243. Blackbeard's Attack

Jon is using Flying Thunder God Jutsu to teleport from Red Hair Pirates' base. But he doesn't teleport to Alabasta directly because the distance is too far for him to even sense the mark on Vivi's body. So he teleports to the furthest distance he can reach first, New Marineford.

He teleports to the Marine HQ using the mark he left in the last World War. But the HQ has changed a lot now since the reformation of World Government and Marine. His mark is still there though, but it's now located in the plaza.

Jon appears right in the middle of many Marine soldiers who are doing a kind of ceremony. He is quite surprised and immediately disappears before anyone sees him. Well, many people has seen him, but because he disappears so fast, they thought they are just hallucinating as it is very hot here.

Leaving the New Marineford, Jon teleports to Sabaody. He was in a rush, so he just teleports to the nearest mark. Luckily, the mark on Sabaody is located on the top of a mangroove, so he doesn't encounter people.

Jon concentrates and tries to find the mark on Vivi's body. He finally finds it even though it's faint because of the distance. So he immediately teleports there and reaches Alabasta in an instant.

When he arrives, Vivi is in the middle of changing her clothes. Jon appears behind her and he is relieved that she is fine. Then his eyes are glued to her body and he doesn't make any sound. He is very interested by what he sees even though he never felt anything when seeing Nami & Robin naked a few times.

Vivi turns around and finally sees Jon, so she screams, "KYAA! OH MY GOSH, JON! IS THAT YOU?"

"Who else?" asks Jon.

Vivi holds her chest because she is so surprised and says, "Why are you here? No, before that, why don't you say anything if you're here?"

" I heard a bad news, so I came as fast as I could using my jutsu. As for the 2md question, well, let's say I was enjoying God's amazing creation," says Jon without any shame.

Of course, it makes Vivi blushes, but she's also pissed, so she hits Jon's stomach because his head is too high for her.

"So, I guess you've heard it," says Vivi while tying her hair.

Jon who lies on the floor answers, "Yeah, I just got the information."

"Your information network is very fast, isn't it? It has just been 15 - 20 minutes since they landed. Even the closest island won't hear about this yet, but you've heard it already," says Vivi.

"That's for sure. There's no way the news of this place won't reach my ears in a short time. I've built my hidden village here, so if the news are slow, then I will need to increase my ninjas' training. So, what's the situation?" asks Jon.

"They are attacking Nanohana and take a lot of citizens as hostages," says Vivi with a grim expression.

"Hostages? Those bastards are actually taking hostages?" asks Jon surprisedly because he never thought that Teach would do that.

"Yeah, they demand that the Royal Family come there if we want to save the citizens. They especially asked for me," says Vivi.

"You? Why?" asks Jon while holding his anger.

"I don't know for sure, but Pel assumed that it's because of you. Our relationship has spread after you saved us after the Levely. If I recall correctly, you were destroying their crew on Mary Geoise, right? It seems they are trying to use me to get back on you," says Vivi.

Veins pop out of Jon's forehead and he pissedly says, "It seems they want more beating from me. Fine, if that's what they want, then I will give it to them as much as they want."

"What are you going to do?" asks Vivi curiously.

Jon smirks and says, "You'll see it later, Princess. Just stay here and watch the show. It will be a very good show, I promise."

Vivi is curious about the plan, but she knows by seeingJon's face that he won't reveal it. Still, she agrees because she knows their only hope is Jon now. Then they meet the other Royal Family members and the ministers who also get surprised seeing Jon has arrived here so fast.

Just like Vivi, they all agree to Jon's plan even though they don't know what it is. It's not like they can doubt a plan of someone who has done a lot of incredible things. Besides, only Jon can solve this problem now because no one in this Kingdom can.

Sometime later, a big group of people comes out of the castle. There are Vivi, Cobra, the ministers, and a lot of soldiers. They all are marching to Nanohana where Blackbeard Pirates are waiting to get their demands fulfilled.

The citizens on Royal Capital Alubarna are looking at the group worriedly. They love their Royal Family, so they are very worried because the Royals will face a great danger. But they also can't do anything because they are powerless.

It doesn't take long for the Royal Family group to reach Nanohana. They sail using a ship on the massive river to cut their travel time. People's lives are at stake here, so they can't waste any time.

"ZEHAHAHA, you've come, Nefertari family, I've been waiting for you," says Blackbeard gleefully when he sees the Royal Family's ship arrives.

"Blackbeard Teach, we have come as you want, so release our people," says Cobra.

"Don't be stupid, old King! Do you think I will just release them because you've come here. Tell your soldiers to discard their weapons and then you all come closer," says Teach while grinning.

Cobra clicks his tongue and he orders his soldiers to do what Teach asked. They all throw their weapons after a short hesitation. Then everyone gets out of the ship and approaches the Blackbeard Pirates.

Teach smirks and waves his hand forward as a sign for his men. A lot of men then come forward to tie and cuff the Alabasta group. They tie the soldiers and cuff those who have devil fruit abilities like Pel & Vivi.

"Zehahaha, this is how we'll talk so we will know who hold the power here," says Teach.

"Blackbeard, you've caught us now, so release the citizens of this town," says Cobra firmly.

"Ho, you might look weak & sickly, old man. But you sure have the spirit of a real King. The princess also keeps glaring at me, how scary. No wonder Demon Eyes likes you," says Teach while grinning.

"As I thought, you are targetting Jon," says Vivi.

"That's right, princess, I am targeting him. But don't be mistaken, it's not for revenge. I have something more important to get from him, his mysterious and ridiculous devil fruit," says Teach while grinning excitedly.

Just like most people, Teach thinks that Jon is a devil fruit user because that's the only thing that can make that kind of power. Teach has an unknown method to steal devio fruits from their users, and he is very interested in Jon because Jon can control all basic elements and even does more strange things like he has more than one Devil Fruit.

Vivi scoffs & says, "If you are aiming for him, then go and challenge him. Jon will take your challenge anytime because he likes to fight. Or maybe you aren't confident to win against him in a direct confrontation. That's why you want to use us against Jon. Heh, I never thought that the Emperor Blackbeard Teach is such a pussy."

"Well, I think that's why you couldn't even start on your own and latched on Whitebeard's ass until 2 years ago. Then you also needed to take his power after The Marine cornered him and take his territories after he's died rather than facing him head-on before the Summit War yourself. You're just a pussy who can't do anything yourself, aren't you, Teach? You can't even fix those teeth," says Vivi while smirking.

Everyone os speechless when they hear Vivi's roast to Teach. Such a little girl dares to mock an Emperor of the Sea who has done many attrocities.

Of course, Teach is very pissed and his veins pop out on his forehead, "You damn little bitch, I will kill you after Demon Eyes."


I have uploaded until the last chapter (Chapter 280) and my new work (Un-Solo Leveling) in patreon.

