6 Months/ Plans

It's been 6 Months since Rai was reborn in the shinobi world. The third shinobi war just started a month back after the disappearance of the Third Kazekage. Suna started war against Konoha after accusing them of being responsible for the Kazekage's death. This proved to be the spark that started the war. Currently, Kumo is having Skirmishes with both Iwagakure and Konoha. The war of attrition is only going to get worse over time and full blown war is inevitable.

Over the past few months Rai has only whiling away his time doing baby stuff. He has started to pick up the language though. He has been privy to a lot of the Secret war preparations and Strategies since his presence is pretty much ignored when discussions are taking place in his vicinity. Perks of being a baby. He has his grandfather the Third Raikage on numerous occasions. He seems like a nice old man who showers him with affection. According to the anime he was described as an honest and stern person who is also one of the strongest Kages of all time. He is known for having the strongest defense as well as the strongest spear. He supposedly does at the end of this war while being besieged by 10000 shinobi in order to buy time for his troop to retreat.

'I wish I could do something about that but under no circumstances can I let anyone know about what the knowledge I possess. And it's not like they'll believe the words of a toddler anyway, not that I'm capable of proper speech yet.'

'Right now my biggest advantage is knowledge of Canon, since Morgan has fucked me over. And I'd like to keep canon as is.'

'Though I'm pretty sure my existence itself is a deviation since I'm pretty sure A did not have a child in canon.'

Kumo does not have much prominence in canon until just before the Pain attack on Konoha. The only incidents of note would be the kidnapping incident involving Hinata which causes the death of Hizashi and an incident with the Nokizaru group where A meets with Tsunade to seek her help in saving his subordinates life.

'Not having enough information is kind of vexing and I don't even know many of the people here unlike in Konoha. I've only met the third Raikage, The Fourth Raikage and Killer B from the canon characters so far.'

'I am not entirely sure how long this war lasts and how much more time it takes from then to the night of the kyuubi attack on Konoha. I'm hoping I have at least 5 years which will give me more time to prepare for what is to come. I really do not want to have to face the fourth shinobi war where even kage level shinobi seem like weaklings, without sufficient strength to back me up.'

'I mean seriously what kind of cheat abilities are those eyes, Obito went from downright lousy ninja to be able to wage war against all the major villages just based on the abilities of his eyes. Not to mention monsters like Madara or even Kaguya. It's just downright scary to know you'll have to have these guys and to prepare for it in advance.'

I suppose I will be around Itachi's age and a bit younger than Shisui. Itachi was always my favorite character in the story and it breaks my heart whenever I recall his tragic story. I'd like to befriend him and if possible help him in the future.

I think I should stop looking at this like a story since this is my reality right now and looking at it from that perspective will only it more difficult later on and not to mention it'll be extremely suspicious if I act like some major developments are just as expected.

For now, I should really get hold of the language as quickly as possible. I don't think I will be able to find someone competent in training me during this war. Even if I do, I can only do so after a few years at the least. Last thing I want is to be bring unwanted attention to myself and get tagged as a so called genius when I'm barely a toddler. None of those people have a good ending. I'd rather be seen as average or just above and hide my abilities until necessary. I'm not one of those people who revel in the spotlight. I mean sure it might feel good to be the center of attention once in a while but once that so called moment has passed its just plain troublesome.

'It looks like not too many people know of my existence right now and my identity also seems to be kept quiet. I'd assume it remains that way at least until the end of the war. Being a relative of the current kage sure does paint a target on my back. And with the resources in the village spread thin at the moment, it'd be stupid to let people know. I'm kind of glad about this since I don't have to be paranoid about my safety.'

'I try to feel the presence of Chakra in my surroundings almost every day. But it seems like I'd need the help of a shinobi to awaken or wait until my body matures enough for me to feel it on my own.'

'I'm just gonna go with the flow and see what comes my way at least for the next couple of years. My hands are tied with the current situation and I think I'd need the time off to prepare myself for what is to come. I mean, let's face it, I'm just a regular guy, I've never taken a life, I've never imagined myself being capable of doing so. Hell, I've never even been in a real fight before. Makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking when I chose to be reborn in one of these worlds. I'm excited at the prospect but at the same time I also find myself dreading this.'

As I contemplate on my choices I get a stinging headache. It feels like my head is about to burst. I can't help myself from bursting out crying, hoping to stop the pain. My caretaker runs in trying to placate my crying but it's of no use. This continues on for what felt like an eternity until I hear a sound.








[Hello Host!]