ch 2. suganam "battle ground"

the battle was on. joon felt ready. so so ready. he would defeat that excuse of a rapper. he would proof that he was the king. there was no other option. he would destroy suga. his biggest rival. detroy him!

he circled his shoulders, played with the mic and waited for his cue.

they didnt gave the other any weak spot. they didnt react to insults. they knew each other too good. they knew each other since years. they both were good.

nobody won, nobody lost. it was a .... not what anyone expected. the jury couldnt tell who was better. so both won the round. both would be kings for the week, until there would be another battle, like always.

pissed, joon stomped into the bathroom and stared into the mirrow. he worked so hard for that thing, he worked so fucking damn hard, for what?! to be as good as suga? that dwarf?!

another contestant came into the bathroom, smirked at him and leaned against the sink.

"oy, rapmonster, huh?" "shut up" "why so hostile?" "i cant stand u and u lost, so...get lost" "lol, i will beat u next time. u will fall from the top soon"

"dont think so u fucker. rm and i will kill u on stage again and again and again. dont be so over yourself and get another freaking name, u sound lame" joon and the rapper looked at the stall door, where surprisingly suga stood. "asshole, why are u mixing in others people shit?!" the rapper growled. "hey u should shut it! and suga is right!" "oh dont tell me, that u two fuckers are collab now?!" joon and suga, aka yoongi, looked at each other and grinned. "why not" "maybe"

"hey!" yoongi looked back and saw joon running up to him. "what u want?" "we really should do it" "collab? why not a group right away?" "are u mocking my proposal?" "kinda?" yoongi chuckled. joon sighed and rubbed his eyes. his stomach growled. "i think u didnt eat?" "nope" "lets go" "where?" "u will see"

yoongi watched amused joon eating, he looked like a predator devouring a whole goat.

"how is the kebap?" "hmmhhhmmmm" yoongi grinned wide. "ushouldsmilelikethatoften" joon fastly spoke and shoved another huge bite into his mouth. "dont tell anyone. they think that i am the emo rapper anyway and i dont like them knowing that i am not, okay?" joon only nodded, still chewing like a squirel. "u look pathetic.... why didnt u eat?" he gulped his alcohol down. "i was nervous and when i am nervous, i cant eat" "hmmm? u are funny" joon finished his meal, burped, leaned happily back on his seat and gulped some of his beer down. he looked like the cheshire cat. yoongi shook his head and crossed his arms.

"so... collab?" joon smirked. "dont know" "come on, we are the best rappers here. forget bullfrog or freebe, they are nothing. u know that" yoongi nodded. he put his chin on his beerbottle and pursed his lips. "i know... i will think about it, okay?" "okay, lets drink"

they wobbled drunk to some cabs and drove to their homes. joon gave yoongi his number and forced him to give him his. joon looked closley at the messages he sent yoongi, still with a huge hangover, still in his bed, waiting for a reply.


"just woke up. u are annoying as fuck. leave me alone"

"morning darrrrrling" wakey wakey! we should get a hangover meal"

"i am tired"

"stop whining u pussy!"

"i hate u"

"no u dont! whats your adress"

"i am not giving it"

"okay, be there"

"wait...what?!..... hello?...hello?...."

joon grinned. he had that ad, he had yoongis number, he would know in seconds where he lived.

a shower, coffee, outfit and off he was, took a cab and told the driver where to go. in minutes he was at yoongis home. he called him, after he paid the cabbie.

"what u want now?" "get your ass out" "why?" joon grinned, yoongi was a whiney. "come out now" "maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....dont want to" "come out come out, where ever u are" "are we children now?" "come out" "fuck u" yoongi hung up, but was out in minutes.

"morning" joon chimed. yoongi only growled and groaned. joon grinned and pulled the unwilling parcipient with him. they walked to a coffeeshop and after about a gallon of that dark beverage, yoongi slowly woke up. "we need to work" "did i gave u any indication of my consent?" joon raised a brow and bit his lip. yoongi felt suddenly goosbumps. maybe the hangover. "okay, okay" he gave up. "frog and freebe are gonna collab too to destroy us next week" "wha??? that fucker!" "now u are interested!" "of course, did u think u are that interesting for me?" "pussy, i am inrestistable" "huuuuu? lol" "u should see my dick" yoongi coughed, he got his coffee into the wrong tube. joon grinned. he was confident of himself.

"why would i like to see your dick?" "i never said, u would like it, only that u should see it" yoongi scoffed. "stop grinning" "are u red?! wow" "shut your mouth! i am not red" "dont tell me u are still a virgin?!" "i am 19, why should i still be a fucking virgin?!" "how many partners u had?" yoongi looked at joon with a "watch it" caption. joon shrugged. "i had about 23" "wow, slut!" "more fuckboy" "u are?" "what?" "a fuckboy?" "i think so.... u can say that..." "why?" joon pouted. "i think when my love cheated and left me" "oh" "i just thought, i should get some experience to be better in bed, she probably cheated, cause she was my first" "how did u feel?" "hmmm... angry, humiliated, hurt, devasted... and more" "wow... i know these feelings. i know them too good.... we should use those emotions and write a song about" "u think?" yoongi nodded. he was already writing notes down. joon didnt noticed the small book he had in hand.

they met every day, worked on their battle rimes and on the song the whole time, until late at night. joon would stay over at yoongis, or the other way around. they became very close, almost friends, they almost liked each other, they respected each other, but still rivals.

"so... i have the music done, u should go over it and put your flavor to it, the studio is booked for tomorrow. we have 4 hours" yoongi nodded and sighed. he felt exhausted. "lets go to sleep, i need some" joon smiled and helped him to get out of the sweater. "i am too tired to take a shower" "uhu" joon pulled the shirt off. "i am ...soooo tired" yoongi whispered. "i know....bumps up" yoongi heaved his hips up, joon pulled the sweats down. "socks too" yoongi whined. "yes master" "i am even too tired to call u names" joon chuckled. yoongi was now only in his briefs. joon was costum to it, he did it for many times. still surprised by yoongis white complection. how white could a person be, without being an albino or other skin compleacations?! he really should let the sun kiss him from time to time! joon undressed himself and layed down next to him.

"are u ready for tonight?" "so so ready. we gonna destroy those fried rappers" "fried?! lol"

the night came. the crowd was huge. it got words out that the two rival rappers, rm and suga together against ... the others. they let the "fried" rappers start, were amused about the "insults", they really just warmed up some crap, others threw at them in old battles, nothing new and then rm and suga ignited the fire. the poor boys got roasted, burrrrrrned, destroyed, nuked, ended. the crowed was cheering, flipping out, having the time of their lifes.

no surprise, rm and suga, were the true kings in that battle, went out of the club, after drinking and partying, with a lot of cash in their pockets.

they drove in sugas car and were happy. "oh maaaan! their faces! priceless!!!!" joon laughed. "i know! amazing! we fucked them good" "fucked?.... by the way, what was that with your tongue?" "huh?" "the line with "i ll make any girl or man come by my tongue" thing" "oh... wasnt good?" "no no, it was a great line.... just..." "tongue technology" "lol.... technology..." "i am really good with my tongue" "i know, u are really fast and u can still hear the words clear" "didnt mean talking or rapping" yoongi gave him a smirk. joons face was priceless, it took him a while to understand the under tone. "oh! oooohhhhhh!!!! okay?" yoongi bursted out in laughter. "u mean.... i get it" "do u?" "yeah, i am not innocent?! nor stupid" "never thought so" ... "can i ask u a question?" "sure?!" "are u into guys too?" "wasnt it obvious?" yoongi said surprised and looked at joon. joon only looked back. yoongi sighed. "are u disgusted now? pissed that i didnt told u earlier? wanna end our friendship now?" yoongi sounded bitter. "nope, why shouldnt i. what u do in bed is your privat thing. but it would be better, if u told me beforehand, so if those wannabe rappers threw that shit onto u, i could and can protect u" "nobody knows. i dont take guys from the club home" "where do u get them anyway?" "internet" "wow, yoongs, thats dangerous! u never know who u let into your home, man!" "i dont like gay clubs and i am not desperate to buy me one off the streets" "ewww... nasty!" yoongi gave him a smug look. "u are funny u know?" joon looked surprised. "i thought we established that long ago" yoongi laughed. "no, man. on stage and with your lyrics, u are an animal, make the pussys wet, but in reality u are...." "what?! sexy, hot, great, hung like a horse" yoongi needed to stop the car and couldnt stop laughing. "hey! thats mean u shitheat!" "sorry,...but..... sexy, hot and hung like a horse?! what does your dicksize do in this sentence?!" joon grinned and shrugged. "it is what it is!" "oh" "so what am i, when i am not on stage?" "cute, innocent, unexpirienced" "what?!?!?! so not true! unexperienced!" joon scoffed. "do u know how many girls i had in the past months?!" "yeah with girls, joon, not with guys. u are a virgin with guys" joon stood still, pouted and nodded. "true..... still...." yoongi chuckled and drove home.

"do i need to undress u again?" "naaaaa, i can do it .... or wait.... yeah, please" "what? u arent tired and u just said...." "come on! i hadnt had one in months to undress me" "am i your fucking maid or butler now?" yoongi grinned, layed down on his bed and stretched his limbs out. "please?!" "stop that puppy look!" "pleaaaassseeee?!" joon sighed. "annoying lazy fucker!" "u can shower me too" "what? no way in hell" "please?" "no" "please" "u know what? i get u naked, put u under your shower, but nothing more" "oooohhhhh???" "stop it!" joon looked sternly at the pouting, big eyed guy. "okay..... i am disappointed" "get over it" joon not really gently removed all clothing from yoongi, threw him over his shoulder, what gave yoongi the opportunity to slap joons butt and put him into the shower. "now clean yourself" "yeah yeah.... dont u wanna come in with me? we save water" joon scoffed. "i mean it, seriously, i dont wanna have my waterbill up" "oh come on" joon sighed annoyed, removed his clothes and stood next to yoongi in the small shower.

"we have to move in synch, there is not enough space" "oh really, idiot?!" "dont be an asshole, joon" yoongi sighed. "sorry..... " joon flinshed, when yoongi leaned his back into his body, wrapping his arms in the process around the smaller and skinny friend. "u really should eat more and work out a bit and while u doing it, get some tan, man!" yoongi smirked and nodded. "yeah.... i didnt take much care, did i?" "look at the difference" he pressed his arm against yoongis. "looks like u make advertising for some dairy company or for wheat flour no. 405" "ha ha, funny asshole" joon grinned. he really tried hard not to look at his friends naked body too much. when he removed yoongis briefs, he looked elsewhere. but he looked, took a glimpse. the last secret of yoongis body. no, not the last..... the last was his really nice butt. joon felt it pressed against his crotch. he sighed and started to think of disgusting things. he needed to cool down. "damn it" he mumbled. "what?" "nothing"

they grabbed towels and walked back to the bedroom. yoongi had it lazly wrapped around and so lost it on the way. he didnt care much. joon only sighed and after he caught himself staring at the round, lillywhite butt cheeks, adverted his gaze elsewhere. "little shithead....he does this on purpose!" he mumbled under his breath. "what u said?" "nothing" yoongi crawled on all four into bed, what made joons eyes roll. he gritted his teeth, put some sweats on and layed next to the temptation. yoongi stretched his body, moaned in the process deliciously. joon had enough. he sat up and turned to him. "can u stop?!" "with what?" "with all that" "with what?" joon sighed. "seriously, are u seducing me?" "do i?!" yoongi grinned and also sat up. "stop grinning u moron" what only made yoongi grin wider. "does it work?" "what?" "seducing?" "..... can u stop?" joons face was hilariously red. yoongi enjoyed it so much. "oh my god! u like that! u are horny!" "shut up and nooooo?!" "u are so fucking hot for me! HA!" "stop or else...." "else, what?!" yoongi crooked a brow and smirked.

joon had enough of it. he got out of the bed and crossed his arms. "what are u doing?" yoongi didnt like that. "i will go home" "no, u wont" "yes i will" "no, u will not go home. i am just screwing with u, okay? i m sorry" "dont do that" "why are u reacting anyway? u are a self proclaimed ladies man" joon huffed. "why are u even reacting to my doings?!" yoongi layed back into his pillow and looked defeated. "i dont know.... but i do react.... it confuses me" "oh.... maybe...." yoongi got out of bed, stood close to joon and leaned forward, kissed him, backed away and watched his reaction. joon was frozen first, but snapped. he grabbed yoongi, pulled him harshly to him, but gently kissed him back.

as the kisses were first tender, they got progressed into passion soon enough. joon couldnt leave the others mouth, he felt at peace, home. their lips molded so perfectly toghether. it was an amazing feeling. they stumbled back to the bed, fell down on it, joons hands found their way to yoongis body, conquer it with ease. joon had to move away eventually, they needed air, so he examined the pale body onto the black sheets and it almost looked too good. it was perfect, like a painting. joon would have loved to take a picture.

"what?" "u are beautiful" "dont shit me" "u are" "shut up" joon grinned and flinshed, when yoongi suddenly sat up forward, grabbing the sweats and pulling them down. "greedy, arent we?" "u have no idea" joon lost his last clothes, yoongi pulled out his lube and condoms and looked at joon. "what do i need to do?" "its almost the same?" "okay, tell me if...." "stop talking!"

skinslapping echoed through the small apartment, low groans, grunts and moans too. they were into their own world. nobody else was granted to enter it. joon was amazed of his friend, his rival rapper, he never thought of seeing him like that. deliciously moaning, moving, full of sweat, reacting to his movements. this was so much to take in.

panting and tired they layed next to each other, one indulging still in the aftermath, one still confused and trying to figure out. they didnt talk, snuggled and fell asleep.

joon woke up first, he inhaled deep and nuzzled his face more into yoongis hair. he spooned him tighter and thought about the last night. he liked what they did, he liked the new experience. he was sure, he could do that again and again, only with yoongi tho. the thought alone of other men, made him shook his head in disgust.

yoongi moved in his sleep, made joon smile....and hard. with a sigh, he gently fingered the hole, satisfied of its wetness and pressed his whole length in. yoongi didnt gave any sound out, he was still out. slowly joon moved his hips, enjoyed the feelings and thightness. yoongi opened his eyes, blinked, needed some seconds to figure out, where and what the hell, he was, happened. he felt movements in him, closed his eyes, smiled and leaned further back into joon.

"morning" "hmmm, morning"