238. Bored Fox

The Straw Hats leave Pasar Island and go to Red Hairs' base. It will take a few days so Jon uses these days to try experimenting again. He does it on a boat pulled by Sunny to avoid destroying Sunny if he fails.

'Kid, when will we fight again?'- Kurama asks so suddenly.

'I don't know. We don't plan to fight soon, but it can happen anytime if we meet enemies on the sea.'- Jon.

'Sigh, I'm really bored. Let me come out and destroy a ship or two.'- Kurama.

'Why don't you help me with my experiment if you are bored then?'- Jon.

'No way. I don't understand much about combining 2 chakra elements. Besides, it's too troublesome and I don't like to think of something difficult like this.'- Kurama.

'Sigh, alright then, I will let you fight when we meet enemies.'- Jon.

Kurama grins satisfiedly before he closes his eyes again. This fox is really lazy when he doesn't have anything to do. But once he moves, he can destroy everything he wants.

Jon then leaves Kurama alone and resumes his experiment. But suddenly, he sees something far behind them. It's just a small dot on the sea but Jon knows clearly what it is and so is Kurama.

'Kid!'- Kurama.

'Sigh, I know, I know.'- Jon.

Jon switches with Kurama and suddenly a gigantic & glowing yelloe Nine-Tailed Fox appear on the sea. Kurama transforms into his original size after he switched place with Jon. It surprises the Straw Hats who are relaxing on their ship.

"What happens?"- Nami asks as she runs to the rear deck.

"I don't know. Jon does something."- Zoro.

The Straw Hats gather on the rear deck and watch as Kurama runs to somewhere behind them. Usopp takes his binocular and looks at where Kurama is running to. He sees a pirate ship far away from them and immediately knows why Kurama runs there.

"He must've wanted to attack that pirate ship."- Usopp.

"Damn, he wants to take all the fun alone."- Zoro.

"He better takes all their valuables."- Nami.

"Can't you guys be more worried about him?"- Usopp asks.

The others look at him strangely and Robin asks, "The one that we need to worry isn't him, but those pirates."

"Ah, I think you're right."- Usopp.

Far behind the Straw Hats, the said pirate crew has seen Kurama runs toward them. They all are panicking seeing a gigantic & glowing beast running on the sea toward their ship. They aren't smart but they all know that they are this beast's targets.


"I CAN SEE THAT, I'M NOT BLIND. Damn, we were just chasing the Straw Hats to know where they are going. Why would a gigantic beast like that suddenly appears?"- Enemy Captain.

The pirate crew seems to not know that this giant beast is Jon's power. They haven't gathered information about Straw Hats and don't know much about their targets. They are proofs that gathering information about their target is important.

"What should we do, Captain?"- another man asks.

"There's no other choice, we need to fight it. That thing is faster than our ship, so we can't escape. The only way left is fighting it."- enemy Captain.

"A-Are you sure about that?"- a timid man asks.

"Of course, we can only do it anyway. Even if we can run & escape, Master Blackbeard will kill us."- enemy Captain.

This crew is actually Blackbeard's subordinate crew, the Shaved-Beard Pirates. They were tasked to follow the Straw Hats' and report their movements after leaving Pasar Island. Teach is planning something with the Straw Hats as his targets.

Too bad for them, Jon found them even though they've kept their distance. They've distanced themselves very far from the Straw Hats, but Jon's sharp eyes could see them. Now they become Kurama's playing targets instead.

Kurama reaches the ship fast and the pirate crew has waited for him. They immediately attack him using their cannons & other weapons. All their attacks hit Kurama because he is big, making it easy to aim at his body.

He doesn't really need to do it, but Kurama protects his body using his tails. All the pirates' attacks now hit Kurama's 9 tails that act like shields. The attacks hit him but none of them cause any damage to him.

'Why are you taking their attacks?'- Jon asks confusedly.

'To give them hope before I crush them.'- Kurama says sadistically, making Jon sighs.

The pirates keep attacking Kurama who stays defensive. They think their attacks work because Kurama keeps protecting himself with his tails. But then they realize that there's no damage on Kurama's tails at all.

"Do our attacks really work?"- enemy Captain.

"They do."- Kurama suddenly talks, surprising the pirates.

Kurama opens his tails shield as the pirates stop their attacks because they are too surprised. He smiles sinisterly at them, causing them to tremble in fear with cold sweats running down their backs.

"Your attacks hurt, like mosquitos' bites."- Kurama says while grinning.

Kurama suddenly hits the water using his tails, creating a water explosion. The explosion creates giant waves that shake the ship and almost flip it. All the pirates on the ship becomes more panic as they try to stabilize their ship.

Their struggle makes Kurama more excited so he starts to create more waves to shake the ship. He also splash a lot of water onto the ship so it will fill the ship's cabins. If the pirates don't remove the water soon, they can sink.

Kurama plays with the pirate ship while moving around it. He ignores the pirates' attacks which aren't posing any threat to him. Their attacks don't even scratch him.

Jon watches Kurama's action while sighing. He orders a white Zetsu to infiltrate the ship and steal any valuable. He knows that Nami will scold him if he doesn't do it and he always like to steal his enemies' valuables.

White Zetsu finishes his job fast, right on time before Kurama gets bored playing. The pirates on the ship also has gotten very tired and can't fight back again now. So they just give up and wait for death to come to them.

"Tch, such boring people. If you want to die so much, then just die!"- Kurama.

Kurama grabs the ship with 2 hands and then he throws it to a random direction like a baseball until the ship disappears. "Homerun!"


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