An Unexpected Twist.

The night turned to day as Clara was the first to wake a normal, as she stretched out it felt a bit odd. The feeling of Kayen's smooth scales was replaced with the soft feeling of skin as she groaned opening her eyes as she looked over to see a male in her bed.

As she was about to scream for Kayen she started to make a quick realization that this WAS Kayen. She looked at his face as the sides of his face were covered in scales , his hair dark blue like how his scales were.

She continued to look over his body as she gulped. His check covered with thick strong muscles and even more scales that covered his sides and above his pecks.Clara's eyes wondered to his hands as his arms covered in even more beautiful scales and his hands more like claws, but looked so much more flexible now, he could even hold a cup more likely.

This was nothing like his other transformation. She thought as she continued to look over his body, her eyes looked to his legs. Much like his arms covered in thick lovely scales and his feet clawed much like his hands. As she continued up his body she looked at her cock as she blushed heavily as she looked away not wanting to just stare at it as tempting as it was for her.

She quickly covered his body in a blanket as she got up panting a bit. " Ok ok so he now looks like this. This is not like his other form, even when he tried his human form he was still massive and had more dragon like features, but now.... he looks more human." Clara said out load as she was slightly panicked,but also slightly happy with this.

She looked back over to the sleeping Kayen as she could even still see his wings and tail even while he was covered in those blankets. "Ok, I just should wake him up and let him see if he can even turn back at this point. I don't even know If he will even want to stay like this even thought I kinda do want him to deep down." She said to her self as she sighed and rubbed her head.

"Hey Kayen wake up!" Clara said to Kayen as he groaned and rubbed his eyes. " What is its Clara?"He said to her his lips not moving as he looked around as he soon looked at himself and fell off the bed." C...Clara whats going on?" Kayen asked as he was as confused as Clara was.

" I don't know Kayen, I just work up to you like this and ya..." She said as she slowly looked away from him as he stood up fully naked infrount of her." Um, Kayen please.... you.... you need to cover you self up I can see you.... well EVERYTHING." She said as her face flush as she just faced away from Kayen. Kayen looked at him self as he could see what she ment as his dragon form hid everything about his body as he got back on the bed and cralwed under the covers.

" So, what are we going to do Clara?"He asked Clara as she sighed turning back around as she heard him get under the blankets. As she looked at him she rubbed her head." Wel we might want to let mom know what's going on. She may have some idea what we should do." Clara said to Kayen as she tried to think of what to do with him as she rubbed her head.

After a moment she got some.of her old closes as she helped him put them on as he took the table cloth to make him a rob to cover his lower half." Alright follow me, Don't say or do anything to attract attention."She said as she got his tail and wings hidden and even the horns on his head as she sighed.

After leaving Kayen's room they made there way over to Clara's moms office as she sighed once more feeling worried. Clara opened the door as she was on the phone with someone, her mom said her and help up a finger letting her know 1 moment. As they waited Clara was listening in on the conversation.

"Yes I know he is massive, what do you expect. Yes I know it costing us to keep feeding him we can't let him die. Yes I... fine I understand we still start experimenting once Clara sleeps.Alright, bye."Her mom hung up the phone as she frowned

She wanted to run with Kayen now more then ever, but she would now have to make some excuses up to by her time.She pointed to Kayen to leave the room so he did as her mom turned back around." What up honey?.Did you or your dragon need something?"She asked it in the same way, treating Kayen the same way as if he was just a creature as Clara sighed and looked at her mom.

" Would you be willing to let me do more advanced tests on Kayen? I am the only one who is able to be close to him without getting ripped appart so please mom."She asked making the most of what she over heard. "Hmm, alright. Though before you do that the higher ups want blood and scales samples from him within the week, so please sweetie can you do this for me?"This was the way my mom tried to use me now since she has not real choice once the higher ups make up there mind mom was at the loss.

"Alright, fine I will.I am not going to be happy about it. " Clara said as she left her moms office and closed the door motioning for Kayen to come.There was a lot of planning to be done now and she only had so very little time. Clara on the other hand, had a much simpler idea of how to deal with all of this and Kayen dying will be how this ends.