247. Toying Blackbeards

Jon's threat obviously angers the Blackbeards because it's always them who do it. They were always the ones taking people's devil fruits. But now, they are the ones being targeted, and that is by just 1 man who already taken 3 of their crew's devil fruits.

They see Jon drops Augur who has fainted after getting all his energy drained. Jon took every bit of energy in Augur's body, including his haki energy that get absorbed by Jon's body. This absorption power of Rinnegan is very useful to replenish its user's energy in battles.

The enraged Blackbeard Pirates immediately attack Jon together. They know there is no other way except fighting Jon now because he has targeted them. Also, they are trapped inside Jon's Yang Barrier, so fighting him is their only choice.

Jon grins as he watched them rushing at him angrily. He sees them start using their devil fruit abilities to attack him. The first one to attack him is the massive man, Sanjuan Wolf who hasn't done anything significant since earlier.

Wolf sends a massive punch at Jon that seems like it can decimate a whole island. But Jon just looks at it calmly before a golden skeletal arm suddenly appears on his right. The golden skeletal arm form a fist with its hand and punches Wolf's punch back.

A strong impact is created from the clash, but no one actually losing on the clash. Jon's skeletal susanoo's armn can stop Sanjuan Wolf's punch without any problem. His susanoo has become much stronger after he gained Rinnegan, after all, so it has this much power now.

Jon grins and then creates the other susanoo arms. He has 4 susanoo arms and he makes them all to fight the Blackbeard Pirates. His body is surrounded by his Susanoo's golden ribs, so the Blackbeards need to break them to even injure him.

The Blackbeard Pirates look very different now after they activated their devil fruit abilities. Devon transforms into a massive cat with 2 tails, Shiryu disappears, and Laffitte transforms into a half-bird half-human. His devil fruit is Mythical Zoan, Bird Bird Fruit, model: Siren.

Yes, Siren, a mythical bird in ancient Greek mythology. It's a mythical bird which is not as popular as its mermaid sibling. Although they have quite similar ability to allure people using something like hypnotic ability which Laffitte is famous for.

Anyway, the others also show their devil fruit abilities. Vasco's body turns red as liquid comes out of his skin as the effect of his Sake Sake Fruit. Pizarro transforms into a Nemean Lion, while Burgess still looks the same because his devil fruit is affecting his strength, not his appearance as it is a Strong Strong Fruit.

Jon just grins as he handles all of them using just his Skeletal Susanoo arms. He likes to fight, but he likes humiliating Blackbeards even more. So he uses his Skeletal Susanoo arms instead of fighting them using his own hands.

But they are better than he thought because their combined effort can crack his skeletal susanoo. Teach tries to slip his darkness particles into Jon's susanoo through the cracks and ground. That's a smart strategy, but he needs to move very fast to catch Jon.

Jon realizes it and jumps away while dispeling his susanoo. He moves quite far from the Blackbeard Pirates and then he stretches his body as if he is getting ready to finally become more serious. To show that, Jon takes out his twin ninjatos and plays with them.

"Are you ready, scums?" asks Jon to the wary Blackbeard Pirates who have been serious all this time.

"Time to start the party. Let's dance, motherfuckers," says Jon while grinning before he dashes toward his enemies.

Jon moves toward an empty place and swings his left ninjato. Clueless people will be confused, but the Blackbeard Pirates are surprised instead. Jon doesn't just swing his blade randomly, he is attacking the invisible Shiryu who blocks his attack while still being invisible.

Then Jon swings his ninjatos at high speed and metal clashing sounds reverberate in the area. He and Shiryu are clashing even though it looks like Jon is just swinging his blades randomly to attack air. Shiryu moves around, but Jon can always follow him closely.

The Blackbeard Pirates are surprised by this because Shiryu can't just hide his appearance. He can even hide his presence to a high level that even strong Observation Haki user can be fooled. So they are surprised Jon could find Shiryu and even initiated the attack.

Normally, strong Haki users could only react in the last second when Shiryu attacked them. There hasn't anyone who could attack him first while he's invisible. This is the first time someone attack Shiryu first since he has his devil fruit, so they are very surprised.

Now they finally realized why he's called 'Demon Eyes'. His eyes really can see what usually can't be seen even by great people. After he got his rinnegan, his sight ability became even greater and now he can see Shiryu very clearly.

Well, Jon can't really see Shiryu's real appearance while being invisible. What he sees is Shiryu's chakra because every living being has chakra in their bodies. Even Haki is a form of chakra and everyone has it, although not everyone can use it.

Because he can see Haki, Jon can see Shiryu's sword that gets covered in Haki too. That's why even without using his Observation Haki, Jon can see Shiryi's attack easily. His eyesight is also very great that he can see the movement of the air around Shiryu which helps him sees Shiryu's movements.

Jon grins as he clashes his blades against Shiryu's sword. He isn't a pure swordsman, but he enjoys sword fight as much as he enjoys other kinds of fight. A battle maniac like him who learned many kinds of skills will like any kind of battle, even dirty ones.

"What's wrong, former officer? Is this what the best swordsman in Blackbeard Pirates only capable of? Our small doctor will wipe the floor using you as the mop," says Jon while grinning.

Shiryu doesn't answer because he wants to put all his focus in this fight. Jon is much stronger and better in swordsmanship than he thought. He knows Jon isn't a pure swordsman and not the best swordsman in Straw Hat Pirates, so he could only wonder how strong their best swordsman in a sword battle is.

The other Blackbeard Pirates move to help Shiryu who has a hard time against Jon. But then, some wood clones that Jon made come out of the ground to stop them. These wood clones aren't as strong as Jon, but they can buy time for him so he can focus on fighting Shiryu.

His clones also have an ability that will help them a lot. They can communicate with each other using something like telepathy. So they can coordinate their attacks very well which makes them very hard to deal with.

They can also use almost all of Jon's ninjutsus that they can make using their limited chakra. But even with that limitation, they are still as strong as high level Jonins. So stopping the Blackbeard Pirates for a while won't be a big problem for them.

It's quite scary to think of actually because Jon has the power of an entire crew by himself. That's why many people who know his power wonder why he still follows Luffy. But Jon never had the desire to lead his own crew. He enjoys adventuring with his friends and that's the most important thing in his 2nd life, having fun, living life to the fullest.