188. Reinforcement

Jon finally win after fighting Kaido for hours. He didn't want to use the Bloody Forest jutsu if he can, but he don't have another choice now. Jon has felt his chakra was getting low after healing himself many times and keep using teleportation.

"Thunder God Flash is taking a lot more chakra than i thought."-Jon

Jon deactivate his Kyuubi mode, and his clothes are tattered. His Madara armor is broken apart too, even after he use Kyuubi chakra mode. If he didn't use the armor, it will be his body that got broken apart by Kaido's attacks.

'Maybe it's because you've just learned that jutsu, but you use it too many times.'-Kurama

"I don't have a choice, i can't afford to get hit by him. He is very fast too in hybrid mode, faster than when i use lightning chakra mode, which is my fastest form. My only choice is teleportation, and i can use it for surprise attack."-Jon

'Luckily you can use my chakra now, or you'll run out of chakra rapidly.'-Kurama

"Yeah, i can use senjutsu, but it takes time to gather. Even my Yin Seal will eventually emptied too, so i should thank you."-Jon

'Heeh, you really should. But still, that last jutsu is very vicious, growing trees on someone's body and rip their flesh apart is very bad.'-Kurama

"That's why i didn't use it sooner, because i have it as an insurance to win. However this guy is really tough, isn't he? Look, his wounds aren't as deep as i thought! Maybe it's because he turned back to human, but just staying alive should be impossible after receiving that jutsu."-Jon

'His resilience is top tier.'-Kurama

Jon then bind Kaido with his wood jutsu, and drag Kaido to Prisoner Mine. Jon look around and finally find what he search for, Seastone Chains. Jon tied Kaido with the chains, and then encase him with wood like a mummy, and just left his head outside.

Jon then teleport back to Onigashima's rooftop. There're only 2 people there, Luffy & Big Mom. Both of them are still fighting, so Jon decide to wait for them to finish, but then he see something on the sea.

"It seem i need to fight again. Sigh, there's no end to this."-Jon

Jon leave Kaido there, and he teleport to the beach. Then he run to the sea and sometime later, he find a ship. It's Big Mom's main ship, Queen Mama Chanter, and it's filled with Big Mom's children.

Big Mom's ship's figure head homie see Jon and alert everyone on the ship. Big Mom's children led by Smoothie and Daifuku come forward. They all look at Jon that stand on the sea alone and some goons laugh.

"Hahahaha, look, it seem he want to stop us alone."-Goon A

"He must've lose his mind. Did he think he is an Emperor? Hahahaha."-Goon B

"SHUT UP!"-Smoothie

"!? Co-commander Smoothie, what is-"-Goon C

"Don't you know that he is the one who defeat Cracker nii-san, deafeating the army we sent to avenge him, and wiping out Oven nii-san's army singlehandedly?"-Cinnamon


"Then, he is-"-Goon B

"De-demon Eyes Jon, someone with 1,4 billion bounty."-Goon C trembled

Now all Big Mom pirates got serious and get wary of Jon.

"You guys are late, the party had almost ended. It's good that you arrived before it end, so let me entertain you a bit."-Jon

"Demon Eyes, even if you try to stop us here, Mama will wipe out your crew alone."-Smoothie

"I don't think that she'll have time to do that, and you guys should think about yourself more rather than our crew. Let's see if you guys can take my attack that take out Oven's army."-Jon


"DAMN, GENIE!"-Daifuku

Big Mom pirates start to shoot at Jon, and he didn't bother to move. Jon just cover himself with upper humanoid susanoo. Daifuku send his genie, and Jon just control his susanoo to fight back.

Smoothie also send sword attacks, so Jon use his susanoo to block with it's swords too. His susanoo have 4 hands, so he don't need to worry about being 'short handed'. He can block their attack just fine with his current power.

Inside his susanoo, Jon is gathering senjutsu chakra. His chakra is not that high now, so he need senjutsu chakra. Finally he have enough senjutsu chakra, so Jon move back to some distance. It confused the enemies, but they still shooting at Jon.

Jon then use his Kyuubi chakra mode, after Kurama gather some chakra. Then a red Kurama's chakra head with black lines appear on Jon. Jon raise his hand in front of him, and Kurama open his mouth.

Blue & red chakra particles start to gather in front of Kurama's mouth. They are preparing a big tailed beast bomb to finish this fast. Big Mom pirates realize the bad situation and prepare themselves to defend.

Finally the bomb finished, so Jon shoot it at the ship. Big Mom pirates try to stop it, but it's not working. Then the bomb get very close to them, so Smoothie and Amande try to cut it, but that's a wrong move.

They succeed to cut the bomb, but it caused the chakra to get unstable. The chakra in tailed beast bomb need to be balanced, and they just break the balance. The result is, the tailed beast bomb will explode.

"What happen, the ball is brighten up?"-Daifuku

"SHIT, TAKE COVER!"-Smoothie

"Too late to realize."-Jon


The bomb explode right at the ship's sides after being cut in half. The impact must be strong enough to destroy the ship, but Jon won't underestimate them, they're an Emperor's crew after all.

Thr smoke from the explosion dispersed and Jon still can see the ship there. It is being protected by Big Mom's children's devil fruit powers. They encase the ship with their food based devil fruits to cover the ship.

Even so, the impact from the explosion is too big, and they can't defend it fully. The ship still get destroyed in many parts like it's mast, railings, upper hull, and even head figure. But it still can float and at least most members survived that attack.

"Impressive, that attack is as strong as Kaido's Bolo Breath. You can defend that, as i thought of an Emperor's crew."-Jon

"Damn, the mast is broken, we can't sail using wind power anymore."-Cinnamon

"That's our least worry now, we must think if we can even get out alive from this place. It will be difficult to get away from him."-Mont-d'Or

"Think about the result later! We need to go to Onigashima and help Mama & Perospero-nii. ALL, ATTACK!"-Smoothie

Big Mom pirates start to shoot their cannons and other attacks at Jon. Jon didn't move and just activate his EMS. Then Jon use his Kyuubi-Susanoo form and let Kurama fight them. Kurama want to fight, so Jon just let him do it.

Kurama attack the ship and Big Mom pirates try to defend. The ship is so big that the gigantic Kurama can stand on the deck. Kurama got bombarded from every angle, but he didn't bother to defend and just attack.

Susanoo armor is tough enough to defend, and it get tougher with Senjutsu chakra that get supplied by Jon. Jon is meditating inside and supllying Senjutsu chakra to Kurama & Susanoo. He also take this chance to heal himself further and replenish his chakra.

Kurama fight them just with physical attacks, and he easily overpowered them. Kurama's attacks also destroy the ship slowly. He also defeat some weaker enemies and only some strong ones left after sometime.

"Damn, his body is very tough, it's like-"-Daifuku

"Kaido. His body is as tough as Kaido in full dragon form. The only thing that can injure Kaido is that technique."-Smoothie

"Do you mean haki projection? Can you do it Smoothie?"-Daifuku

"Only a little, that technique is very hard to train. Furthermore, i don't really have a use for it until now."-Smoothie

"Well, we can always win with our devil fruit powers. So it's not a problem so far, and the ones who can use it are mostly Emperors. Mama always take care of them."-Daifuku

"Hoo, so you can use that technique, well, you're a Sweet Commander after all, so Big Mom must've teached you about it. But, aren't you being too reliant on your fruits, and your mom?"-Jon

Jon returned to his normal size, but still in Kyuubi mode with sage mode too. Kurama is taking too long, and the fox is just playing around with them. Jon think it's enough time to play, he need to finish this.

"Let's test your power, Mama's kids!"-Jon smirk

Smoothie, Daifuku, and some older Charlottes attack Jon. Jon grin and take out his kunais, then he throw them and use shadow clones on them. The kunais scattered around and didn't hit any Charlottes, confusing them.

The kunais confuse them, but the Charlottes still attack. Just when they're about to hit Jon, he disappear. Jon appear behind Mont-d'Or and stab his chest.

"You didn't take your lesson aren't you, Mont-d'Or?"-Jon

"Ugh! You- How can you?"-Mont-d'Or

"Enough, i've got tired of you."-Jon

Jon electrocute Mont-d'Or and make him pass out, like a few weeks ago. Jon then teleport again and again near the Charlottes and defeat them.


"What? Why?"-Daifuku


The remaining Charlottes get away from the Kunais. However, the remaining ones are just Smoothie, Daifuku, and Amande. They're too late to realize Jon's teleportation method and Jon is just too fast.


Suddenly they hear a loud booming sound from Onigashima. A shockwave also come to them from there and push the ship a little. Jon look to Onigashima with his sharingan enhanced with observation haki, then grin.

"It's finished, huh? Seems like i need to get hurry too."-Jon

Jon saw Luffy has defeated Big Mom, so he need to finish this too.

"Your ship seems to be broken, so you'll need some woods to repair it right?"-Jon

"You're the one who break it dammit!"-Daifuku

"I know, that's why i'll give you some wood to repair it."-Jon


"Don't listen to him, attack!"-Smoothie

Jon just grin and make some hand seals, then he clap his hands.

"Mokuton: Deep Forest Bloom!"-Jon

Thick trees start to grow from the ship's floor. They grow bigger and bigger, and Jon got lifted up by a tree. The trees crush the decks, masts, railing, and other parts of the ship. The roots also dive deep and break the inside.

Jon also control the trees to bind the Charlottes. The 3 who are still conscious can avoid getting bind though. But they can't do anything about the ship and their siblings that being captured.

The ship finally destroyed, and now the forest is floating on the sea. The trees are strangled to each other, so it didn't break apart. Giant flowers then start to bloom from the trees and release polens. The polens drop to the ship and the conscious ones start to lose consciousness.

"Shit, the ship is destroyed."-Amande

"Mama will be furious."-Daifuku

"Don't worry, she won't have time to worry about the ship."-Jon

Jon suddenly appear in front of Daifuku and punch him with conqueror coated attack. Daifuku got unconscious instantly, as Jon's attack in Kyuubi mode is as strong as Kaido's. Furthermore, he use senjutsu chakra too which make his attack stronger.

Smoothie and Amande got surprised by this, especially seeing Jon use conqueror coated attack. Jon didn't give them time to respond though, as he did the same thing to Daifuku to them. Smoothie and Amande got hit by Jon & lose consciousness too.

"Maybe because i just fought Kaido, but these guys feel so weak now."-Jon

Jon has wiped out the Big Mom pirates reinforcement, alone.