Researchers have spent years going threw caves, dig sites, and frozen waste lands in order to find something from the past, they have spent over millions funding this project of there's. Now that that they were starting to give up, no one trusted this group any more as the promise of something new and exciting had been crushed.
The head of the operation a young women around 26, with long snow white hair and a long black coat stood out side in the frozen lands.She had been here from the start and had gotten help from her family to make sure everything would go smoothly, but with everything going down hill for the company her family pulled out and even worst disowned her just for failing so hard.
She sighed as she looked around , her long white hair blew into her face a bit from the wind as she set it back in place." There is only enough for one more expedition, after that we lose everything," She said to herself as she looked around more before she started to walk deeper into the frozen lands with nothing but her bag that only had some fire starts and a few other small things to help keep herself warm.
She set out determined to find one thing, that's all they needed to get back on there feet.She was out for what felt like hours, she ran out of warm water and food now as she turned back to only see her foot prints vanish behind the quickening winds and snow."Am I going to die out here now, with out finding anything." She said feeling weak as she fell to her knees."I don't want this to be the end of all the time and hard work I have put into this company!"She yelled as her voice echoed threw the frozen wasteland. She could hear something, as if called from the hevens them self's.
A large meteorite smashed threw the frozen wastelands thick frozen clouds as it passed threw it smashed threw more of the frozen wasteland before hitting the ground making the land shake and crack.She fell over feeling the ground shake and move as the ground around her shattered and she feel down threw the thick ice into what looked like a hollowed out area , and what she found there was something she never would expected . Frozen in the ice was a large dark blue egg as big as a small dog.
When she saw it she could feel tears fall.down her cheek before they froze before hitting the ground. All her hard work all her time had not be wasted and now she had something extraordinary to bring back. She looked around a bit more as she saw writing around the area she was in. She could not understand it , but she took pictures of everything she could see. She took out her ice pick and started to work as fast as she could, being so cold slowed her down and the longer she took the faster she was going to freeze to death.
4 hours , a warm fire, and a frozen egg. She had finally gotten the egg out as she put it into her bag trying to warm up. She felt like she was half dead, but she was even more determined to get out alive. After about 30 minutes her fire went out as she got up and started to scale the wall of the place she fell into , lucky for her there were cracks in the walls and large frozen chucks she could get a hold of .
Once she got out of the hole she saw something that made her extremely happy as she saw her group running over to her, that was the last thing she saw as she finally black out from the cold.
Once she had woken up it had been 2 days. Her group was already hard at work as they were slowly melting the ice from the egg as to make sure to not harm the egg, if this egg was healthy and still alive after this time they would have everything they would need to get them selfs back in business not all they could do was wait and see what was in store.
10 Years Later
It had been 10 years since she had found that egg, they got very lucky with this find. The egg was alive and very healthy, but it still had not hatched of even moved even after all this time ,but from all the tests they had down so far up until this point.
The eggs shell was that of an extremely density so it may needed more heat, but she and her group could not figure it out. As well in these 10 years she had gotten pregnant and had a little girl who was now around 10. She was very smart for her age and had her mother's snow white hair and her mother's curiosity and outgoing ideas.
Today she had brought her daughter with her to work as they took off there snow gear as they headed deep into the building." Ok Clara, be good ok. You can wander around just don't get your self into any trouble" Clara's mother kissed her head as they split off.
Clara looked around seeing everything that her mother's group had been working on from better winter cloths to weapons. Once Clara found the room with the large egg in it sitting in what looked like a large egg warmer. She walked over to the door and scanned her card that her mother gave her to get around as the door opened and Clara walked into the room and looked around as she sighed happily feeling how warm the room was as she got closer to the egg. Clara walked around it as she looked at the pattern on it as looked like fire and chains.
Clara looked around as she really wondered why this egg her mother always talked about. Clara slowly reached out and touched the egg with both hands as she smiled."Your so warm mister egg, why not just hatch what ever you are we can play together!"Clara said as she giggled and took her hands off it as she saw it the very first time she saw the egg move,but not just that she hear the sound of the egg cracking as a loud alarm went off as Clara saw her mother and the rest run over to no see another crack in the egg as Clara looked confused and not worried as she stepped back.