ch 5. namkook "on the race track"

the thing was..... that he lost.

kook was furious. how could he loose the fucking race?! okay, he knew why, his partner egged him on his spoiler and he went into the grit with flying colours. shit! his car was damaged. his baby! and he fucking lost the race! THIS RACE! WHAT WAS TO BE A PIECE OF CAKE FOR HIM!!!! LOST IT!!!

extremly pissed he threw his helmet onto the ground, waited for the safty car and was brought back to his team.

"what was that?" his race boss asked. "u asking me? ask fucking morelli! what the fuck was he doing so close to me! he knew that there was no space for him to get past me! THIS FUCKING IDIOT COSTS ME THE RACE!!!" "calm down, we saw it and he is in huge trouble for it, but right now, he is still in the game. get yourself a smoothie or coffee, sit down, or take a shower, but be fucking silent. we need to concentrate" kook scoffed. "i ll go to tony, seeing how much damage it is" "yeah yeah...juan....come into the box for new tires" kook shook his head and walked to the mechanics.

"shiiiiitttt, maaaaan! my car! what did u do this time?!" tony was shocked. "i did nothing. morelli egged me and off we went" "my wonderfull perfect car!" "stop whining....doesnt look too bad, does it?!" tony only gave kook a grimaced and annoyed face. "it is as bad as if i would have pissed in your kimchi or u in my pasta" "oh" "yesssse oh! ignorant child" tony muttered under his breaths. "i heard that" "i will in future curse in italian" "i almost know every italian curse word by now" kook smirked. tony sighed. "porco, i shouldnt let u be here for so many times" "its my car, i need to know it to the last screw"

mr. kim was pissed, like really really pissed. he walked down from the VIP lounge to his team and stood there with crossed arms.

"why did giovanni egged jungkook?!" luigi, the race boss of the pit team, grimaced at the boss, the owner, and shrugged. "u know them. they are hotblooded. everyone wants to win" "this is my company, my cars, my employees. if they cant work with each other, i will..." "we know boss. kook is pissed. and i will talk with gio, after the race. now excuse me" he turned back to the monitors and watched the cars. joon huffed, made his way back to the mechanics. his breaths stopped for a second. the car looked horrible.

"shit! that will cost" "hey boss" tony mumbled and was occupied with the damage. kook looked up and sighed. shittime was comming. he prepared himself mentally.

"sorry, mr. kim, but..." "i know, i saw it. fucking gio! he should know better" he really looked scary when pissed. kook congratulated himself for not being the reason of his bosses anger, this time. he sighed deeply. "really fucked up. i could have won this thing" mr. kim crooked a brow and hooded his eyes, staring into the deep pits of kooks soul. "u really think u would have won?" "course" kook shrugged. "i could easily past yakamoto, i past hakon and feiner, so....?" he pouted. mr. kim shook his head. "u know u have too much petrol in your blood and u are stubborn as heck. u will die soon in a crash, if u are keeping your style. i didnt promoted u, to crash neither my cars nor yourself." kook looked with big eyes. "i will not..." "u will, kook. better drivers killed themself on the track, than u. u are too hotheaded. cool down, man!" kook just stood there and didnt know what to say. he knew he was a bit .... crazy on the tracks, but he wanted to win.

"u promoted me to win, sir. i wanna win" "still, i dont want u or gio ending like a bug on the windshield" "as if..." kook wanted to protest, but mr. kim raised a hand. "let us talk tomorrow" "when? we are driving down to italy" "u are gonna give me company" "in your car?" "yeah" "as....your driver?" joon looked half amused. "no, i have a driver and u need your break. u will sit next to me on the backseats" "oh.... i dont like the backseats" "just shut up and be outside the hotel at 7am" "okay, boss" joon tsked and walked back to luigi.

kook looked at tony, who just shrugged. "be happy he wants to spend some time with u" "i dont wanna spend time with him and how the fuck, can somebody own a race team, when he doesnt have a lisence?! that makes no sense!" "he drove some race cars" "what? when?" "when he was in his early 20s" "without a lisence?" "didnt matter. he was really good" "why not now?" "a crash" "so? crashes happen" "was a very very bad crash" "tell me" "no. i will not" kook was disappointed.

gio had a hail of scolding down on his head, he wasnt happy, he was furious. he blamed kook. he was pissed, that everyone else blamed him. mr. kim yelled at him for being iresponsible. but he made the 2nd place. why werent they happy?! he gave kook a glare and stomped away. he knew he was the number one. he would proof everybody, that he was a winner.

punctual kook was outside the hotel and waited for mr. kims car. it was a nice car and kooks finger burned to drive it one day. but sadly he had to sit on the backseats.

"morning" "morning mr. kim" "did u sleep well?" "yeah thank u" "did u eat well" "yes" "good" they stayed silent for a while. mr. kim was reading some papers, calling some people. kook took the time to secretly watching him. scaning him up and down. he had to admit, mr. kim was handsome, tall, lean. he had dimples when he showed a rare smile, but now he had bags under his eyes. he looked tired. must be hard, to own so much. kook knew, that mr. kim married into a rich italian family. they had the race team, joon only inherited it, after his wife died. that was all. he didnt knew much else, he was never interested either. but now....

"mr. kim? we just past the italian border" the driver informed. kooks head snapped up. he fell asleep. "oh... nice!" he smiled and turned fully to his window. he loved italy, even he never set a foot on it. mr. kim smiled and closed his papers. "so, enough of the work. wanna drink something?" "what do u have?" "alcohol and non" "hmmm....i shouldnt drink. i have a race tomorrow" mr. kim nodded and poured him some juice. "thanks"

"do u wanna know something?" "huh?" "u glanced at me" "oh... was i obvious?" joon laughed. kook was amazed! he heard his boss laughing for the first time. "ask" "okay...uhm... u drove race cars" "oh great, tony with his big mouth" kook grinned. "yeah, i raced cars. i loved it and i was pretty good. i met my wife on one of my races" "oh! where was it?!" "here, imola" "nice!" joon gave him a gently smile. "it was. she was crazier about the cars than i was. and of all, she was from another team. her dad owned this team." "oh yeah" kook nodded. joon kept quiet for a while, only smiled sadly. "so many memories" "wha....what happened?" kook whispered. mr. kim looked at him, kook thought he would tell him to shut up, but he only sighed big. "the season was great, we won a lot, but... i made a stupid mistake at nurnberg and crashed really bad. that was the end of my career. sophias father took me into his company and i worked myself up. when he died he gave me almost all of it. not the team tho!" joon chuckled. "why not?!" "cause as i said, sophia was more passionate than i was, after the crash. i couldnt even make my lisence. i was too scared to drive.... funny, isnt it" kook shook his head. "its only natural, after such a trauma" "but it wasnt really my own crash.... sophias was the point of it" "she had an accident?!" kook was shocked. "not on the track, but on the way to her mother. country roads are narrow, she was too fast and the tractor was too slow. she was braindead in the hospital" "oh wow.... i am so sorry" "thank u. took me some years to get over it..... thats why i am so strikt with u. i dont want either of u dead on the tracks or anywhere else" "i am a careful driver when i am out there" "u should be on the track too" "but.... " "no buts, kook!" he just called him kook! wow! great idea to drive with him. kook sighed. "i will be more carefull, okay?!" "are u just saying it to shut me up?" "that too" joon laughed. "u are really something, kook. and by the way, u need to be carefull with gio... i have a really bad feeling" "oh? okay, thanks"

they talked the whole ride. kook spoke about his beginnings and his passions, mr. kim, aka joon, about his career more. as they entered imola, kook had the permission to say namjoon to him. he felt very very proud.

the meeting was intense and thanks to the very bad weather, the race was pushed a day further. so they had more time to prepare. after everyone left, kook stayed and looked at his new car closely. he needed to know it. he was familiar with the last one, but this one was brand new. he admired it, like so many times before. this car was perfection in its making. and it needed to be respected. "still here?" kook flinshed and saw namjoon. "oh hey. i thought i was finally alone" he grinned. "should i go?" "no no! i just.... needed to introduce myself to this lady. she is so beautiful" "and a bitch" kook laughed. "what?" "the gear isnt perfect, she is bitching around. we have to figure it out, after u took some rounds tomorrow" "great... taming the beast!" now joon laughed. "sounds better" "i hope u didnt insult her with that...bitch, that wasnt nice" "oohhhh your baby is bitchiy cause i called her a bitch?!" "stop it! dont listen to him, princess! he doesnt know u! u are wonderful!" kook even kissed the car, what made joon laugh out more. "crazy drivers!" he shook his head. "ok, stop making love to your, MY car in fact and come with me" " baby... she will feel lonely" "oh fucking fuck, come on now! i need food, so do u. i know the best little resturant" "we are not going to eat in the hotel?" "nope" "okay.... am i dressed ok?" joon looked him up and down and nodded. "its small, dimmed lights, only folks from around are there, so... no issues" kook looked down on him, shrugged and walked with joon.

"here, u can drive" he threw the keys to kook. "really?!" joon nodded, he knew how much kook wanted to drive this car. they drove for a while and finally arrived at the small vineyard. kook jumped around happily. "thats so amazing! wow! look at all the grapes!" "its a vineyard....sooo?" "oh come on, joon! dont be a grinch" joon flinshed a bit of his nickname. only his wife called him joon. nobody else dared too, but he let it slide for now.

they had a lovely meal, but unfortunatly also a lot of wine. joon didnt think, he was just happy to have somebody else to have dinner than himself. "shit.... now what?!" "what?" "we cant drive home now" "why not?" "cause the police will confiscate my car under my ass, if they catch us driving drunk" "i m no drunk" "u are if u cant say it right" "i am not drunk" "u are enough...shit...wait here" joon stood up and walked to the owner of the vineyard to have a chat. he came back grinning from ear to ear. "we have a room" "huh?" "its a small hotel too" "oh... just one room?" "thats all what was free" "oh...okay...but... i am not really tired now" "okay, lets have a walk" "great"

the full moon gave them enough light on their way through the yard. they climed the small "mountain", not really one, sat down and looked up to the clear stary sky. "wow.... thats beautiful! u cant see that in seoul! too many lights around" joon only nodded. "it is beautiful" they enjoyed the scenery for a while. "please be careful tomorrow" "its only the practice round" "still" joon really sounded concerned. "why tho?" "what why?" "why are u telling me to be more careful?" "cause i am your boss and my cars costs a lot" "oh... is it just because of your cars?" joon looked at him. the moonlight gave kooks face an eiry glow. with his long dark hair, he almost looked aetheral. joon had to touch that wonderwall. kook didnt backed away, he didnt flinsh, he stood still, wondering what joon would do else. his nerves were suddenly highwired, he felt goosebumps, butterflies in his stomach, just because of the sudden touch of his boss? or bc of the anticipation of what might happen after? he couldnt say, but leaned forward.

he felt warm and soft, such sweet full lips. wonderfull sexy lips. kook wanted more, pulled joon to him closer, kissed him more passionate, had the balls to conquer the mouth with his tongue and sensually played with it. they didnt know who started it, they didnt care that it wasnt really appropriate, they didnt gave a fuck that they were both men. it felt good, it felt natural, it felt right. kook was more greedy, he wouldnt let joon take a breath. joon pushed him down on the light wet grass and gave them some air. they stared at each other. "what are we doing?" joon whispered. "dont know and dont care, come back here" joon smirked. "u are the same in kissing as in on the tracks" "u should see me in bed. now come here" he pulled joon back down on him, devoured his tongue and mouth again. "we should go back to the hotel" joon breathlessly stated. kook only whined. "later" "no, come kook. dont be stubborn" "but we continue there, right?!" "u really are a greedy fucker" "i am. i wanna always win" "are u winning now?" "depends" "okay?" "if we continue in bed" "u want that?" kook nodded. "i really really want it" "what u want?" "u" "for what?" "for everything, but now... u know" "say it" "i want to lick your body, i wanna taste your skin, i wanna bury my hands into your hair, wanna scratch your back, wanna kneed your butt, wanna...." "u are just drunk.... and i am a guy" "thats why. and i am not that drunk. i want u" he gave joon some puppy eyes. joon had to restrain himself. "we cant kook" "we can" he rubbed suddenly joons cock, noticed the hardness. seductively he leaned into joons ear and whispered "u want it too. i can suck your dick good, joonie, please" fuck! joon felt his walls crashing down. the last restrains gone....what now? kook licked very sexy joons lips. joon gave in. it was anyway a long time ago, when he had somebody else in his arms. in fact.... sophia was the last and it was now years ago. he never had the need nor the time for another partnership. he didnt even care, that it was kook, a guy, his employee. he didnt care.

breathless they arrived in their small room, removed clothes hastly, touched skin, harshly, gentle, bit, sucked, licked, smelled the body, stroked the hair, ripping some out, tongues played dangerous games. kook backed back, licked the spit from his lips, his nose caressed joons and after a peck, he kneeled down and gave joon the best blowjob. joons eyes rolled back, he had to focus his whole power on not comming right there. but it was too hard. he came soon. "sorry" he was embarrassed. kook still sucked him, watched joon. "hey, kook?" but he didnt said a thing, only sucked and was proud of himself, getting it up again. joon moaned, pressed his hand onto his mouth.

kook didnt took too much time, he wanted joon in him. with a plop he left the cock and pushed joon onto the big arm chair. he just held joons cock stable and slowly sat down on it. joons eyes became huge, he couldnt grasp the feelings he had. they flooded his system so suddenly, that he felt overwhelmed. reminded him at another person he had that same situation, those stormy emotions. he felt tears in his eyes. kook watched him, noticed everything, but didnt stop. he couldnt anymore. he gave him something to remember, if he wanted to kick kook out the next day. he felt the stretch greatly, the dense dick filled his fully out, the thrusts were hard to continue, but kook needed to feel him longer, more, harsher. he almost had no air anymore. joon noticed his struggle, stood up and brought him to the bed, layed the exhausted body down, tilted his head, watched the others face, spread the thighs wider and fucked like a maniac into kooks hole. kook almost smothered himself with his hands, he couldnt contain the pleasure anymore.... as if he could before. the skinslapping was louder, the creeching of the wodden bed was louder, joons grunts and groans became louder. the muscle twitched non stop, kook knew what was comming. his inside cramped, loosend up again, cramped and loosend up again, then only cramped hard, harder, kook saw stars, arched up and whimpered weakly, joon was surprised of kooks explosion, needed only a few more thrusts and almost fainted, when it hit him too.

"shit.... shit...that was.... wow.... shit" "wow u are really eloquent after sex!" "" "i take this as a compliment" "yeah it is" "good" kook smiled tired and fell asleep.

they returned silently at the team hotel, like ninjas hushed into their rooms, but somebody noticed. kook had trouble to fully concentrate. he made some mistakes on the track and cursed profoundly. with a lot of anger, he stepped out of the car and just walked to the truck. he needed some time for himself.

"if i knew u would drive like shit, i wouldnt have fucked u" kook yelped, joon had silently walked behind him and whispered that into his ear. "oh shit.... no...its ...yeah... sorry, i will focus from now on!" "hmm... why are u distracted? your butt hurt?" "nope... sorry if i made u....doing it... i was really.... hm..." "dont think about it. i wanted it too, i know now" "u did?! phuuuu" kook looked relifed. "focus now and u will get some kisses later" joon whispered again. "only kisses?" kook pouted. "u have a race tomorrow, so no sex" kook pouted more.

the rest of the practice was perfect. joon held his promise, kook was kissed until he fell asleep.

his car was a real bitch today, kook was confused. there were no problems yesterday, why today? he couldnt really move the break. his car was too fast. "hey, luigi, we have a fucking problem!" "what is it?" "the breaks" "what are they doing?" "not working.... i am comming too fast in, so take care" with luck, kook caught the narrow entrance of the pitstop, but of course, couldnt really stop. his car raced very far, kook had to crash the side wall to slow the car down. he cursed the whole time. joon jumped up from his seat and ran down to his team. he saw all. concerned he watched as the crew pulled kook back to their box. the repair of the breaks, new tires took its time, but kook was determind to catch up. he wouldnt just gave up. as he raced away, joon finally exhaled a breath, he didnt knew he had held in. luigi covered his mic and gestured joon to take his earbuds away. "what is it?" "somebody cut the breaks" "what?!" joon was shocked. luigi just nodded with a dark expression. "find out who was last with the cars" "sure boss"

kook drove the race of his life. he fought well. he was focused as ever. he wanted to show joon how good he could be.

gio was furious. kook came closer and closer. fuck!

unfocused, gio made a mistake and was flying out of the track, over a wall and had an impact right between trees. his car went off in flames. kook didnt see anything, he was 2 cars behind gio, he only notice him flying off. focused again, he got faster.

gio was transported to the nearest hospital, but was pronounced dead on arrival.

kook came in second. surprised by it, he yelled out, showed how happy he was about it.

joon forbidd luigi or anyone to tell kook about gio. he wanted him to enjoy his good race for a bit longer.

luigi and the head of the security watched the tapes. nobody else from the whole team knew about the cameras, they were new, after luigi had a feeling, that somebody was playing with the cars. the videos showed it was always gio. he was the one, who manipulate kooks breaks. shocked, but not surprised luigi told joon. he only nodded and entered the party for his team. he wanted a great night for them.

joon knocked on kooks door, it was already late and he wanted to tell him, before.... kook yanked the door open and smiled, pulled joon in and hugged him, after the door closed. immidiatley he kissed him. "kook" "hm" "gio is dead" kook backed away. "what?!" "his injuries were too much" "oh.... fuck.... " kook fell onto his bed and hid his face in his hands. joon stayed the whole night.

luigi and joon told him the next day about gios game and manipulation. kook shook his head. as he packed his things later that day, his phone pingt. surprised he saw a message from gio. his phone had no battery for the last 2 days, he just forgot to load it. he opened the message and shook his head. a spitefull message, threats about his and joons relationship, he saw them kissing, hate about his whole person and a lot of bullshit. kook didnt felt so much grief anymore.

they still made sure, that nobody knew about them, but went on with their relationship. kook became more and more important for joon. joon became the rock and the zen of kook, he only needed to hear his voice and he would immidiatly calm down, made him more focus. they were the perfect team. the winning team.