap Jon with tail attack, and Jon defend with his hands. Jon got fling, but he can balance himself midair and fly using his wings.

Jon then draw his susanoo's swords and flow senjutsu chakra on them. Kaido fly higher and then start to fly in a circle. Kaido start to get faster & faster, until finally many tornados that reach the sky are made.

"Dragon Twister!"-Kaido

"Let's counter it with similar technique."-Jon

Jon bite a sword, and create a chakra sword on his empty hand.

"Santoryu! Kokujo: Great Dragon Twister!"-Jon

Jon copy Zoro's technique and create a very big dragon twister. Jon's dragon twister is not made because of high swordmanship like Zoro though. It's because of his current superb strength.

Jon's dragon twister counter Kaido's, but Kaido hasn't finished. Kaido shoot wind blades from his mouth toward Jon, just when Jon stop the tornadoes. Jon counter & avoid the wind blades agilely while keep getting closer to Kaido.

When Kaido run out of breath, Jon send a flying attack. Kaido twist his body and avoid it, then he fly at high speed toward Jon. Jon also fly toward Kaido while flowing fire chakra on his hand.

Kaido attack Jon with a headbutt, and Jon counter it with a flaming punch. It create a big impact, but it's not the end. Kaido use claw attack at Jon, and Jon dodge it to the side.

Kaido didn't waste his chance and shoot a Bolo Breath at Jon. Jon can't avoid it with such short distance and brace himself. He got fling away even with his current giant body.

Jon crash to a big hill and destroy half of it. Jon got some damage, but currently he is made of chakra. He immediately repair his body, and come out from there.

When he come out, Kaido wrap himself around Jon. Kaido have anticipated Jon to come out immediately. Kaido grab Jon's shoulder and about to shoot a Bolo breath at Jon's face.

However Jon won't just stay silent and he flow lightning chakra on his body. The lightning chakra electrocute Kaido, as it get stronger due to senjutsu. Lightning is also hot, so Kaido not only got electrocuted, but also heated up.

Kaido got electrocute, but still persistently try to shoot Jon. Jon need to escape now, he can't take more damage and waste his chakra to repair his giant body. Even if it's tough, but he don't want to take the attack head on and waste chakra.

Kaido shoot his Bolo Breath and Jon's giant body suddenly disappear. Jon deactivate his giant Kyuubi-Susanoo mode. When he turn into normal size, Jon immediately teleport under Kaido's jaw, and stick to it.

Kaido realize Jon is under his jaw, but it's too late. Jon coat his arm with armament and conqueror haki. Then he cock his arm and dispell a clone to get senjutsu chakra and enter sage mode.

Jon hit Kaido's jaw with full power and make it close. Kaido is still shooting his breath, and his mouth suddenly closed. Now the fire breath explode inside his mouth and make Kaido roaring in pain.

"You should've just stay in your hybrid form before. You're just a bigger punching bag now. I am more flexible in my transformation than you, and i am faster, so i can hit you numerous times."-Jon has teleported to the ground again

Jon teleport again and appear on Kaido's body. He cut Kaido with armament & conqueror coated swords. He even flow wind chakra and make his swords a lot sharper.

Jon teleport many times and cut Kaido on many places. The cuts can't go deep with Kaido in full dragon form, but it's not superficial cuts either. Sooner or later, the effect of these cuts will come out.

While he attack Kaido, Jon also throw small seeds to the cut wounds. He have a plan for it, but he will do it later. It will be his assurance to win this battle, but it's not his main strategy.

Kaido is wriggling around and moving fast in circle. He try to throw Jon from his body, and create tornadoes on the process. Kaido move around between the tornadoes, and try to make Jon fall. However, Jon still persistently move around to attack Kaido.

Kaido got enough of it, and he surround himself with flame cloud. Jon didn't want to touch that cloud, because it can bind him, so he stop and teleport to the ground. Kaido then turn back into his hybrid form and land on the ground.

Kaido is pissed with how this battle is going so far. It's like Jon didn't try to defeat him fast, but weakening him slowly. However, Kaido can't do anything with Jon's speed when he use teleportation.

"Will you keep running around like a chicken or fight head on like a man?"-Kaido

"How if i become a manly chicken? Wait, that's called a rooster."-Jon

Jon suddenly appear on Kaido's left side and thrust his sword. Jon succeed to stab Kaido's stomach, but Kaido grab Jon's arm with his right hand. Then Kaido hit Jon with his left hand and Jon get fling far away.

Jon growl in pain, but he can endure it and heal himself. Just one attack from Kaido, has given more damage to Jon than what Jon gave to Kaido. That is just a clear difference of their pure physical power.

Jon's chakra reserve also start to deplete because he keep teleporting and also need to heal himself sometime. Even with Kurama's chakra, his spending is very high, because he need more chakra to make his attack stronger.

Kaido didn't wait for Jon to move and he come toward Jon. Jon stand up and make some hand seals. He pour all the remaining chakra for this attack. Kurama will need to replenish his chakra after this, so Jon will use the remaining chakra for a big attack.

Kaido use his tail to propel himself faster and faster. Kaido then prepare his Kanabo and coat it with conqueror & armament like usual. He want to use big attack to finish this battle in one strike.

Jon get ready and use Kurama's and senjutsu chakra. He coat his hands with armament and then fire generate on both of his hands. Jon wait for Kaido to get close while strengthening his jutsu.

"DIE, BRAT!"-Kaido

"COME! I've prepared a special jutsu for a dragon like you."-Jon