228. First Day of Fast

Sorry for not uploading in a long time. There are some personal problems that make me can't upload anything. But i've return and i will write again until this story finished. About patreon, forget it, i can't manage it. Sorry for you guys who've support me there, i've disappoint you, but i've returned here and will finish it in here.

I will upload 5 chapters today, and from next monday, i will upload daily again. Sorry for making you wait.


The Straw Hats are training in Jon's mind scape now. Usopp, Nami, and Chopper train with Kurama on who knows where. Luffy and Zoro also want to train with Kurama, but Jon tell them to do it the next day. For now, Kurama will train the trio coward and shape them up a little.

"How if you guys spar among yourself? Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Jinbe can spar together. That way, you can help the other find their weakness and give advice."-Jon

"That's not a bad idea."-Jinbe

"Yeah, we don't need to worry about injury in this place after all."-Sanji

The four of them then leave to find a place to spar. As for Brook, Franky, and Robin, they will train on their own because they know what they need to train. Jon himself will train his sister, Jane on taijutsu so she can protect herself at close range.

"You are a sniper, a NORMAL sniper that use a gun, not a slingshot."-Jon

"No need to emphasized the normal part, right?"-Jane sweatdrop

"Well, i just want to make you the most normal member in our crew."-Jon

"Well, all of you are pretty abnormal, i know that. But my origin is even more abnormal than you, you know."-Jane

"I know, but that's excactly the reason why i want to make you the most normal, because you're still pure, fresh from the oven."-Jon

"Now you talk like i am some kind of cake. Sigh, whatever. So, what will we do now?"-Jane

"Hmm, let's train you to be normal slowly. Now, i will teach you taijutsu, the most basic one."-Jon

Jon then start to teach Jane some basic movement. He teach her the movement for women, as it is different from men. Jane follow Jon's teaching, and she absorb it fast. She was a system, a computer, so her learning ability is high.

"Good, keep up with those movements until your movements become fluid. You might be able to copy the movements easily, but you need to make those movements yours. Move with feeling, not just your mind."-Jon

Jane keep trying the movements that Jon teached. She get more fluid as she train longer, altough it's not apparent. Now she know that it's not as easy as she thought to train tecniques like when she was still a system.

Jon let Jane train her basic taijutsu moves on her own. Meanwhile, he will learn his Rinnegan further to understand it. He might be able to find another usage, and not just those basic techniques that he learn after he get the eyes.

Outside the mind scape, on the real world, Jon is still gathering nature energy. He keep absorbing & releasing nature energy to purify his chakra. The nature energy clean his chakra veins and make them stronger too. So now his chakra veins & storage can hold a lot more chakra.

The nature energy that gather around Jon also affecting his crewmates that sit around him. The nature energy rejuvenate their body and give them energy. It also slowly strengthen their body, because their chakra also got purified. They can't manipulate their chakra like Jon, but every living being have chakra and it affect their body.

In the mindscape, everyone is training hard to improve their abilities. They didn't want to be left too far by Jon who improve really fast. But, they know that Jon always train hard everyday, so they also need to train harder to chase him.

Jon himself is learning his Rinnegan deeper now. He need to understand his Rinnegan deeper to release it's full potential. Jon think that Nagato, Obito, Madara, and Sasuke have just touched the surface of Rinnegan's ability.

Jon think like that because they just use Rinnegan's abilities as it is. They don't even try to use it differently or at least make a little improvisation. Even Jon who have just get his Rinnegan, can utilize the human path to just get in contact with his friend's soul without absorbing it to pull them to his mind scape for training.

'Hmm, Six Paths Techniques. Deva Path, Preta Path, Asura Path, Naraka Path, Human Path, and Animal Path. Each path have different ability, but why is it, that only Deva Path have more abilities than the others?'-Jon

Deva path grant the user ability to creat pushing & pulling force. Then it also give another ability, Chibaku Tensei, which is like a gravity. Jon even suspect that Madara's ability to pull 2 big ass meteors on the 4th Shinobi war was from Deva Path's ability.

However, other paths only have 1 ability each, but Jon didn't believe that. He believe these paths have more abilities, and he just need to explore it. That's why he need to understand his Rinnegan, because he might find a very good ability.

'Talking about each path's ability, i haven't try the Animal & Naraka Path. Hmm, i'll try it when i need to.'-Jon

Jon continue his learning of Rinnegan in his mind scape. He also help Jane once in a while in her taijutsu training. She's very diligent in her training, and ask Jon everytime she have difficulties. Of course this make Jon proud as her big brother.

Then, without the Straw Hat's realization, morning have come. They're too absorbed in their training, and didn't realize many hours have passed. Furthermore, in the mindscpae, the scenery didn't change, and it's hard to know the time.

Jon summon them all with just a thought, and stop their training. He tell them it's morning already, so they need to stop training for tonight. They nod and Jon get them out from his mind scape.

"Ooh, i don't feel tired even after all that training."-Luffy

"He's right. Is it because we train with our mind, not our body?"-Nami

"That's right, you train with your mind, so your body won't be tired at all. It's almost like when you dream in your sleep, but now you can train in that dream like state."-Jon

"Will it burden our mind though? We might get too stressed because our mind didn't get any rest."-Robin

"If your mind isn't strong enough, then it's possible to get tired mentally. Just take a rest at day to avoid being stressed. If you still got too tired mentally, just tell me about it, and i will help you."-Jon

Everyone nod and then Jon teleport them back to their room in Astrid's house. Then they go to do their own thing and enjoy their day. It's still the first day, so they didn't feel any difficulties at all. Jon also tell his sister to not spend too much money because she is the one who carry all their money in inventory.

"Remember to not get too tired physically or mentally alright? It's still the first day, we still have 11 days more."-Jon

""We know.""-Straw Hats

The others go out, while Jon himself decide to stay in the room and learn fuinjutsu. He still have a fuinjutsu that he want to create and haven't succeed since he left WCI. He want to make a Seal to store nature energy.

"Hmm, talking about chakra storing, i haven't use my Yin Seal that much since my battle with Kaido."-Jon

Since his battle with Kaido, Jon never use his Yin Seal to supply chakra anymore. It's because he don't feel the need to use it, especially after his meditation on Fishman Island. Jon could gather nature energy a lot faster since his meditation, so he prefer to use nature energy than Yin Seal.

"It's better to use nature energy as soon as my chakra turn low. Yin Seal will be my last resort when my chakra really depleted. I also didn't need the healing properties of the seal's Creation Rebirth because of my Hashirama's gene."-Jon

Jon is really glad to have high chakra amount now. He know that many shinobis on Naruto World depleted their chakra in the fight, and get themselves killed. Jon is also glad that this world really support physical growth, so he can always rely on his physical power, not just chakra power.

Jon leave that thought and focus on his fuinjutsu learning. If he can store nature energy, it will be very helpful on a battle. In a high leveled battle, every second matter. He can't waste even a second, and gathering nature energy is not that fast.

The fastest that Jon can do to gather nature energy is a minute if the enclvironment is good. It will be longer if the environment is really bad like Wano's wasteland. He can use clones to gather it while he fight, but in emergency situation, a stored energy can saved his life.

Jon always try to improve himself, and never become overconfident. He might have defeated Kaido, Ryokugyu, 5 Elders, Kong, Im, and even forced Blackbeards to retreat, but he know he is not omnipotent, and he is no God. Jon is a true believer of 'There is sky above sky', and he even think there are more skies above that.

More than that, the reason he always try to improve & learn anything he could is because he want to. Jon has high curiousity and always want to know a lot. He know human's brain have limit, and he is not the smartest guy in the world, but he always try to learn.

Jon then make some shadow clones to help him learning the fuinjutsu. Shadow clone jutsu is the reason Jon could learn faster than other people. He abuse this jutsu to make him grow faster than anyone else. When it's combined with his potential, his growth is really terrifying.

Jon learn fuinjutsu until noon in the room like a NEET. He decide to stop when he got exhausted mentally. Jon then meditate again after his study, he didn't know what to do now after all.

"Boss, are you free?"-Zetsu #1

"What is it, Zetsu?"-Jon

"Uhm, we actually see something that we like on the market, hehehe."-Zetsu #1 scratch the back of his head

"Sigh, just say that you need money. Go ask Jane! She is the one who carry all the money."-Jon

"Well, young miss want me to ask you first."-Zetsu #1

"I allow it, now go! I need to train again."-Jon

"Thanks boss."-Zetsu #1

"Don't forget to do your surveilance job!"-Jon

"Understood."-Zetsu #1

Zetsu leave and Jon continue his meditation. He meditate in Astrid's house because he want to repay the family for their hospitality. With him gathering nature energy here, the family will get benefits like his crewmates.

Meanwhile, the other Straw Hats are enjoying their day with the Giants. Usopp is learning to be a great warrior with Jarul, the most veteran warrior here. Chopper also learn Giants' medical knowledge and broaden his own knowledge.

Sanji learn many recipes from some Chefs and housewifes. He also flirt with some Female Giants without any care for size difference. Nami & Jane just walk around to find anything they like.

Luffy is playing around with some Giants and didn't even try to save his energy. Jinbe is there and he keep reprimanding Luffy, but it just passed Luffy's ears without getting on his brain. Zoro train his body a little to keep it in shape, altough that little training is hard enough for normal people.

Franky is on Sunny and do his research to make new tech & weapon. Brook is having a performance in the villafe and entertain the Giants. Robin is still exploring the islamd to learn it's history.

All in all, the Straw Hats forget Jon's warning to not getting tired. They don't even rest for a few hours even when some Giants take a rest. Then, when they return to Astrid's house and meet Jon, they look really tired.

"I said to not get tired right? Was that really hard to understand?"-Jon have a big tickmark on his forehead

"Sigh, we don't know that doing normal things when fasting can make us this tired."-Nami

"It's because you didn't get any nutrition at all when you fast. This is why i told you to take a rest even if it's just for a moment, right?"-Jon

""Yes, we're sorry.""-Straw Hats

Jon just sigh and then take them to meditate again. At least they will get some energy from the meditation. But with this, they will learn to not get tired for the next days.