Back home

Layla's side:

We sat there for a few minutes in complete silence, thinking about what to do next. What would we do next? What do we do now? I thought to myself, as I got up and opened the door to go outside.

J- "Where are you going?"

L- "I'm just going outside for some fresh air"

J- "I'll come too, we should also start packing our things"

L- "Yeah..."

J- "You alright?"

L- "Yeah, it's just-"

J- "What?"

L- "What do we do now? Where do we go? We can't just ditch school, but what if they come back? They know where we live!"

J- "Its fine, we have a little bit of time to figure it out"

L- "Wait I have an idea, I don't how I didn't think of this before, but what if we move back to my apartment"

J- "The one you lived in before school?"

L- "Yeah, it's a little far away, but we can stay there for the rest of the summer and see what we'll do for school during that time"

J- "Well I guess that's the plan for now, I'll go get my things packed and we'll be on the way"

I rushed inside to get my things packed as fast as I could, I didn't want to spend another minute in the middle of nowhere.

We didn't have much to pack in the first place, so it only took a few minutes. I waited in the car as Jacob put the last bit of items in the trunk and got in.

I was relieved that we'd finally be going home. And after all that's happened, all that we've been through, my feelings for Jacob have only gotten deeper.