197. Possessing

Jon arrive in level 5,5 with the unconscious 'Sabo'. But then, he is very surprised to see many Okamas here, even though this place supposed to be empty.

"Welcome~. Ah, you were the one who came here 2 years ago."-Unknown Okama

"Who are you? I thought this place is empty after Iva & the others leave 3 years ago."-Jon

"My name is Isabella, my dear~, and we stay here because of Iva-sama's order. We need to gather more people until we are ordered to leave."-Isabella

"Oh, then maybe this is the time to leave. There will be a war soon, between RA & WG, and Kamabakka will join. You better ask Iva about it."-Jon

"Oh my~, that's certainly need to be asked, i will call her later. Oh no~, silly me~, we can't use denden mushi to call from here~. What should we do~?"-Isabella dance around, make Jon have a dark face

"Sigh, i'll help you later, for now i need some help. Can you prepare some meals? This guy need to eat after he wake up."-Jon

"Leave it to us!"-Isabella

Isabella run off to tell her friends about Jon's request. Jon then put Sabo on the ground and bind him with wood branchs.

"These are not seastone chains, but just chains to make him immobile. Hmm, they put an explosive belt underneath his shirt. I think it will explode if he leave Impel Down. Good thing i don't teleport him out immediately."-Jon

Jon use his skills to lockpick the explosive belt from Sabo. He can do it with haki projection, but he didn't want it to explode, so he lockpick it. These things are easy to be lockpicked because of his sharingan's x-ray like ability.

After taking off the belt, Jon continue his genjutsu torture. He do it moderately to not kill the guy or make him crazy, but this guy didn't talk at all.

"This guy haven't talk at all even after such mind torture, he sure have high resistancy, but if i go further, i'm afraid he will be crazy. I need another method."-Jon

Jon sit in front of Sabo and make some hand seals.

"Mind body switch jutsu!"-Jon

Jon use Yamanaka's secret jutsu to enter Sabo's mind. It's different from genjutsu where he trap the mind to do interrogation. This jutsu allow him to explore someone's mind as he please as long as he have stronger mind, and Jon never worry about being weaker in this.

Jon enter the dark mindscape, and he look around the place. Then he finally find him, Sabo's real consciousness. Sabo is being tied on a crucifix and his mouth is tied close too.

Jon didn't immediately approach Sabo, but he look around again. He finally find what he search for, the guy who enter Sabo's consciousness. The guy is laying on the ground, wriggling around in pain.

"The genjutsu's torture is still running, and he try to resist it. Well, my genjutsu is not that strong, so you might be able to resit it. But with me enterring your mind, it will be very different."-Jon

Jon release his genjutsu, and the guy wake up from it. He pant hard and sweating a lot now.

"*pant pant* Damn, i thought that i would die. Just how can he do it? *pant pant*"-Man

"It's a secret."-Jon

The man is surprised and look at Jon with widen eyes. He think he is still in genjutsu, so Jon tell him that they're in Sabo's mindscape.

"Mindscape? Ha-hahaha-HAHAHAHA, NOW YOU'RE DOOMED, HAHAHAHA. My power is to posses someone, i ate the Posses Posses Fruit. It allow me to enter someone's mind and posses him. That means, i am undefeated in mindscape."-Man

"Is that why you can resist the torture in my genjutsu?"-Jon

"That's right, my mind have higher resistance to mind torture because of my power. Now, i will posses your mind and control your body."-Man

The man extend his hand to Jon, and Jon feel like he is being pulled. However, it's just a feeling, and Jon didn't get pulled at all. The man is surprised, and he try to do it again, only to fail again.

"N-no way, h-how can you resist it?"-The man is stunned

"You know, my genjutsu might be weak, but it doesn't mean that my mind is weak. Furthermore, i have very high resistance to mind control powers, and my mindscape is not mine alone."-Jon


Suddenly Kurama appear behind Jon and roar at the man. Kurama intimidate the man with his strong intent. The man is so scared by Kurama now and take some steps back. He never meet such a monster in his life after all.

"I assume that your body is laying somewhere unconscious. If i kill you right now, your body will die too, so it will expose this rescue plan. That's why i won't kill you until the time come, but it doesn't mean that i will let you go."-Jon

Kurama grab the guy and pull him to Jon's mindscape. Now, no one is possessing Sabo, so Jon need to release him. Jon approach Sabo that being tied on the crucifix and free him.

"Jon, you come. I thought you were in Wano and fight Kaido. Is Luffy fine?"-Sabo

"He's fine. Hmm, asking about Luffy first, it seem you're the real one."-Jon

"Of course i am, just look at me!"-Sabo

"Yeah yeah yeah, you look real."-Jon

"Yeah, thanks for saving me. Hmm, so this is my mindscape huh? I could never enter it even after you told me how to do it. Wait, how did you enter my mind?"-Sabo

"You just realize, that carelesness means you're not an impostor."-Jon


Jon didn't answer and just leave the mindscape. Then he wake up and see that Sabo is still unconscious.

"You guys~, the foods have been prepared."-Isabella

Isabella suddenly come and invite them to eat, but Sabo is still unconscious. Jon put a finger on Sabo's forehead and flow electricity on it. Sabo got zapped and he wake up instantly.


"Wakey wakey, the meal is ready!"-Jon

Jon walk away while saying that and go to dining room. Jon see many Okamas in there and most of them haven't been changed to woman. Well, without Iva, they can't change man to woman, but their heart have changed so that's what matter, maybe.

Jon eat with the Okamas while explaining the situation to them. Then Sabo also enter the room and devour the foods. He is very hungry after being detained for a few days.

"So, why did you get captured? It never stated on the news."-Jon

"Well, to summarize it, i fucked up. We want to save Kuma, but we can't do that without making commotion, so we got discovered."-Sabo

"I thought your mission was just to declare war on the World Nobles."-Jon

"Yes it is, but i can't stand seeing my friend being treated like that. We succeed to get Kuma, but then the Admirals discovered us. I stay behind to stall time while the others leave. It's hard to fight 2 Admirals at once, and i can't escape, so they captured me."-Sabo

"Hmm, well, i don't really care with what happen, my job is to get you out from here."-Jon

"Wait, how about your battle with Kaido & Big Mom?"-Sabo

"Isn't it obvious?"-Jon grin

Sabo widen his eyes, but then he smile & laugh. Jon then grab Sabo'ss shoulder and teleport back to Kamabakka. The RA leaders have waited, and when Jon come back with Sabo, they all got very happy.

Koala hug Sabo and cry, because she is very worried and now happy that he is back. The others also got relief and they celebrate it. Jon leave them alone and approach Iva to tell what he found in level 5,5.

"Well, vi never thought that they could found so many people. Let's pick up those candies from there, HEEEHAAWW~"-Iva

"They must be some sour candies."-Jon is cringed

"Even sour candies still have sugars in them."-Iva

"Whatever, let's go! Ah, wait, i just remember, where's Bon-chan?"-Jon

"Bon-boy is traveling around the world with his crew to gather more people."-Iva


"Yeah, a pirate crew, the Swan Pirate, just made 2 months ago."-Iva

"Oh, well, they can be good reinforcements later."-Jon

Jon teleport back to level 5,5 with Iva to pick up those Okamas. They all are happy to see Iva, and they decide to have a party first before leaving. Jon just sigh and decide to relaxed for a moment too.

However, he still want to be productive, so he send some clones to infiltrate this place and find some information. They can do it easily with their new jutsu that allow them to merge with the ground like Zetsu.

They find many documents and copy them all. They find some seastones handcuffs, chains, bars, and other seastone products not being used, so they take it. Seastones are always needed, and there's no thing as too many seastones.

They keep exploring, but too bad, they didn't find any valuables except seastones. One clone also almost got destroyed after going inside a wrong place. He enter a room and Magellan just fart a huge amount of gas there.

They all return to Jon with all the things they got right before the party finish. Jon take the scrolls which contain everything they got and dispell the clones to get their memories.

"Sigh, this is just a prison, what did i hope to find here? Drugs?"-Jon

Jon didn't really found any useful information. He just found the list of prisoners and their crimes. It also have list of their power and what their punishments are.

"Wait, power?"-Jon widen his eyes

Jon then get a good idea, if he kill the prisoners with devil fruit powers, he can extract their devil fruits after that. These devil fruit users are kept here to not make their devil fruits reincarnated until they die.

"Hmm, that's a good idea, but i will make a commotion if i do that. Let's not do it for now, maybe after the war or right before the war."-Jon

"Ninja-boy, let's go!"-Iva

The party has been finished, and now the Okamas are ready to leave. Jon tell them to hold hands and then he teleport them at the same time. They arrive on Kamabakka Kingdom, and the new Okamas got stunned by the place, they even cry.

Jon let them be and go to sleep, he still have another schedule later, so he need to rest. He is very busy these days, but he know he need to do it.

Jon wake up at night again and have a dinner with everybody. He ask about Kuma, and Lindbergh say that he can't do anything yet. Kuma has been turned into cyborg with no mind, so it's hard and almost impossible to fix it.

Jon sigh and just hope that Lindbergh can find a way. He don't know Kuma that well, but their crew are indebted to him, so he hope that Kuma will be fine.

After dinner, Jon go to his room and then meditate. He enter his mindscape and see Kurama is pinning someone under his paw. It is the guy who possess Sabo's body previously.

"Alright agent, no need for any talking now, because i know the gist of it. You are possessing Sabo's body in case he will be rescued. Then you'll find out our hiding location because you can't get it from Sabo. Then you'll return and guide your friends here, right? Too bad you met me and not anyone else."-Jon

"Hmph, even if you know all of it, it won't change the result. The WG will win, as we always have been in the past."-Agent

5 miniature Tori Gates suddenly fall from above and plant the agent's limbs & neck to the ground. Then a big Tori Gate fall & pin his body on the ground too.

"Past? This is not the past, and no one know the future. The future will be different, i assure that, but too bad you won't see that future."-Jon