255. Log Pose's Last Island

Jon's group is surrounded by this island's beasts, but only Zoro & Jon know them because these beasts are hiding very well. Zoro & Jon only found them because they kept using their Observation Haki too.

"These beasts are quite intelligent. They don't just jump at us."

"Maybe they are being wary of each other instead of being wary of us, like they are worried their prey will be stolen."

"Sigh, we don't have time for this. I'll just scare them so they'll leave."

Jon throws some kunais with paper bombs attached to them at the hiding beasts. Some kunais don't hit the beasts because they are hiding behind the big trees, but they still hit nearby spots.

So when the paper bombs explode, the explosions are still enough to scare the beasts. Even if the explosions aren't strong enough to kill them, the loud explosions are still enough to startle these beasts that never see bombs before.

These beasts most likely haven't been born when the last humans, which were Whitebeard Pirates came to this island, after all. The beasts at that time have most likely died already by now and these beasts are their offspring.

"Good, my paper bombs are enough to scare them away. This means we don't need to waste our energy fighting them."

"I wonder what the other group would do to handle this situation."

"I don't know, but they can use the same strategy with Usopp's bullets. Let's contact them. We'll tell them about this even though Luffy might be eager to fight the beasts just like this moss head that looks disappointed now."

Jon calls the other group that actually is fighting the beasts now. He tells them to avoid unnecessary fights and to just repel the beasts because they could get separated then get lost by chasing those beasts. The tall grass will block their visions, so it'll be hard to find each other.

Jon slaps his forehead and sighs. "They can use their observation haki to find you, but I doubt they are smart enough to think about that, especially Luffy. Also, they might chase the beasts too far so you'll be out of their haki ranges. Well, there's no need to worry about them. They will be fine with their strength. Just make sure that you guys don't get separated too. I'll send clones to find them. You'll be fine with Jinbe, Brook, & Usopp there."

"Usopp, remember to just scare them. Don't provoke them or it will be difficult to handle. Try to hit the area near them so they'll get scared. If you hit them, then they might get angry and attack you."

They continue their exploration after Jon sent some clones to find Luffy & Sanji. But it doesn't take long for Sanji to return to his group on his own. He realized he was separated from them quickly and used observation haki to find them.

Luffy is still not found though and they can't find him even with their Observation Haki. It means he has gone too far that he is out of their detection ranges. They also know that Luffy wouldn't even try to find them and would just go alone to have fun.

Well, at least the one getting separated is Luffy, so they don't need to worry. If there's something that can defeat Luffy on this island, then it would be problematic for them because that means there is an Emperor-level beast here.

Back to Jon's group who keeps scaring the wild beasts lurking around them as they move. Jon uses both his Observation Haki and Sharingan to detect the hiding beasts. It is troublesome, but it's better than fighting unnecessarily.

Sometimes, there are beasts that don't get scared and jump at them. The others would deal with those beasts with Zoro being the main attacker. They fight without separating themselves from each other which makes it more difficult, but they don't really have a big problem because of their good teamwork.

"Nami, have you found out the time we'll need to set the Eternal Pose?"

"Then we could stay here for days or even weeks without any clarity. Well, that's also a part of adventure in a new place. Alright, let's meet up, it's almost dark. Throw the kunai I gave you to the ground, we'll teleport there."

Nami does as Jon says and after a while, Jon's group teleports to Nami's group location. They still can't find Luffy, but they aren't worried at all. Luffy can protect himself and Jon's clones have spread to find him, so they're sure it won't take long for Luffy to return.

Jon creates a very tall Red Yang barrier to protect them from beasts at night. It's also a good mark for Luffy to find them if he can see this and understand that it is Jon's barrier. His brain isn't the brightest bulb, after all, so he might not understand it.

Sanji cooks the ingredients that Jane stored in her inventory. He cooks a lot as usual with Luffy's portion included. Jon's clones will bring Luffy back and he knows their Captain will be very hungry, so he needs to cook a lot.

One of Jon's shadow clones suddenly appears inside the camp with the starving Luffy. The clone found Luffy lying weakly on the ground covered by the tall grass. Luffy was starving after losing his bento when chasing the beasts.

"Oh, your bag got ripped by something. You didn't realize your bag was getting lighter when all your bento dropped?"

"Ugh, I was having too much fun chasing that strange monkey. It has sheep horns and turtle shells."

"Did you catch it?"

"Yeah, I beat him up, but he left when I slept."

"Sigh, just make sure to not move on your own again. Stay with your group from now on."


"Listen to me or we won't give you any bento tomorrow. Jinbe will hold your bag, so you won't eat anything if you get separated from your group. Next time this happens again, I won't send my clones to find you, so you can get starved to death."

Threatening Luffy with food is very effective as he nods furiously at the thought of being starved. Jon sounds ruthless, but he just wants to ensure everyone's safety. They have become very strong indeed, but they still can die and carelessness could lead to death.

This is an unknown island with an unknown environment. So far they only encountered things they could handle. But there are still unknown risks. Powerful beasts, unknown disease, unknown phenomena, and more unknown dangers that could threaten their lives.

Jon is worried they would get separated again, coincidentally or not. To prevent that, he places Thunder God Flash marks on his crewmates' bodies. This way, he can always find them and teleport to their locations if needed.

"There is still no visible change in the Eternal Pose's needle. I guess it means it will take a long time for the Eternal Pose to complete."

"Then, let's just keep exploring this island until the Eternal Pose is set."

They finish their discussion soon and start a small party. Even if they've faced some dangers on this island, it's also a fact that they've succeeded at reaching the last island pointed by Log Pose.

It's an achievement that only a handful of people had ever gotten throughout history. So it really is worth a celebration. It's a bit late though as they should've done it before exploring this island, but they were too tired from facing the absurd sea and too excited to explore after seeing the island's strange beasts.

The next day, they continue to explore the island. Jon still has his shadow clones moving on the parts they can't cover. The shadow clones are moving on the trees at high speed. But their advancements are slow because they need to cover very wide areas.

On the way, Jon's group stops many times because they find traces of human civilizations. Robin checks all the remains and assumes that humans once lived here hundreds of years ago. She assumes that they were people from the Void Age.

"We may find more traces if we go deeper into the island. There may be clues about the last island here too. We may learn more about the past and about Laugh Tale."