262. Giant Poneglyph

They enter the giant poneglyph through the door that Jon cut. It's very dark inside, so Franky uses his Nipple Light to illuminate the dark room. What they enter is a big room with a lot of big pipes on the ceiling.

"Hey Jon, there are things like tubes & cables in the place you've cut."

"Oh, maybe those are the things used to test the blood. Maybe the blood was supposed to be dropped on the door panel or something. Well, whatever. We're already inside now."

They look around the room and see some corridors. There are also signs and pointers with codes like A1, A2, etc.

"Those must be signs to rooms inside this building. Should we split?"

"Yeah, it'll take forever if we move together."

The crew then splits into groups of 2 and 3 to explore the building. Jon is moving with his sister, Jane, to make sure she is safe because they don't know what kind of danger is waiting for them here.

The 1st room they enter is coded as B3, which seems to be an office. There are some desks and cabinets filled with books. What piques Jon's interest is how clean everything here is. There's no dirt or even dust, as if it's been cleaned every day.

"How interesting."

The 2 of them look around and check the books and papers. But as they've thought, they can't read anything because everything is written in the ancient language used on poneglyphs. This means that only Robin can read all of these.

"Should I store everything, brother?"

"No, let's just leave them here for now. We'll ask Robin what she wants to do with them later."

They keep looking around and check everything in the room. Then Jon suddenly finds a hidden compartment under the main desk. He opens it and a golden gun suddenly drops out of it. It amazes him because it looks just like those things in movies.

Jon checks the other desks and they all have the same compartments. However, the other guns look plain compared to the golden gun because they have normal dark metal color. The golden gun has some good carving on it while the other guns are just plain.

"So the boss got a better gun, totally normal. But I'm curious about their firepower."

"We can't try them here."

"I know. Let's just keep them to be tested later."

"Have we checked everything?"

"I think so. It's hard to tell if we're done with how dark this room is even with my sharingan. The flashlights that Franky gave us can't illuminate the whole room, so it's difficult."

Right after Jon said that, the room suddenly becomes bright. All the lamps in the room suddenly light up, surprising them. Jon quickly moves in front of Jane and gets into a fighting stance with his swords in hands.

*Puru puru puru*

"Who is this? You ok?"

"Ah, that's why the lamps suddenly lit up. I thought something happened like someone triggered something dangerous."

"What? Robot?"

It doesn't take long for Jon to understand what Franky means. Five car tire sized metal balls suddenly roll into the room. They stop near the door before suddenly transforming. Legs, arms, & heads come out of the metal balls as if they are transformers.

[Detecting 2 intruders.]

Some small gun barrels suddenly come out of the robots' bodies. They are aimed at Jon & Jane.

[Intruder, you are not welcomed here. Please kindly leave or we will force you to leave.]

"Wow, are these robots really the products of ancient civilizations of more than 800 years ago? They are very advanced. It will be difficult to create these things even with the current technology."

"How did they perish if they have this level of technology at their disposal?"

"Well, even with a very advanced technological level, they were still just 1 Kingdom. It would be very difficult even for them to face the siege of 20 other Big Kingdoms. I even suspect that there weren't just 20 Kingdoms. There must be more participants back then, but the 20 Kingdoms were the main actors."

Robin has read many poneglyphs and records so far, so she has gotten some knowledge of what happened in the past. Jon is someone who's very curious about everything, so obviously he had asked Robin about the history and know all of these.

"Although technology can give great power, it has been proved for many years that living beings in this world can achieve unbelievable power that even rival Gods, especially with the help of Devil Fruits. Even now, no one in the world knows if all devil fruits have been discovered. There might be many undiscovered devil fruits that have scarier abilities than the ones we know."

"That really makes sense."

"Furthermore, the current level of technology in the world may be the result of this ancient Kingdom's destruction. They were very advanced, but their destruction made a lot of knowledge disappear. So the next generation needed to start from low levels again and it needed hundreds of years just to reach the same level. Especially because the previous World Government tried so hard to hide any information about the ancient civilization."

There's no sense of crisis even though the 2 of them are under the robots' threat. If these robots have emotions, they would be fuming with anger by now for being ignored.

[Please leave this facility in 10 seconds or we will attack.]

The robots start counting down from 10 to 1, but Jon & Jane aren't leaving. They are more curious about the robots power, so they want the robots to attack them. Besides, there's no way they would just leave this place after everything they've done.

The robots start shooting numerous bullets at them. These bullets' speed is higher than the average firearms and packs more power. But they still can't break through Jon's skeletal susanoo's defense.

[Detecting unique devil fruit ability. Changing bullets to anti devil fruit users.]

The shots stop for a while before being continued after Jon hears some clicking sound from the robots' bodies. They continue to shoot his skeletal susanoo. But the result is still the same even though they say they change their bullets.

Jon picks one of the new bullets and the old one to see what has changed. Jane also looks at them curiously under the barrage of bullets. The robots just keep shooting, but the 2 of them are ignoring the attacks and just investigate the bullets.

"Oh, so that's why they said these are anti devil fruit users bullets. Too bad I'm not a devil fruit user."

"But this looks bad for our friends."

"Yeah, let's check them."

Jon uses Thunder God Flash and they disappear from the room. Of course, they bring the guns they found there. The robots are scanning the room to find them, but obviously they can't find anything, so they send reports to the other robots about the siblings' appearances.

Meanwhile, Jon & Jane have teleported to the location of Brook & Robin. They seem to be in a library with many bookshelves. Just like Jon & Jane, they are surrounded by robots. But these robots haven't attacked them at all.

"What's the situation? Why don't they attack you?"

"It seems they are being very careful because we are in the library. They probably don't want to damage the books here, so they just ask us to leave. Also, I've tried to communicate with them."

"Huh? You can talk with them?"

"Yeah, these robots are smart."

"Okay? So what were you talking about?"

"I asked them what we should do to be allowed to stay here because the original owner of this place has long gone. They said that even if the owner has died, they still need to protect this place from intruders like us."

"So we can do nothing about this situation?"

"No, they said that if we can get the right to own this place, then they won't attack us anymore and even obey us."

"Huh? We can do that?"

"Yes, but only one person in the world can be the owner of this place. Joy Boy."