Hmm... It's been two days of work for her thought Benson as he looked at Ember. As Ember was looking at a computer screen and told herself this is so sad while looking and feeling sad too as she looked at the files from 1854. She saw that her best friend from 1854 died at 6 years old and died from a mosquito bite. As for her father his body was never found after many years then in 1990 they dropped the case. Curious and sad she got up and asked for time off for a day. Benson looked suprised and agreed with her. Ember walked out of the high classified building which she was introduced to two days ago. Now the building is called G.U.V. but anyway Ember kept walking and started to cry blurred by her tears and which affected her eyes. Wiping her tears away though she had to told herself that this is her life and that this is how it's going to be now. Walking with her head down she then felt something that wasn't right around her. With this strange feeling she raised her head and turned to her right as she did she saw these two people in a ally with masks on and that ally was right next to a bank. She had a bad feeling and something inside her said do something. Puzzled on what to do she then saw one of the men had pulled out a weapon After doing that Ember thought to herself I know what to do. Ember then dashed for the two men at super speed she ran to them and used her power to put an invisible shield on the end of each way out. After also putting a timer on the shield and knowing how much she's got she dashed for the police station. When she got there she had mentioned that she saw two men that wore masks near the bank. The cops believed her word and found the two men. Smiling in the background while two men were being arrested Ember felt like she did some good in the world and felt proud. Happy once again she went back and she re-entered the building G.U.V. and went straight back to work. But the brothers weren't suprised better yet they both smirked at each other and both had put a thumbs up at each other Issac walked towards Ember and asked Ember what brought you back? "Mm... Nothing just needed air I guess said Ember as she smiled at Issac and shrugged. Hmp okay if you say so well we are glad to have you back Ember. After a bit of time Ember came to her senses then started thinking how come they didn't come to that ally aren't they angels? Plus they seemed like they something was up to something and yet they should have helped me on the contrary. "They seemed too comfortable with me coming back now isn't this bad?" Curious to those questions Ember had gotten up from her seat and started to walk towards the two brothers while in a conversation. Ember could not hold out her curiosity She looked both brothers in the eyes and gathered her courage then said who exactly are you two and be honest. Laughing at what she said Issac spoke the answer to her question as he said Me well I'm a Arc angel as for my brother here He is a fallen angel. Ember was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it so she shook her head in hope she would gather this information in. Then she started to giggle which turned into a laugh and while she was laughing the brothers were confused. She stopped with the laughter and said this all makes sense now and I'm glad you told me. Benson scoffed at Ember and then told her you know you were supposed to remain clueless up until the right time yet you would never understand you should not. Ember was confused and asked why?" Benson said said because the more you don't know the better as he walked away. Surprised by that remark Ember seemed worried Issac looked at Ember and told her not to worry that he has outbursts every once in a while. Ember turned to Issac and said but what I'm curious about is I wanna know is why he does this only with me. Well you see he only shows that side when he likes someone and he probably sees me as competition replied Isaac. Confused Ember asked Issac are you competition? Issac smirked as he said "do you want me to be? uh uh I don't know replied bashfully as Ember turned around trying to hide herself blushing. Ember then said excuse me as she covered her face and walked away when she did. Issac said heh that really got her huh Ember sat back in her seat and started to think should I go after Benson I do feel bad. So then she did and as she took the elevator downstairs and came out she saw another woman talking to Benson so freely and flirtatiously too and yet Benson isn't doing anything to stop this she thought as she made a fist out anger. Ember then told herself he isn't worth her time anyway and marched off and back into the elevator. As she did Benson looked back because he felt someone watching and saw pale blonde long wavy hair entering the elevator. That was then he knew who it was and told himself no I don't like her yet why do I feel guilty. Ember lost in thought about what had just happened came back and went straight to work. After long hours it was now time to go home and Ember looked back and around to see if Benson came back or not. Disappointed she got up and gathered her things. As she did Issac walked towards her and said would you mind coming to dinner with me? Ember thought for minute and said I don't have anything else to do so why not. Issac smiled big and said great I'll pick you up around eight thirty.