231. Battle in Hunger

The war between Big Mom pirates vs Straw Hats & Elbaf have started. Both sides attack the other relentlessly and cause casualties. Big Mom pirates lose more troops than the giants, but they still have a lot more.

The biggest problem in this war is that Big Mom pirates have prepared strategy, while the Giants & Straw Hats didn't. The Straw Hats & Giant can only move according to enemy's movement.

One of Big Mom pirates' strategy is for Big Mom's children to disturb Straw Hats in their fight with the lower ranked members. However, Jane who positioned at the very rear help the Straw Hats from the ones who disturb them. With Jon's clone's assistance, Jane can help the others on time.

"Hmm? Someone is attacking the ones on disturbance task, perorin."-Perospero

Perospero who stay behind to give command realize Jane's interference. He decide to attack Jane, but she is too far. Perospero then create a candy bow and arrows. He shoot the arrows on Jane's direction to make them fall on Jane.

The arrows start to move and fall on Jane's position. Jon's clone make a wood dome to protect them from the arrows. Perospero is about to attack again, but then, a cannon ball is shot at him.

"I'm not late, am i?"-Franky

"Took you long enough, Franky."-Sanji

"Sorry, i need to prepare the weapons first. Usopp, let's do it!"-Franky


"Wait! I want to join too."-Chopper

Usopp, & Chopper go to Sunny and enter the vehicles dock. Unsurprisingly, Nami follow them and they take the Brachio Tank 5. They come out from the ship and start to attack Big Mom pirates with the Tank's cannon. The firepower has been upgraded by Franky, so it become stronger.

Then Franky also come out on his battle bike, FRU-4. Franky start to go around the battlefield and crash many enemies with his bike. He also shoot them with the guns on his shoulders.

"FRANKY! USOPP! Attack the ones who surround us!"-Jon

""Okay!""-Franky & Usopp

Franky & Usopp start to attack the homies & pirates who surround the Straw Hats. This will help them to have more space & stop Big Mom pirates' momentum. Jane also use this chance to shoot at the Charlottes who attack the Straw Hats.

"Damn, they gain the momentum now."-Daifuku

"Don't worry about that, Daifuku! Just focus on yout task now!"-Perospero

"But some of the homies have been destroyed."-Daifuku

"Then attack him directly!"-Perospero

"Tch, fine."-Daifuku

Daifuku & the other Charlottes start to attack the Straw Hats directly now. They send the homies to focus on attacking the Giants. With the Charlottes fighting the Straw Hats directly, Jane can't aim for clean shot now. She might accidentally hit the Straw Hats if she force herself to shoot.

"If you can't assist them, then just shoot for those homies that scattered everywhere. At least you can reduce their number slowly."-Jon's clone


Jane start to shoot at the homies who scattered on the battlefield. The homies try to attack the giants and disturb them, while the main attackers are the Charlottes & their officers.


Most of the Charlottes & officers who attack the Giants have devil fruits. While the Giants didn't have many devil fruit users. The Giants are already very strong without devil fruits, but their range of abilities are limited.

But even with the Giants' immense power, it's not easy to fight Big Mom pirates. They have prepared their strategy and assign suitable opponent based on their power. Big Mom pirates use Katakuri's strong Observation haki to find suitable opponent for each of them.

The Giants start to get pushed slowly by the enemies. They've defeated a lot, but more enemies come to attack them again, especially the homies. Big Mom pirates spam their homies to attack the Giants and assist the humans.

The Giants' big body also make them easy targets. Furthermore, the Giants are not in their best shape today. Even if the Giants are used to fast for 12 days every year, but it won't change the fact that their energy is very low on the last day.

If even the Giants who are used to fast every year are affected, the Straw Hats will got more affected than that. They have some energy left because they join Jon's meditation. The nature energy that Jon gather around him when he meditated give their body a little boost of energy.

The little boost of energy is like a hormon boost. Nature energy affect their body indirectly, and create energy booster. But it won't last long, they need real energy from food, or they will run out of power soon.


Jon is now fighting Katakuri in one on one battle with his taijutsu & kenjutsu. Katakuri also use his trident to fight Jon, and he use his mochi power to increase his attack range. He also utilize advanced Observation and even armament haki.

'He can use advanced armament now? Or maybe he could use it since long ago, but didn't use it when he fought Luffy? Well, what matter is he can use it now, so i should be careful of that.'-Jon

Jon continue to fight with Katakuri, and use his eyes & observation haki to the max. Jon might not be able to see a little to the future like Luffy or Katakuri, but his eyes allow him to close that gap. Jon can see almost everything with his rinnegan, and combined with observation haki, he can sense everything around him.

Katakuri hold his trident, then twist his mochi arm. He aim at Jon, then thrust his trident to Jon while untwisting his arm at high speed.

"Mochi Thrust!"-Katakuri

The trident thrust move at a very high speed toward Jon, but Jon can see it just fine.

"Shinra Tensei!"-Jon

Jon use Shinra Tensei at the thrust attack and repell it. The sheer force of Jon's jutsu push the trident back and destroy Katakuri's mochi arm. But his arm return to normal again, because Katakuri know it will happen and turn his arm into mochi at last second.

Jon actually can dodge the thrust attack, but he choose to counter it. It's because if he dodge, the thrust attack will hit Jinbe who fight behind him. Jinbe is occupied to fight Oven, so he won't realize an incoming attack from Katakuri.

"Before we continue, i want to ask something. Are you the one who took Cracker's Pretzel?"-Katakuri

"Yeah, what about it?"-Jon

"How much that you want to return that sword?"-Katakuri

"Who knows? I take his sword in exchange for his life, and it's a reward for the winner. Maybe if you defeat me, i will return the sword."-Jon

"Fair enough."-Katakuri

Jon then rush to Katakuri with swords on his hand. Katakuri see a glimpse of future where Jon throw a sword at him, and he dodge, but Jon suddenly appear on the sword and slash at him.

Katakuri try to prevent that event by stopping Jon from throwing a sword. So Katakuri send a lot punches covered in armament to Jon like Luffy's gattling gun. But Jon can avoid the fast punches using his eyes that can see every punch.

Jon see an opening and throw Inari to Katakuri. Katakuri see a glimpse of future, and know it's too late to get away. So he take his trident and dodge Jon's flying sword. Jon suddenly teleport to his sword then swing it on Katakuri, so Katakuri use his trident to block.

"Are you trying to change this event just now?"-Jon grin

"Indeed, but it seem to be harder to change the future when fighting you."-Katakuri

"But at least you can prevent fatal injury."-Jon

Jon is about to attack Katakuri with the other sword, but suddenly he jump to the side. Jon just dodge a sword attack that came from the side so suddenly. He look at the attacker, Smoothie which should fight with Luffy.

"Why did you come here, Smoothie?"-Katakuri

"Mama's order, she want to take care of Straw Hat herself, so she order me to help you here."-Smoothie

Jon is surprised, then he look at Luffy & Big Mom who start to fight. Luffy is already in his Gear 4th, Bounce Man to fight Big Mom.

"Tsk, he will just tired himself by using Gear 4th. But it's not like he have another option now. I guess my plan will be executed faster than prediction."-Jon

"You're distracted."-Smoothie

Smoothie slash her sword at Jon, and cut Jon's body cleanly. But then 'Jon' turn into a wood log, Jon just used body exchange. Strangely, the wood log suddenly got wrinkled and lose all it's moisture until it break apart.

"Absorbing moisture from something, that's a dangerous power."-Jon

Jon suddenly appear on top of Smoothie and swing his right sword at her. But then a trident block Jon's sword attack, and Jon see Katakuri elongated his hand to reach Jon's position.

"This future sight is really troublesome."-Jon

Jon look to another side and see Smoothie jump on his right side. She swing her sword vertically from above, and Jon vanish from there. He appear on the ground that have his teleportation mark on it.

'It seem i need to spread my marked kunais around the battlefield. Fighting 2 Sweet Commanders at once is not an easy thing, especially when i'm really hungry right now.'-Jon

Jon make some shadow clones and order them to spread his marked kunais all over the battlefield. His hunger is really affecting him, and he know his crewmates also feel the same. Jon need to prepare to help his crewmates anytime now, so he will spread his marked kunais.

While Jon think about all of that and make some clones to spread his kunai, Smoothie & Katakuri have a little discussion. They talk among themselves with low voice and speak rather fast.

"Isn't this too fast to enter this phase of our plan? I haven't tire him enough in our previous battle."-Katakuri

"What can we do? It's Captain's order. Beside, this guy is the one who defeat Kaido alone. I've witnessed his power myself, so i know it really well, that even both of us might not be able to take him down. Maybe Mama think that we can't wait any longer, because they might try to finish this fast while they're still in good condition."-Smoothie

"Or maybe she just want to fight with Straw Hat now. I still want to fight him alone longer than this, but i think this is the right step to take at this time."-Katakuri

"Did you have any idea to fight him?"-Smoothie


Katakuri tell his plan to Smoothie, and she understand it. Smoothie nod and then they jump back to avoid 2 swords that fly toward them. Jon suddenly appear on the swords and grab them. He plan to kick or slash at them, but they jumped rather far behind.

Now Smoothie & Katakuri are flanking Jon on both sides. Katakuri suddenly turn the ground around him into mochi. Then he create some mochi donuts that fly around him. The donuts turn into fists with armament haki and they start to attack Jon.

Jon dodge the punches fast & agilely while trying to find an opening. He find an opening and almost attack, but then an attack come from his left. Smoothie send a liquid blast with her sword toward Jon, and it didn't hit Katakuri's attack at all. Katakuri have timed his attacks with his future sight to avoid getting hit by Smoothie's attack.


Now Jon need to dodge Katakuri's barrage of attacks and Smoothie's big attack. Jon want to teleport away, but then he realize where Smoothie's attack will go if he dodge. It will hit Robin who fight with Amande there.

"Heeh, cunning bastards."-Jon smirk

Jon smirk at these 2 because he know what they're trying to do. They try to make him block Smoothie's attack, but that will make him got hit by Katakuri's attack. Jon just grin and he create a rib skeletal susanoo to block everything. Of course this surprise Katakuri & Smoothie.

"Damn, i forget about this thing."-Smoothie

"It won't be that easy, Ferguso!"-Jon smirk