219. Art of Bullshittery

The Straw Hats & other pirate crews leave New Marineford and go to Dressrosa. Dressrosa is close, and it's one of Straw Hat's territory, so they choose to go there first. They need to get some supplies for their journey to Wano. Other crews like Kuja & Sun pirates decide to return to their base though.

Just some hours after they leave, news about the war spread all over the world like wildfire. The Straw Hats also read the newspaper, and it's very surprising. The Marine & RA announce that they've succeed on their Coup d'etat.

"Why did Marine said that they also join the Coup d'etat?"-Jinbe

"I guess it's to minimize their lost, and to save face. Marine need to be trusted by people, so they can't say they lose the war. It's better to say that they are planning on Coup d'etat."-Robin

They continue to read the news, and it start to explain why Marine did that. The Marine start to explain about Celestial Dragons' crimes which include slavery, islands or towns annihilation, etc. The high tax from Celestial Dragon also made Nations took high taxes from their citizens which lead to poverty.

The World Goverment was run by Celestial Dragons, so they're as bad as them. The Marine can't tolerate this anymore, and decide to take down the World Goverment & Celestial Dragons. To do that, they need to work together with people who have similar vision, Revolutionary Army.

As for the pirate crews, they just say that Dragon ask his son for help. Beside, Luffy is Garp's grandson, so it's not strange to ask for help. The other pirate crews are Straw Hat's allies and subordinates.

"These guys are really good with their Art of Bullshittery."-Jon

"That's what they usually do after all."-Franky

They also publicies all Celestial Dragons behaviour to the world, and it's really effective. The public who thought that Celestial Dragons are Gods and World Goverment is their protector, now get angry. People who have sufferes from CD & WG also start to speak up. They were afraid before, but now with CD & WG's fall, they get the courage to reveal everything.

The mass medias also knew about CD & WG's behaviour, so they add more fuel to this. Public start to believe that Marine & RA are right. However, they are still worry & anxious about the future. They are worried that the New WG will do the same thing, or even worse than the previous WG.

For some days, news about the New World Goverment & Marine become a hot topic. People want to know where this world will run to. The Nations that affiliated with the old WG also want to know the future of their world.

The New World Goverment have been inaugurated 2 days after the war. They've invited every Nation that want to join the New World Goverment to Red Line. They will make something like a Levely to discuss the new Laws.

RA have made the draft Law that they made for years, and discuss it with Marine. They've finalized the draft and only need Nations' agreement.

The Levely will be held in 3 months after they rebuild New Marineford & Mary Geoise. The war have destroyed these 2 places completely, so they need to rebuild it.

"Hmm, bounty posters?"-Nami

Nami find bounty posters while reading the newspaper. There are many bounty posters in the newspaper, that if stacked, it will be a thin book. They check it, and find that these are their new bounties.

"It's not only ours, but almost all pirates that have big contribution in the war."-Robin

"Will i get a good bounty now?"-Chopper

"Of course. If they still gave you small bounty, then they're just too blind."-Usopp

Captain 'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy: 3,5 Billion

'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro: 1,8 Billion

'Black Leg' Vinsmoke Sanji: 1,5 Billion

'Knight of The Sea' Jinbe: 1 Billion

'God' Usopp: 500 Million

'Cyborg' Franky: 500 Million

'Soul King' Brook: 400 Million

'Devil Child' Nico Robin: 350 Million

'Cotton Candy Lover' Tony Tony Chopper: 300 Million

'Cat Burglar' Nami: 200 Million

"WOOHOO! 3,5 Billion."-Luffy

"Guys, look? I have 300 million bounty now."-Chopper

"That's good, Chopper. But it still lower than mine."-Usopp have a smug expression

Everyone celebrate, but then they remember they haven't found some bounties.

"What about Jon, Jane, Carrot & Yamato?"-Nami

Nami search for the 3's bounties and it's located at the bottom.

'Guardian Wolf' Yamato: 1 Billion

"Woah, 1 billion."-Usopp

"Guardian Wolf?"-Yamato

"Your epithet came from your devil fruit. As for Jane & Carrot, they didn't get any bounty yet."-Nami

"Well, i didn't make big impact in the war, so it's normal."-Jane

"Sigh, if only the war happen at night, i will be able to use Sulong and show them how strong i am."-Carrot

Then they look at Jon's bounty poster.

'Demon Eyes' Van D. Jon: 4,5 Billion


""4, 5 BILLION?!""-Everyone

Everyone is surprised at Yamato's bounty, but they're more surprised at Jon's bounty. His bounty is even higher than their captain's bounty. This mean that Jon pose bigger threat than Luffy even though he's not the crew's captain.

"Why did Jon get higher bounty? I am the captain you know."-Luffy is displeased

"There is a description behind the poster, let's check it!"-Nami

"Is it that strange?"-Chopper

"Well, it's not strange actually, considering his feats in the war. Defeating Admiral Ryokugyu, destroying 'Holy Land' Mary Geoise, trashing Blackbeard Pirates & force them to retreat from Mary Geoise singlehandedly in a day. A feat that no one has ever done before."-Robin

They wrote all Jon's feat in the back of his bounty poster, to make everyone realize just how strong he is. They even emphasize in the description, that his bounty can be higher if he make destruction and really attack civilians. They even add that he is as strong & dangerous as Emperors.

The newspaper also stated that even though these pirates helped on Coup d'etat, but pirates are pirates. They are still criminals & dangerous people, so they are still wanted. The ones who get their bounties removed are those from RA, as they're the New WG now.

"Bounty represent the threat value of someone to WG, so because they're WG now, they won't have any threat again, huh?"-Franky

"But, by raising our bounties, won't they ruin their good image? They will looks like ungrateful people."-Usopp

"Not really, they can avoid that actually. Just look at the newspaper."-Sanji

It is stated in the newspaper that Marine & New WG have persuade Straw Hats to leave their piracy activity, but they refused. So there is no choice but to treat them as criminals again. That's why they get their bounty raised now, even though they helped in the Coup d'etat.

Of course, people who don't know how the Straw Hats are, got relieved. They won't agree if Pirates get their bounties removed, especially a strong crew like Straw Hat. The people who know the Straw Hats just laugh, because they know that Straw Hats won't like their bounties removed too.

"Hmm, everyone else also get their bounty raised. They must be very happy."-Luffy

"Yeah, i can even hear their cheer from here."-Jon

They look at the other ships and can really hear the other pirates cheer. Some people get higher bounties, and some finally get their first bounties. They immediately get closer to Thousand Sunny and showing off their bounties to Straw Hats. Then, they have a big party on their ships.

Even so, there is someone that didn't seem happy. Kid is furious now, because his bounty is a lot lower than Luffy. Law also have lower bounty, but he didn't really care about it, so he don't have any reaction.

"Damn you Straw Hat, you took all the spotlight and get very high raise."-Kid

"It's your own fault for not taking the spotlight too. If you just move faster to fight an Admiral, maybe you'll get the same bounty now."-Law

"Tch, he moved faster than me, that's why he get to fought an Admiral."-Kid

"Sigh, it's just a bounty, why're you so worked up on that?"-Jon


"If you're so concerned about bounty, then just raise it. You were targetting an Emperor before you get captured by Kaido right? Why not do it again?"-Jon

"Are you on the list too?"-Kid

"Of course. That's if you have the gut to target me."-Jon smirk

"Tch, i'm not that ungrateful to target my current ally. Maybe i'll do it in the future, but not now, as we're allies currently."-Kid

"Do what you want."-Jon

They continue their party until they got wasted at night. Luckily some people restrained themselves, so they still can control their ships. They move slowly toward Dressrosa under the night sky.

Jon is among those who restrain themselves. Currently, he is on the Crow nest with Vivi, enjoying the breeze. They sit on the roof, with Jon hugging Vivi from behind.

"What do you want to do after this?"-Jon

"I'll return to Alabasta, it's been too long since we left."-Vivi

"Do you want me to help you get there faster?"-Jon

"I will be happy if you can do that. But let's do it after we reach Dressrosa."-Vivi

"We'll reach it tomorrow, so it will be soon."-Jon


"Then, let's enjoy this night to the fullest."-Jon

"Hey, don't forget your promise to my father!"-Vivi

"Alright, alright. Only kiss & hug until marriage. Damn, royal rules are such a pain in the ass."-Jon

"Hihihi, even the kiss is forbidden actually, but he know we've done it, so he allow it."-Vivi

"He should've allow more than it. He want a grandchild, but not even allow us to make one."-Jon

"Jon!"-Vivi got embarassed, and her face is red

"Hahahaha, i know, i know, i just want to tease you."-Jon

Jon is dejected, but he's not really sad about it. Sex is not everything in a relationship, and he won't force Vivi if she don't want to. But at least he try to ask her, for it. She is 18 and he is 19 now, so it should be legal to do it, but she don't want to, so he won't force her.

Jon & Vivi just enjoy the night view & breeze, while eating some snacks & drinks. It's such a long time since they can be relaxed like this. The war have took their time to relax & enjoy their day.

The nexy day, they finally arrive on Dressrosa. Every crew start to buy supplies for their next sail, and they also rest after finally reaching a land. The Straw Hats also enjoy the day on Dressrosa while buying supplies.

Meanwhile, Jon go to Wano using Thunder God jutsu. He'll pick up the rest of Alabasta group to Dressrosa. The Straw Hats will rest on Dressrosa for 2 days, so Jon can use it to help Alabasta group return to their Kingdom faster.

Jon go to Wano palace, and meet with Cobra, Momo, and other important figures. Jon explain to them about the war & it's result briefly. All of them are shocked, but also happy that they win. Jon also tell Cobra about Vivi's request.

"Alright, we will prepare to leave now. She is right that we've left our Kingdom for too long now."-Cobra then tell Igaram to make preparation

"Alright. Then for Wano people, i know you guys have opened your border, but you haven't tell the world about it. I want to ask you something. Do you want to join the New WG, or not?"-Jon

"We haven't think about that, and still focus on repairing our damaged country."-Hiyori

"Then i advise you to think about it now. Wano have helped us in the war, so if you join the WG, you will be one of the founding Nations, like Alabasta. I'm sure you will get some privillage as founding Nation, and it will be good for your future."-Jon

"Hmm, it sound tempting, but we also need to know our priority. We'll think about it and have discussions first."-Momo

"Alright. If you decide to join, just call this number with Denden Mushi."-Jon

Jon give them a Denden Mushi number, which is Dragon's. It's Dragon's request for Jon to ask Wano about this. Wano is strong, and they can be a good ally for the New WG if they decide to join.

Jon then go to meet Hitetsu while Alabasta group prepare their things. He want to ask Hitetsu to make a new ninjato to replace Kusanagi. He want to make one using chakra metal, but decide not to. He will make one with Wano's special metal, Liquor Iron ore, one of the rarest material.

"How long can you make it?"-Jon

"It will take a month if you want one with really good quality."-Hitetsu

"That's fine then."-Jon

Some hours later, Jon finally return to Dressrosa with the Alabasta group, and O-Tama. She beg him to join and won't release his leg, so he can only bring her. She want to see the outside world, and Hitetsu allow her. Hitetsu even told Jon that he will make the sword for free if he take Tama for a short sail, so Jon agree.

"Tama, you stay with Nami, Jane and Robin, alright? I will go for a few hours with Alabasta group."-Jon

"Yes."-Tama go to Jane

"Sigh, i still work even when it's time to rest."-Jon