Chapter 3

The next day Aquarius was next to Optimus looking at the scanners at some things if anything important or interested catches their eye.

"You sure you're fine to stand Aquarius?" Optimus asked showing concern to her since it has been a day since she woken up but she seemed to be acting fine right now.

"I feel fine for now but I don't plan to do anything to cause me to pull my metallic insides and wires Optimus" she relied as he went back to the scanner unsure of someone's random appearance at the base.

The alarm goes off indicating that agent fouler has arrived but Aquarius and agent fouler haven't met yet so things might be a bit intense in here.

"Prime! You bette—— who's this?!" Foulers said raising his voice at prime who was now looking at him indicating that he was listening and laying full attention. Aquarius grew confused on the tiny human and his big ego and anger against Optimus right now.

"Who is the highly aggressive flesh bag, Optimus?" She asked gaining eye contact with fouler as he showed no fear of the huge beings that surrounded him and neither did she show any fear.

"Fouler, this is Aquarius peace are queen of cybertron" Optimus said to fouler as he looked surprised in a split second before coughing. Aquarius was unaware of the difference things on the human planet since she mostly liked to hide from them because of the dangerous weapons they had that could possibly kill her.

"My apologies, your highness I'm agent fouler it's an honour to meet you and yet again I'm sorry" fouler apologised in a some how strange way since it caught everyone off guard besides Aquarius since she never met this man before in her life.

"It's a pleasure to meet you top agent fouler" she replied back as a queen should in a nice formal manner not showing any signs of mischievous or any type of behaviour besides being just serious like her mothers was.

Optimus wasn't really gonna let Aquarius out in the open without a vehicle mode and wasn't gonna let her go choose one alone either incase of deceptacons ambushing her.

"Fouler, I have a question" Optimus asked as fouler turned from Aquarius to the prime that stood beside her waiting patiently for his turn to speak.

"What is it prime?" Fouler asked waiting for Optimus's question he was so dying waiting to ask him.

"I want some advise on where would be the best places to find the suitable vehicle mode for Aquarius to look for without any deceptacons leaking around?" Optimus asked as fouler began to think of the perfect place for Aquarius to find her perfect vehicle mode to take form as which could change her appearance once again but it'll be worth it than just running form danger when others can drive or fly.

"You sure that I'm ready for a vehicle mode optimus?" Aquarius asked as optimus stood beside her with fouler in the palm of his hand with a smile knowing that she was already ready for one as ratchet activated the ground bridge sending them to one of the places that fouler Knew had good vehicle choices..... the pentagon, with their weird and cool collection of cars they either made or found.

"Take your time, there's no need to rush we have all day" Optimus said as she looked at all the vehicles she could take shape as whenever she pleases but all of them were so new and unnamed meaning that no one knows that they exist.

"They're all so amazing but if I do take too long you are free to leave Optimus" she said as he sighed with a smile since he knew that Aquarius was picking most of time especially when it comes to her appearance but she hated being too eye catching and exotic.

"No matter how long you'll be I'll always be waiting" he replied as she began to walk skeins as see all the vehicles and their sizes and hidden strengths they had inside until one of them caught her eye it was a truck similar to Optimus' but better. It seems to be built to be like a truck but really it was one hell of a machine to be especially when it seems to appealing and strong suitable for someone like her.

"I see that you found your match" fouler said as Optimus came to see what vehicle she chose surprised him but he could also tell the difference between the looks and the possible amazing income it had.

"I do say, it would look rather dashing on you my queen" Optimus said as Aquarius fluttered a bit about the compliment Optimus gave her before looking at fouler.

"Oh, yeah, sorry umm..... this is one our resent discoveries of this amazing vehicle and even tested it and the outcome was outstanding! The speed is faster than any sports car that ever existed and the stuff this baby can carry is unbelievable" fouler said giving a great description of what power and abilities this vehicle possessed. Aquarius can carry anything even Optimus if she truly desired to but really doesn't want to show her playful said to anyone.

She scanned the vehicle as she transformed into it showing the outcome matching her colour scheme making her even more cooler than ever.

"Do you wanna take it for a test drive?" Fouler asked as Aquarius began to think still in her truck form while Optimus waiting before transforming into his.

"Why not" he said answering it for her as he opens the door allowing fouler to get inside before showing Aquarius the way out and onto the road somewhere she could really put the pedal to the metal without worrying about hurting anyone.

"Aquarius? Are you alright back there you seem quiet is the road really that scary?" Fouler said asking Aquarius since she had been quiet for about 10 minutes driving behind Optimus.

"Y-yeah just getting used to the mechanics that's all. I'm just so new to this sorry" Aquarius relied back apologising to both Optimus and fouler worrying them a little bit but really she was just trying to focus on driving in the road without crashing into the back of Optimus.

"You seem afraid? Is the fear of megatron appearing frighten you?" Optimus asked in a quite serious tone knowing the dark past between the too since she would tell him some of the words he would say or the rings he'd do when he wasn't around. But he didn't know the darkest things something way worse than that something that could've driven her to the end.

"I-I maybe but I don't want to show any fear but when I see his face I just want to punch it and rip his head off but, I can't do that" Aquarius said getting almost everything off her chest about megatron but sometimes the worst is better hidden so nothing too too too serious happens.

"I know you don't but for now calm down because we are nearly at our destination" Optimus said as she sighed with relief but was still anxious of when he will show his face to her after all of these years and the hell he gave her and for what nothing!

As they got to the designated place optimus took her and fouler it was obvious that the human was put out of harms way or anything to make him sick inside of the truck he was in.

"Isn't this place a bit close to the base?" Aquarius asked Optimus but he knew that he can't go that far with Aquarius just yet until the bruising goes away so she can actually fight by his side again.

"Shall we get started?" Optimus said before going into his vehicle mode while Aquarius was still him hers waiting for Optimus to get ready so she can see if she can actually beat him.

"Is this a race or something?" Aquarius asked quickly as he chucked unlike himself but only she could see the little playful side of Optimus when they're alone outside.

They both got ready on the road that very rarely has anybody coming on so it made things easier for them when it comes to racing.

"Before you say anything I ain't getting a five second start Optimus" Aquarius said while Besides the prime as they began to get their engines ready before taking off a couple seconds later.

"I don't plan on going slow" Optimus said as Aquarius upped her speed going last and in front of Optimus showing that she doesn't plan to do the same either.

"You were saying prime?" She asked pretending that she didn't get what he was saying to her but he chuckled response as the sound of jets were heard from a distance so Optimus looked in his rear mirror seeing some very similar jets coming towards them.

"What ever you do, don't stop driving!" Optimus said as he kept his truck close to Aquarius before rockets were launched at them bearly missing them but they kept on driving not blowing cover.

Their driving quickly came to a hault when a deceptacon went in front of them a transformer blocking their road but cracked dirt was also a driving option for the two.

"We must maintain our cover until further instructions" Optimus said closer to Aquarius as she kept herself in vehicle mode as Optimus told her because she knew that she wasn't fit enough to fight against any deceptacons yet.

"Can I ram into them? It won't do anything to me would it?" Aquarius asked as optimus began to think while driving closer and closer to the deceptacon that stood fearless in their way the closer they got.

"I'll take full responsibility for your actions" Optimus said giving Aquarius full permission to go overdrive and ran into the deceptacon if they didn't move away.

Aquarius gladly sped ahead of him successfully hitting the deceptacon as he was sent backwards a couple feet away before stopping herself waiting for Optimus to stop beside her.

"What about the other two?" She asked as he stopped next to her before transforming back to himself again allowing her to do the same too.

"Take them down" he replied activating his blasters aiming them at the deceptacons as they got there's ready but before anything could be done they decided to not be bothered and fly off like if they were told to or scared of someone confusing the two but they didn't acknowledge it.

"Should we head back?" She asked Optimus as he looked at her seeing her worried expression especially from ramming into a deceptacon.

"Yes le—-" Optimus was cut off with a giant thud coming from behind him making the both look back as Aquarius froze u sure of what to do as Optimus quickly went in front of her being her bodyguard.

"Oh, Optimus why are you hiding our queen from me it ain't like I'm gonna hurt her or anything" Megatron spoke sending bad vides since he was always the type to lie and be a very violent bot sometimes.

"Do not come any closer Megatron or it'll be your last!" Optimus said threatening Megatron hoping to stop the big bad bot in his tracks but even he knew that the prime was bluffing since Aquarius hated seeing violence of the ones she cared most in her life not Megatron he was on her wanted dead list for hundreds of millenniums.

"You think a threat will stop me! She was destined to be my sparkmate and no one can change that" Megatron spoke as Aquarius watched at the evil bot walked closer to them blaster in hand but not aiming it at anybody besides distracting them.

"We need to call backup or at least get away but I am unsure of how long I can keep my pace up" Aquarius whispered to Optimus as he dearly noted her concerns but if he asked for back up Megatron would make his move and attack him on the spot potentially hurting Aquarius.

"Contact for a emergency space bridge, I've got you're back" he replied getting is swords out in his battle stance as Aquarius began to contact base for emergency backup or ground bridge.

"Ratchet we need a emergency space bridge a sap" Aquarius said getting the message through as Optimus stayed close while Megatron slowly creeped forward. It took an extra second for a space bridge to appear allowing Optimus to quick grab Aquarius taking her back to base safe from Megatron and the other deceptacons.

"Are you two alright?!" Ratchet asked concerned looking at the two before seeing that they haven't got any scratches but Optimus seemed a bit concerned about the queen's condition right now.

"Ratchet, give Aquarius a check up to see if everything is fine" Optimus demanded before heading back to the computer going through some stuff like usual while ratchet gives Aquarius a check up and some fresh energon.

Everything seemed to be fine and all green for Aquarius giving everyone relief but behemoth seemed to be a bit off and didn't really care about her and continued with whatever he was doing while staying away from the others.