
Rai opens up the Store Interface to explore.





Weapons & Armor


Daily Necessities]

Curious about what is on offer Rai checks the Bloodlines first.

[Sharingan – 100M

Wood Release – 100M

Dust Release – 75M

Uzumaki Bloodline – 75M

Lava Release – 60M

Boil Release – 60M

Explosion Release – 60M

Iron Sand Release – 60M

Scorch Release – 55M

Ice Release – 55M

Ketsuryugan – 50M

Byakugan – 50M

Namikaze Bloodline – 45M

Kurama Bloodline – 45M

Kaguya Bloodline– 40M

Swift Release – 40M

Magnet Release – 40M

Hozuki Bloodline – 40M

Storm Release – 35M

Nara Bloodline – 30M

Yamanaka Bloodline – 30M

Akimichi Bloodline – 30M

Hatake Bloodline – 25M]


'Hey Alice, you're kidding right, why are they so expensive?'

[Hmph. Did you expect to be able to buy bloodlines for cheap? You seem to forget the system was originally based on ATG and Bloodlines are a significant part of the strength of people from there. So, the same translates to the Shinobi world as well.]

'Fine. I'm quite happy with what I've got now anyways. Who wants a shitty Sharingan anyways?'

[Hehe. It's alright to cry Rai. I won't judge you. Fufufu.]

'Tsk. Whatever. I'll check out the other things.'









Tengai Shinsei/Shattered Heavens (SS) – 10M

Flying Raijin (S) – 5M

Rasenshuriken (S) – 5M

Lightning Cloak (S) – 5M

Kirin (S) – 5M

Raikiri (S) – 5M

Creation Rebirth (S) – 5M

Spirit Transformation Technique (S) – 5M

Chidori (A) – 2M

Rasengan (A) – 2M

Black Lightning (A) – 2M

Hell Stab (A) – 2M

Lightning Release: Black Panther (A) – 2M

Liger Bomb (A) – 2M

Lightning Release: Double Lariat (A) – 2M


Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique (B) – 1M

Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation (B) – 1M

Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique (B) – 1M

Wind Release: Vacuum Blade (B) – 1M

Lightning Flash (B) – 1M


Summoning Technique (C) – 300K

Water Prison Technique (C) – 300K

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough (C) – 300K

Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique (C) – 300K


Body Flicker Technique (D) – 40K

Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique (D) – 40K

Hiding in Mist Technique (D) – 40K


Body Replacement Technique (E) – 5K

Transformation Technique (E) – 5K

Clone Technique (E) – 5K


Eight Gates (SS) – 10M

Night Guy (S) – 3M (Needs Activation of 8th Gate)

Evening Elephant (A) – 1M (Needs Activation of 8th Gate)

Daytime Tiger/Hirudora (A) – 1M (Needs Activation of 7th Gate)

Morning Peacock (A) – 1M (Needs Activation of 6th Gate)

Reverse Lotus (A) – 1M (Needs Activation of 3rd Gate)

Lion's Barrage (C) – 100K

Heavenly Foot of Pain (C) – 100K

Leaf Gale (D) – 10K

Leaf Whirlwind (D) – 10K


Secret Sword: Snowstorm Beheading (A) – 1M

Iai Beheading (B) – 250K

Iaidō (B) – 250K

Vacuum Sword (C) – 100K


Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation (S) – 5M

Dead Demon Consuming Seal (S) – 5M

Strength of a Hundred Seal (S) – 5M

Four Red Yang Formation (A) – 2M

Four Violet Flames Formation (B) – 1M


Mystical Palm Technique (A) – 1M

Body Pathway Derangement (A) – 1M


Bringer-of-Darkness Technique (A) – 500K

Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death (B) – 200K

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique (D) – 10K

'Alice, Quick question, do you hate me or something? Or did I kill someone important to you in my least life?'

[Not as far as I know.]

'Then what the hell is up with these prices?'

[Well, it is as you think, they are priced in such a way that you will need to rely more on yourself to get techniques. Nothing will just be given to you simply because you have me. And stop complaining already. Seriously. You don't even know how many points you will be given for completing Quests or for killing enemies.]

'Uh. OK. Sorry.'

'So, the others are also priced similarly are they?'

[Yes. They are.]

'I'll just take a quick look regardless.'


Uzumaki Fuinjutsu – 35M

Tsunade's Medical Knowledge – 20M

Chiyo's Poison Knowledge – 15M

Hatake Swordsmanship – 5M

Contract Summons:

Raiju – 100M

Thunderbird – 50M


Kohaku no Johei (Mythical) – 100M

Tootsuka Blade (Legendary) – 50M

Kusanagi Sword (Legendary) – 50M

Samehada (UR) – 25M

Kiba (UR) – 25M

Hiramekarei (SR) – 10M

Kabutowari (SR) – 10M

Chakra Blade (R) – 2.5M

Gunbai (R) – 1.5M

Explosive Tag (UC) – 20K

Giant Holding Fan (UC) – 20K

Sealing Tag (UC) – 20K

Standard Kunai (C) – 1K

Standard Shurikens (C) – 1K

Standard Tanto (C) – 1K


Infinite Armor (SR) – 5M

Flak Jacket (UC) – 15K


Upgrade Ticket – 1B

Premium Lottery Ticket – 250M

Lottery Ticket – 25M

[Daily Necessities]