211. Rinnegan

Jon suddenly activated his Rinnegan in the middle of the fight.

"Rinnegan? Why is it suddenly activated?"-Jon

Jon haven't succeed to activate Rinnegan after his seclusion. But now it suddenly activated on it's own, and he didn't know the reason. Then, a lot of information about Rinnegan enter Jon's mind.

'So that's how it is. Rinnegan's activation need stimulant, and this battle stimulate it. No, not just this battle, but all my battle today.'-Jon

Jon have some hard battle today like against Ryokugyu, Kong & co, CP-0, then these 15 people. The battle stimulate his growth, including his eyes. He need to maximize his Sharingan's usage, and it reach critical level just now, so it evolve to Rinnegan.

Jon's Rinnegan is the normal one like Hagoromo's and Madara's. However, he can activate & deactivate it at will. Heck, he can even switch between Rinnegan, EMS, & normal Sharingan. He like it this way, because he don't need Rinnegan's ability all the time.

"I didn't use my Mangekyou's abilities that often, as i don't like to rely on that. But who knows that it actually hasten the evolution."-Jon

From the information that he got just now, Jon found out that using Mangekyou's abilities too often will slowed the eyes to evolve. It rather make sense to him, as using Mangekyou abilities will damage the eyes slowly. That's why before it can evolve, the eyes will get blinded first.

Evolving his eyes didn't instantly make him stronger. However, it increase his range of abilities & Rinnegan's abilities are really powerful. Now Jon's winning percentage have raised a lot.

"Now, let's try these new abilities, shall we?"-Jon smirk

Jon deactivate his ribs susanoo and wait for the enemies to move, but they just keep on their place. It seem they got wary after they saw Jon's new eyes. They don't know what happen, so they need to be cautious.

"If you just stay silent, then i'll move first. Mechanical Hands!"-Jon

8 mechanical hands appear on Jon's body, with 4 on each left & right. Jon then raise his mechanical hands, open all his palms, and point them at enemies.

"Bansho Ten'in (Universal Pull)!"-Jon

Suddenly the 5 Elders, Kong, Zillan, Pothra, & CP-0 Chief got pulled by a strong force. The enemies didn't have any time to react because they're too surprised, and Jon pull them as fast as possible. Then they are grabbed by Jon's mechanical hands, except the Tall Elder, which he caught with his real right hand.

"You've got me quite the trouble by your space manipulation. Now i will make sure you won't have any energy to use it again."-Jon say to Tall Elder

"Hmph, i can-"-Tall Elder

"Power Drain!"-Jon

Before the Tall Elder finished, Jon absorb the energy from their body. He just change the name of this technique a little to his liking. Jon didn't just absorb chakra, but he also absorb haki energy. Maybe because it is some kind of spiritual energy similar with chakra, or because he is in this world and can use haki.

The chakra & haki absorbtion make the enemies can't use their power. Their energy is disturbed, so they can't utilize it. Even the ones without devil fruit can't fight back because their energy is drained fast.

'This chakra absorption technique is faster than Kabuto's absorption seal. Maybe i'll combine them later, as both are seals.'-Jon

It didn't take long for Jon to deplete their chakra & haki. Chakra is energy that owned by every living being, and it also support physical power. It just a matter of being able to manipulate it or not, so now with their chakra depleted, they can't move at all.

Jon himself is full of energy now after absorbing their chakra & haki. His chakra reserve has raised in capacity after he activated his Rinnegan, but it didn't fill his chakra. He also have lost many chakra from his fight, so he these people's chakra have fill his chakra reserve.

Jon then teleport to Bonney and ask her to return the 5 Elders to their real age, and the CP-0 Chief to baby. Altough they can't move again now, but Jon can't take any risk. Maybe they have some kind of secret technique or tools to fill their energy.

"Yo-you caught them all? And now you have a lot of hands?"-Bonney

"Don't worry about it, just do what i asked! I'll send you to my ship after this, the last battle will start soon. It is dangerous here."-Jon

"Okay, geez. No need to rush me like that."-Bonney grumbling

Bonney do as Jon asked, and then Jon put the baby CP-0 Chief to a cage with the other CP-0 babies. Then he teleport the old fogeys to Mary Geoise, before teleport back to Bonney.

"Where do you want to go?"-Jon

"Huh? What do you mean?"-Bonney

"I mean where do you want me to send you?"-Jon

"Hmm, did you have options?"-Bonney

"Sabaody, Fishman Island, Impel Down, or our ship in New Marineford."-Jon


"Hey, hey, relax! I just give you some options. Those places are rather close, so i can teleport you without spending too much energy."-Jon

"Tsk, just send me to Sabaody! And don't forget about the pills!"-Bonney


Jon give Bonney some Military Rations Pills and send her to Sabaody. Now Jon can raze this place completely.

"Let's put an end to this, i have some guests after all."-Jon

Jon teleport to Pangaea Castle's Throne Room. He see Im is still on her throne, stoic as usual. There's no change in her expression even after all her subordinates got defeated.

"From every future that i saw, you never showed up and do all of these. It means that some steps which i took to change the future have caused this mess. Now tell me, why did you do this?"-Im

"If one of those steps that you took to change the future is the assassination attempt on Alabasta Kingdom, then that will be the reason."-Jon

Im is rather surprised & widen her eyes a little. Then she close her eyes and seem to realize what Jon mean.

"So that's how it is. One wrong choice, and i lose. You are not the one who was mentioned by Joy Boy, so i completely overlooked you. Who knows that you will be my doom rather than him."-Im

"Him? Who do you mean?"-Jon raise an eyebrow



Suddenly, an explosion is heard from the city. Jon & Im is alerted and both of them seem to know who create that explosion.

"You don't seem surprised."-Jon

"I have saw this scenario from my future sight."-Im

"Is that so?"-Jon


The door of the Throne Room suddenly got destroyed, and some people enter it.

"ZEHAHAHAHA, this is easier than i thought."-Teach

The one who come to Mary Geoise & attack it, is Blackbeard Pirates. Jon already knew it from his Zetsu who disguised as Burgess. At first, he thought that Blackbeard will join the fray at the war on New Marineford, but when he contact 'Burgess', Teach is actually plan to attack Mary Geoise.

The reason is, of course the treasures on Mary Geoise. Teach know that Mary Geoise have many treasures, and he want them. With the war diverting WG's & Marine's focus, they can attack Mary Geoise for the treasures.

"You're late by a lot, Teach."-Jon

"Demon Eyes!? Why're you here? Wait! Don't tell me you're the one who attack this place before we arrived here?!"-Teach

Jon just stay silent while thinking of something.

"Boss, can i attack him? I have a grudge with him, a very big grudge."-Devon

"Wait, don't be rash! He attacked this place singlehandedly and didn't lose. We can't take him lightly, he is different."-Teach

"Are you chickening out?"-Jon smirk

Devon got really irritated and attack Jon even after Teach warn her. She thrust her spear, and the spear is buzzing. Jon see at the spear & it is vibrating at a very high speed. Then the spear attack create a sharp pierce in the air and it move toward Jon.

"You have a new devil fruit, huh?"-Jon smirk

Jon just flicker to the side & avoid the attack. It looks fast, but it's nothing in front of Jon's new eyes. Jon suddenly draw his sword and swing it down on his right side.


Jon block a sword attack from the invisible Shiryuu.


"You think that turning invisible is enough? I've fought the previous user of this fruit, and i can see him even with my eye's limited ability. Now when i reach this level, your fruit is useless."-Jon


"WIIIHAAWW, Boss, should i attack him?"-Burgess approach Teach



"Okay."-Burgess smirk

Burgess suddenly stab Teach with a knife on the chest. Teach who didn't suspect anything didn't have time to defend and got his chest stabbed by Burgess.

""BOSS!!""-Blackbeard Pirates


"Burgess? No, i am not him."-'Burgess' transform back into Zetsu #6

Blackbeard Pirates are surprised greatly by this. None of them suspect anything because Zetsu act perfectly like Burgess.

"You, the reason you got weaker is not because of poison, but it's because you're not Burgess in the first place."-Augur

"Exactly."-Zetsu merge with the ground and come out near Jon

Zetsu didn't have the exact power as Burgess, but he can copy Burgess' moves because he have the knowledge. So Jon told him to fool Blackbeards by saying he got poisoned by Jon in their colosseum battle.

"What'd you get?"-Jon

"Devil fruits, weapons, informations, and a lot more. I put everything in the scrolls."-Zetsu #6

Zetsu #6 take out some scrolls from his stomach. Jon just nod without taking the scrolls.

"Go to #1's location, you'll get killed if you stay here."-Jon

"Okay."-Zetsu #6

#6 merge with the ground, and the Blackbeard Pirates shoot him, but he leave first. Doc Q is checking Teach's wound that have started to turn black, and it spread. The knife have poison on it, and it's not just normal poison, it's the combination of Tsunade's, Sasori's, & Chiyo's poison, and the dose is high.

"Boss, i can't remove it now. This poison is very strange, and need some research first."-Doc Q

"Tch, i'll suppress it with my power for now."-Teach

Teach use his darkness power to suppress the poison and prevent it from spreading too fast. Then he look at Jon with eyes full of hate & anger.

"Where's Burgess?"-Teach

"Did you really need to ask?"-Jon

"He died, huh? Damn."-Teach

Jon ignore Teach and look at Im who didn't move at all and just look at them with stoic face. Jon decide to make his move and he activate his Kyuubi & Sage Mode. His sudden transformation alerted the Blackbeard Pirates and they get ready to fight.

Jon just take a glance at Teach, but then he suddenly teleport outside. He see many of Blackbeard Pirates are checking buildings & take many valuables. He also see the massive Sanjuan Wolf & then he also see Weevil & his mom, who have joined Blackbeard.

Jon just take a glance at them before looking far outside the city. Suddenly red trnsparent wall appear and surround the Holy City. Jon have send his clones to activate the Red Yang Seal formation. He havr prepared the seal for this formation since he freed the slaves.

Jon is satisfied with this, then he fly to the Castle's rooftop. Jon use a jutsu to amplify hos voice, so everyone in the city will hear him.

"Everyone of you here have caused a lot of destruction on this world. Many people suffer because of you and you gave them pain."-Jon

"What's he gonna do? Get ready! He must've planned something."-Teach prepare his darkness & quake power

"I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."-Jon

"Boss, i have a bad feeling about this."-Shiryuu

"Yeah, everyone get ready to attack at my command!"-Teach

The Blackbeards prepare their attack, and Im also frown now.

"Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace. I will never forget Vivi's pain & the pain of everybody that i met on my journey."-Jon close his eyes

In Jon's mind, there are a lot of faces that appear. His family, Vivi, his crewmates, his friends, and everybody that he met who have suffered a lot in their lives. Jon then open his eyes and spread his hands.

"Shinra Tensei!"-Jon