Ever wonder what it's like to become reincarnated and yet to be the same person you were after death. Also to be given powers of immortality. Then for you yourself was told there is a catch if you disobey you will be living to never feel peace or at ease agian but as you watched your friends desipate and wither away. while if you do so yourself you will still come back and never to die. Now this may be a curse you may think but to Ember Starlight Milestone a woman whom doesn't age yet so it seems and yet who has been around for decades and many lifetimes to come. To her it's simple to her it's ordinary and to her it's life. Now let's go back shall we back to how she became what she is and how it all began. A year of 1854 Ember milestone was 5 years old a girl who has pale blonde long wavy hair and tan skin and her eyes are light brown. Now Ember was quite rich if you ask the towns people. You see her father was mayer. Mayer of a town in Connecticut, Essex and so while Ember was playing with Riley Keset a 6 year old girl who was apparently is Ember's best friend. The two was playing tag in the woods very late and that's when Riley tagged Ember and started to head deeper into the woods. Ember started to follow then soon tripped over a stick while Riley thought she was being chased and kept running. Ember got up and realized how far into the woods she's gone. Feeling a bit scared Ember started to call for her friend Riley but no answer. So she started to walk slowly in fear and kept looking around to see if it's safe. Ember then found a huge whole in the ground feeling chills Ember started to get really scared for she felt her thoughts and her body being consumed by both light and dark. She started to cry but nothing came out and then her eyes turned a color of the lightest icey blue. She later then died on that day. Waking up she found herself standing in a room. She then thought this is from not of this world because as she looked around she saw herself in a mirror. Yet the mirror was so clear and then she began to wonder what year is she in. Wondering that she also was wondering what was she doing in a white dress. Shocked about everything her eyes, her hair and her skin began to change and form into what she looked like in 1854 but older. yet now she's 21 years old and her eyes were the color light and icey blue this time and not brown. As someone opened the door to the room she was in. They looked confused and shocked because she was not the person who was there before. Immediately calling security the person threw Ember out. Ember was then forced to live in the summer of New York in 2010 all on her own. She started to cry again and closed her eyes because she was so scared and clueless about things around her and about what is happening too. wiping her tears as she heard as of what she thought was a familiar voice. opening up her eyes she saw this beautiful white orb light and soon Ember then felt a rush of calmness and she wiped her tears. Ember started to speak that was then when another light orb came and cut her off and this light was the dark and as it came to a stop the dark light had spoken and told Ember that she was given the power of immortality and that she shouldn't speak of this to no one. The only people to speak to was two others. The light started to speak as well and said there is a prophecy and you are in it and so you have been given a chance to choose from light or dark therefore you are two types of angel. the dark said to her You are our creation and there are two more people like you here you will soon find them but at a certain pace. The light had spoken once again and said so you also have both our powers yet if you do evil with our powers we will not accept it therefore you will be struck down never to live in peace or at ease agian now you can figure the rest out on your own because we gave you not a 5-year-old brain but a 18-year-old brain therefore you have the skills and the wits to think like an 18-year-old. The dark light had said yes we have so you get up child or should I say Ember and get on your feet and start living lifetimes but also do help people and also save them and by that I mean there will be coming a time where you and the two others like you will have to save the world and that is all. Both the light and the dark faded away and the scenery of the streets the buildings and everything started to show again. So Ember got up and told herself it's okay I've got this. Now where is the two others and what are they like, who are they? Ember thought to herself as she gave a deep sigh. So she continued to walk the streets of New York. Ember had stopped because something caught her eyes she looked into a window. She saw a we are hiring sign and thought to herself yes!" This is an opportunity to work for money and maybe in time as the light and dark said to find the other two. The job was at a dine in restaurant called Florent. She walked in for an on the spot interview she then got the job considering her eyes and the fact that not many people wanted work there but Ember was eager too. The boss of hers told her to come tomorrow afterwards Ember walked out and was feeling very happy she continued to walk the streets of New York.