215. Finish It

Jon has won the battle, but he lost Kusanagi in the process. Jon also have many wounds on his body, but his regeneration keep healing him slowly. He see Im is still conscious with her severe wounds, so he approach her.

"Congratulation.... on your victory. But i..... have a question. Why.... did you protect.... me earlier?"-Im said slowly

"I just want to know, why did you try to kill Vivi."-Jon

"I guess i owe an explanation to you, so i'll tell you the summary."-Im

Im then tell Jon her story, and to Jon's surprise, she has lived for more than 800 years. Im didn't need to tell him how that is possible, as Jon know how she achieve that, Ope Ope no Mi. An Ope Ope user have used it's forbidden ability to make her immortal.

"Wait, if you're immortal, how can you get injured? Shouldn't you regenerate?"-Jon

"The immortality aspect is to not aged, nor sick. However, i still get injured from attacks, and can die from that. I will still healed slowly, but regeneration isn't the aspect of Ope Ope's immortality."-Im

".... It's confusing, but go on!"-Jon

Im continue her story that she was the one who create the World Goverment 800 years ago. She manipulate the 20 big Nations' royals using her power to create the World Goverment. Then these 20 founding Royal families, except Nefertari Family became Celestial Dragons.

"Ooh, that's interesting, but i don't care about that or the reason behind it. Just answer my goddamn question of why you target Vivi old hag!"-Jon is pissed

"..... Sigh, alright, it's because she is one of the key."-Im


Im explain that Vivi is one of the key figure in this era. Nefertari family is the keeper of Poneglyph that contain information about Pluton, and Vivi will be the key figure. It's most likely that Vivi is the one that can activate Pluton.

The other keys are Shirahoshi as Poseidon. She doesn't know the key to Uranus, but there are 2 figure that might have the ability to move all 3 Ancient Weapons. Those 2 are Luffy & Teach, which are the most notable 'D' in this era.

"How about Dragon? Isn't he really notable too?"-Jon

"Yes, but he did not have the trait of Joy Boy's prophecy."-Im

"This prophecy again, i don't know you guys are so religious. Whatever, so i assume Vivi was the easiest target?"-Jon

"That's right, and she is also a Nefertari, which we consider as traitor. Nefertari family is the only one that did not fall under my power, so they're threat. Furthermore, the power of fate, is not on her side."-Im

"Fate is it? If this is a story, will you call it Plot Armor? What an absurd thing."-Jon just didn't know that he also have strong plot armor here

Jon see Im is getting weaker because she lost too much blood. He didn't need to hear anything else anymore. Now he know that the reason for Vivi's assassination attempt is Im's fear of a fucking prophecy.

"Any last word?"-Jon draw his last sword, Inari

"Tell me about the attack that cut my attack easily."-Im

".... That's Dimensional Slash. My new eyes' technique that combine the power of both my MS abilities. The slash use the power of space & time to cut the dimension itself instead of your attack. However, it burden my weapon, and destroy it in the process."-Jon

Jon's new power is more to manipulate dimension, not just cutting it. It's similar to Kaguya, but he can't create or go to another dimensions. Maybe he can do it if his mastery of Rinnegan is high, and he have more chakra. But now, he can only cut the dimension with a lot of chakra, and in the price of losing a sword.

"I see, what an absurd power. Then, good bye."-Im smile

"Yeah, good bye."-Jon

Jon swing his sword and cut Im's neck, killing her instantly. He doesn't care is she's a women, she is his enemy, and she is the World's enemy. She try to kill Vivi, so she should be prepared to die too.

Jon then make some hand seals and put his hands on Im's stomach. Seal words spread on her body, and Jon put a peach fruit on the seal. The peach start to transform into a devil fruit, which is the Mind Mind Fruit.

Jon take the fruit, and then he incinerate Im's body to ash. Who knows what Ope Ope's immortality can do. She might suddenly wake up tomorrow like a zombie. She won't revive again after burnt to ashes, except if she's a phoenix.

Suddenly some of his clones appear from the ground and they put some scrolls in front of him. These clones were the ones that he tasked to take everything in the storage room. Then they even take the time to extract some devil fruits from the dead enemies while Jon fought to death. They all hide underground, and can avoid Im's attack by going deeper.

"The 5 Elders?"-Jon

"Dead, we've confirmed it."-Clone 1

"Anything else?"-Jon

"The Blackbeards also have left. They seem to return to their territory."-Clone 1

Jon dispell them and call Zetsus, which come out from the ground too.

"Have you found the Celestial Dragons?"-Jon

"Yes, we've put your marked kunais on their ships. We also have #4 & #5 to slip in their ship, so we can get information."-Zetsu #1

"Good, now we can get to them anytime we want. For now, i need to rest."-Jon

Jon fall on his back and take a rest for a moment. He decide to meditate while laying on the ground. He eat a chakra pill, and gather senjutsu chakra while healing his wounds. He need to replenish some chakra and head down to New Marineford. He need to finish this war.

~On New Marineford~

The war also enter it's final stage now with only some people remains. The low ranked people have finished their fight with the alliance take the win. Now, only the leader figures of both sides that still stand & fight.

Garp, Sengoku, & Tsuru also finally join the fray after seeing their mens get defeated. And now they fight another unbelievable figures. Rayleigh, Shakky, and Scopper Gaban have came to stop the 3 old people of Marines.

Gaban was called by Rayleigh to look at the war & monitor it with him & Shakky. They didn't intend to join, but when Garp & co move, they move. They said that old generations shouldn't interfere with the young generations' problem, so they stop Garp & co.

On the other side of battlefield, some battles also still commence. Dragon vs Sakazuki, Luffy vs Fujitora, Sabo vs Kizaru, Zoro vs Momousagi, and Sanji vs Tokikake. There are some groups too that have came and they're the reasons why Marine lose fast.

They're Dressrosa, Prodence, and Ryugu Kingdom, and also Sun Pirates. These groups suddenly came in the middle of the battle and assist the alliance. They came without even telling anyone in the alliance, so everyone is surprised.

With them assisting the alliance, it's clear which side that they took. It's a gambling, but they've thought it through & decide to just do it. The 3 Nations knew about Vivi's assassination attempt, and they're worried that they might be next, so they choose to secure their future instead of waiting to be saved again, just like Alabasta.

Previously, when they saw the massive explosion on Mary Geoise, they knew the Holy City was done. However, their war haven't done, so they'll still continue it. The Marine's morale have dropped significantly, and it led to this situation, with only a few of them still stand and fight.

"Sakazuki, Mary Geoise is no more. How about we stop this war? There's no use on resuming it."-Dragon

"Even if Mary Geoise have been destroyed, i will still continue this war. Even without the World Goverment, i will lead my Marines to uphold my Justice. And that means that i will defeat you and all of your mens."-Sakazuki

"Tch, so stubborn & blinded by your own ideal."-Dragon

The battle continue even with their battered form. No one want to back down for their belief and keep fighting for it. Everyone go all out and the battles of these great power houses make everyone else fascinated & can't look away.


Suddenly a loud screeching sound is heard from the sky. They all see a giant golden sword dive at fast speed from the sky. It move toward the New Marineford, and they all got alerted. Everyone scattered and move away from where the sword will fall onto.


The sword hit & stab the grund right in the center of the island. Suddenly the sword move up and fly to the sea. Everyone look at the sea and there is a giant upper body of Jon's humanoid susanoo, and the sword is on it's right hand.

"I've destroyed Mary Geoise, and all the Celestial Dragons have fled to the sea. All officials from World Goverment, including the 5 Elders, and Chief Commander Kong, are dead. Now, surrender and stop this war, or we will fight to death!"-Jon

"Hmph, why should we fear you? You must be very tired after battling alone up there."-Sakazuki

"There's no choice."-Jon

Jon clap his hand, ans his half body humanoid susanoo did the same. He close his eyes, and enter Sage mode, then he open his eyes.

"Sage Art! Mokuton: True Thousand Hands! (Shin Susenju)"-Jon

A giant wood statue appear from the water right under Jon. This is one of Hashirama's ultimate jutsu, that he used to defeat Madara & Kurama on his own. But unlike Hashirama's benevolent looking Buddha statue, Jon's statue look terrifying like a demon. It's also standing very tall that it can stand on the seafloor.

"Now, who want to continue the war?"-Jon

Jon talk with a normal tone, but his gaze is like he look down on every one of them. Well, he literally is looking down on them, because he is in higher position than them. His Rinnegan eyes also make him even more terrifying than before.

The Marines grit their teeth and not sure of what to do. Just the size of Jon's wood statue have scared them. Altough they know that size isn't everything, and their Admirals might be able to fight it, but in their heart, they're still not sure.

Jon decide to give them a warning and send a palm strike. He strike the back of the island where no one is there with a giant wood palm. The palm strike create giant hole that destroy a part of the island. Now everyone is terrified by this, and want to surrender.

Fujitora & Kizaru approach Sakazuki and suggest him to surrender. Even Garp, Sengoku & Tsuru also think the same with them. If they continue, all their soldiers will die pointlessly. With World Goverment's destruction, they've lost the war anyway. Sakazuki however, still look very reluctant and want to continue.

"Sakazuki, it is a hard option, but as a Fleet Admiral, you must choose what's best for every one of us!"-Sengoku

"The best for us is to uphold justice no matter what, that's why we became Marines. If we back down in the threat of death, then we are just a bunch of cowards. Justice without any courage to uphold it, is just a word. You can surrender, but i won't."-Sakazuki walk forward



Sakazuki shout, make everyone look at him.

"Send your best fighter, we'll settle it with old way. A 1 on 1 battle."-Sakazuki

Everyone murmur among themselves and can't believe of what they hear. They think Sakazuki have gone desperate & mad. How can he propose this now? He is on the losing edge, and he propose a duel to settle everything. He is desperate to win this war.

Jon smirk at this, because he know Sakazuki really want to win. His comrades must've wanted to stop before the casualties number got higher. But Sakazuki want to win, he want to uphold his justice, which altough rather wrong, but he believe in it with all his life.

Sakazuki is a ruthless person that will do anything for his justice. But he is a man of principle and will finish what he start. Jon might've hate him for killing Ace & almost kill Luffy, but Jon also have respect for Sakazuki's strong belief. Jon want to jump down and fight Sakazuki, but someone else beat him on it.

"I'll fight you."-Luffy

Everyone is surprised by this, because they thought that no one will accept it. This means that these 2 will decide the result of this war.

"He want to settle everything, huh?"-Jon grin