chapter 4: turned and reunited.

I packed up my things and loaded some good and water.

Kimihito: so how long are you going to be gone?

John: about a week until I calm down.

Kimihito: it wasn't her fault she broke your gun.

John: that gun was a symbol of me, it was my soul, my life.

Kimihito: fine then take some time to calm down and come home.

John: yeah well, see ya in a week.

Kimihito's pov.

He drove away and honked his horn, I went back Inside to make dinner for the girls.

Miia: darling is john ok?

Kimihito: yeah he's just not coming home for a week, he's bassically taking a long road trip.

Miia: ok darling.

Johns pov.

I was driving down the road and was drinking a few cans of beer, then another car came out if nowhere and I swirved off the road. And landed into a river, it felt like my body was burning a little bit but then I couldn't move and then I sank and drowned.

1 month later. Kimihito' s pov.

It's been a month since he dissapeared, the girls are really worried about him, I turned on the tv and there was a report of a red truck crashing into the toxic river about a few miles from here, then there was a knock at the door and it was a police officer.

Police: your kimihito kurusu correct?

Kimihito: yes.

Police: we found your friend dead in a river this morning.

Kimihito: oh um, ok....good to know.

I close the door and locked it and went into my room and locked it.

Johns pov.

I opened my eyes and I realized I wasn't in the river, I was at a hospital, I quickly opened the window and jumped into a dumpster, I got out of the dumpster and ran straight home.

It took a hour to get there, I snuck into the back door and went into my room to rest.

Next morning.

I awoke to a screaming noise in my room, I look forward and kimihito was standing there with a few boxes.

John: what the he'll are you screaming about?

Kimihito: I though you.. you died like a month ago!!

John: well guess what m back from the dead.

Kimihito: but how are y-.. Oh wait that river a chemicals and toxins in it.

John: so?

Kimihito: so I think you were mutated or something like that.

Just then miia came in the room with papi and cerea behind her, then as soon as they saw me they were in shock and fainted.

John: are they ok?

Kimihito: yeah there sleeping.

John oh ok.

As I got up and opened my closet to get a beer a blue substance came flying out of it and landed on the floor, it was a cute slime girl with green eyes and was wearing a rain coat.

John: who's this?

Kimihito: oh this is suu.

John: hi Suu my name is john.

Suu: john.

John: aww that's cute.

Suu then gave me a hug and I hired her back.

5 minutes later.

I went to the fridge to get somthingbto eat because I was really starving even after a month of being dead.

???: oh hello who might you be?

I recognized that voice but I don't really remember where, I turned around and what i saw made me drop my sandwitch.

John: it's you!

???: I'm sorry do I know you?

John: mero it's me john!

mero: oh my god!

We stood there for a moment and we were both in shock, I lifted her off her wheel chair and hugged her like I've never hugged anybody before.

Kimihito: wait you two know each other?!

I didn't notice kimihito behind me, i instantly put her back in her wheel chair and tried to act serious.

John: well yeah we met when we were younger.

Mero: he saved my life from a shark.

Kimihito: wow I didn't know you had a heart john.

John: shut it!

Mero: hey john would you like to swim with me later?

John: yeah I would love to.

Just then we herd a knock at the door.

Kimihito: Smith is here, and I forgot to tell you she seemed really sad when she found out about your little accident.

John: don't worry I got this.

I opened the door and insmirked and said.

John: hey smith goes it hanging?

She then had a shocked look on her face and she fainted.

I then took her inside and layer her down on the couch.

John: well that didn't last long.

(Chapter end)