The End of Everything.

Clara had been working here for so long, she knew every part of this place like the back of her hand. Soon she got the lab room as she opened the room and walked in closing the door behind her.

A few years ago Kayen was having a hard time sleeping so Clara had asked the lab guys if they could whip something up for him to get him to fall asleep. That drug they made Clara helped with everything to make it and it worked to well.

The drug knocked him out cold for 3 hole weeks and it looked like he was dead until he woke up. Which made Clara happy, so what her plan was for Kayen to get him out of here safely was to make that same drug,bit stronger.

Making is so strong he would be put into a deep hibernation that it would take a couple years to wake from and make him look like he was dead. She got to work, not wasting any time as she did not have much of it as she was careful not to mess any of it up.

After 3 hours of hard work she made it, 3 doses of it, she needed this to work, she wanted to be happy with Kayen and she knew with the higher ups controlling her mom, she would never be happy. This was going to be the last time she gets to be with Kayen, and she was more then happy to have him say such nice things to her and for her first time to be with him.

She left the lab as she ran into her mom, she was lucky and his the doses in her shirt as her mom stared at her and then at the lab door. There was a long moment of silence before her mom spoke."What ever you plan on doing, get it done today. The higher ups are coming today to take Kayen from you." She said as she walked away quickly. Clara stared as she cletched her fist as she ran back to his room."No wonder there was no worrying why they could not see him on the cameras, mom probably shut them all down to give me a chance." She said as tears fell down her cheek as she got into Kayen's room and went over to the house inside it as she saw him laying on the bed asleep.

She walked over and kissed his head." Wake up sleepy is time." She said as Kayen woke up and yawned getting up off the bed and gently took Clara's hand. They walked out side the room as they stopped in the middle of it. Kayen wiped the tears from Clara's cheek and face as he kissed her lips one more time.

She pulled put the bottles as she held them in her arms before staring at him in the eyes." I... I don't know when you will wake up, I don't know if you will remember me, but I want to make sure you know I love you."She said as she kissed Kayen one last time with all her passion as Kayen held her close kissing her back with all his might.

Once there kiss broke Kayen took the bottles and stepped back as he sighed looking at them and then to her who just was tearing up more.

He stopped hesitating and drank all three of them down as he growled as he shivered and panted. Kayen fell back onto all fours as he quickly shifted back to his dragon form taking up half the room again as his large eyes continued to look at Clara , even as his vision blured, even as his body went numb.He never looked away from her till the very end as his eyes finally closed.

Clara finally broke down crying as she sat there holding Kayens massive claw.As she was there crying her eyes out, her mom and the higher ups walked into the room as Clara got up and ran to her mom to make everything look more real as she held her tightly.

The higher ups looked confused as they looked at Clara and her mom."What's going on why is she crying?" They said as Clara looked over to them."The dragon is dead.... he just...he just past away."Clara said as she buried her face into her moms chest as her mom rubbed her back.

One of the high ups walked over."How are you so sure he is just not in a deep sleep?" The one close to Kayen asked as he kicked Kayen and he did not budge or make a sound. " HEY! Don't you dare do that, if my daughter says it's true then it is.She did not spend all these years here learning nothing.

The man huffed as he walked back over to the group." Well we don't need a dead dragon. Get rid of it and destroy this room. No need to keep this thing here, we have bigger and better things to move on to." The group said as they left quickly not wanting to waste any more of there time.

Once they left her mom pushed her back as she looked at her " What did you do to him?!"She asked as Clara wiped her eyes a bit."it was an extra strength sleeping drink.... I won't ever know when he will wake up....I... I will to keep moving forward for him for now mom...can you just leave this place.... let him rest here until he wakes up..."She asked her mom as she pulled her close and rubbed her head." You silly girl, I can't believe you fell in love with a dragon, but I am so happy for you. I will keep this area closed off and have bay doors built in for when he wakes up so he can come find you." Clara's mom kissed her forehead. "Now go home and do what you need to do. I will watch over Kayen and make sure everything is going well." Her mom said as she got up with her and walked her out of the room Clara taking on last look back at Kayen before fully leaving the room with her mom, the doors to the room slamming shut.

-10 years later-

Clara had been in her new home in the open plains for about 5 years now, not much has changed about Clara since the day she left Kayen. Nothing besides her massive swollen belly. She was lucky enough to have gotten pregnant with Kayen's child ,but what she did not know was how long she was going to be like this for , or how much bigger she would get.

She was washing dishes as the ground shook."Damn it not another earthquake." She yelled as the ground shook again as she huffed struggling to hold her self up with her heavy middle as she got over to the chair and waited for the quakes to stop,but when then third one hit it was odd cause they almost came faster as the fourth one came it shook the house even more so.

"What the hell is going on?!"She said as she saw the out side of her house was covered by a massive shadow as it slowly disappeared and the quakes stopped.

Suddenly the door bell rang , as Clara was confused by everything now. She got up and walked to the door as she just stood there hands covering her mouth as she saw it. She reached out and touched it as the person at the door was Kayen.

He barely looked like he aged a day since he saw him,but she did not care as she hugged him as he huffed." looks like we have a lot of talking to do now Clara!"Kayen said as she giggled and nodded." Yes we do Kayen, come in." He nodded as he walked in and closed the door. Life was completely hole with the two lovers to live out there days.