Dark Dragon accelerated with the wind behind and prepared the fire breath to attack Arthur.
Arthur was lost in his memories again. But as the shadow of the Dark Dragon replaced the sunlight, Arthur realized the situation and remembered that he is not ready to challenge with the Dark Dragon.
Because he was not fighting with just a dragon, he was fighting against the dragon who destroyed many empires and kingdoms.
Arthur knew that the Dark Dragon was weakened right now. He didn't know why but Dark Dragon's powers were certainly weaker.
And still he wasn't enough powerful to take the Dark Dragon down.
While Arthur was desperately trying to think, Dark Dragon attacked to Arthur that was followed by a huge explosion.
The building that Arthur was standing at its roof was destroyed while the travelers and the magicians were running away.
Dark Dragon shouted to Arthur furiously, "Why are you still alive?"
Arthur was lying at the ground and Dark Dragon wasn't able to see clearly in the dust cloud. That's why Dark Dragon came close to Arthur and breathed fire again.
Arthur opened his eyes quickly and jumped to the air.
He started spinning horizontally in the air and he used "Spinning Fire Kick" to attack to Dark Dragon.
When Dark Dragon looked to Arthur and ready to breath fire, Arthur kicked the Dark Dragon.
Dark Dragon got pushed by the powerful attack of Arthur and lied down to the village which caused many buildings to collapse.
Arthur landed to ground and looked to Dark Dragon, "I should ask the same question to you!"
Dark Dragon flew up as Arthur spoke and while in the air started shouting to Arthur, "You are weakened just as me. What an interesting moment isn't it?"
Arthur looked to the Dark Dragon and spoke, "How are you still alive? Don't tell me he is…"
Dark Dragon, "He was a failure, just as his apprentice."
Arthur shouted to Dark Dragon, "Answer my question!"
Dark Dragon landed to the village again and started speaking, "You won and he lost."
Arthur, "Then, how are you still alive?"
Dark Dragon, "Interesting question... But why would I answer that?"
Arthur, "So that's all? Prepare to meet your destiny."
Dark Dragon landed to the ground and started moving in a circle that centered Arthur, "I have an offer to you Arthur. I can share my power with you."
Arthur prepared his sword and spoke, "Your time is up, Dark Dragon."
Dark Dragon, "You don't even answer my question! There is a new dark emperor. You can't beat him without my powers."
Arthur, "I was thinking about what was happening at outside of the maze."
Dark Dragon, "You fool! You don't know what kind of power that the dark emperor has."
Arthur, "Don't tell me you are weak just because of the dark emperor."
Dark Dragon stopped and clapped his wings, "He betrayed to me. If I was at my full power, I could have win!"
Arthur, "Betrayed to you? You are not type of a dragon who can just pick a new dark emperor."
Arthur thought for a second and continued his speech, "But if you wanted to continue with the apprentice of the dark emperor you chose, that would mean something."
Arthur laughed and spoke, "Why would I scare from him? If you are telling me the truth, I don't have to scare from a man who is a coward and a traitor."
Dark Dragon wasn't expecting Arthur to understand the old apprentice was the new dark emperor, "He has changed, you have no chance against him."
Arthur spoke again, "Why isn't he attacking to the maze? Let me guess, because he is scared."
Dark Dragon didn't answer and flew up to the sky.
Arthur wasn't expecting Dark Dragon to ran away from him, "You are not getting away!"
But as he started to move towards to the Dark Dragon, he realized the dark magicians surrounding him.
Dark Dragon shouted to Arthur while leaving the village, "I don't have enough time to deal with you. I will find the keys and conquer the maze."
Arthur knew that he had to stop Dark Dragon before its too late.