3 Years

Just like 3 years has passed. The 3rd Shinobi war is reaching its conclusion. Suna and Kiri are already showing signs of withdrawing from the war. But skirmishes are still ongoing. The death tally has already crossed the 10000 mark for each village and the mood in the village is simply dreadful. And like all wars, hate between the villages is breeding.

Walking through the village, one realizes that war is the only thing that is on everyone's minds. And like hate always does, it clouds people's judgement and rationality goes out of the window. The only thing on people's minds is to win and make their enemies pay. Pay for the lives of their loved ones lost by making their enemies lose more. It is sad that no one sees the big picture. Of course, not everyone knows that 4th Shinobi war is coming nor do they know the kind of enemies that they are going to be up against.

But, it is baffling to say the least. How do they think this is going to end? This is simply an endless cycle of hate. As someone from Modern Earth, Rai can't seem to make sense of how people from the shinobi world think. All this over some paltry resources. Actually scratch that a certain Oil loving country that preaches war over "Freedom' comes to mind.

Ahem. Moving on, the battle of Kannabi Bridge doesn't seem to have happened yet. This is where Minato singlehandedly kills a 1000 Iwa shinobis and destroys their supply lines effectively crippling Iwa's war front and taking them out of the equation.

Rai kind of understands the Third Hokage Hiruzen's decision to not seek reparations from Iwa after the war. He probably just wanted it to end and be done with. Getting heavy reparations will only increase the hate anyway. But little did he know how stubborn that Midget Tsuchikage is and man that guy can hold grudges.

On Kumo's war front, not many major battles of note seem to have taken place so far. Though, the skirmish against Konoha where father and Uncle B face off against Minato seems to have taken place already. Rai knows this because he can constantly hear his father grumble about how Minato dodged his punch.

(Author Note: Going to call A as father, Third Raikage as grandfather and Killer B as Uncle B from now on.)

On a side note, hostilities are increasing between the other villages with Iwa clashing constantly with Kiri and Kumo with Suna. No doubt this is the handiwork of that sewer rat Danzo. Hate him as much as you want but that guy sure is talented at breeding hatred and causing clashes.

Rai wonders whether Obito's supposed death has happened already. There are very limited facts that he knows about this war from canon and most of them are centered on Konoha from Obito and Rin's death, Minato's war exploits, Fugaku's annoyance at his efforts being overlooked and Ao from Kiri stealing a Byakugan.

On another note, this is also when Yahiko and the rest of the original Akatsuki will die at the hands of Hanzo and Danzo leaving only Konan and Nagato as the remaining members and the start of Nagato's god complex and his obsession with bringing Pain to everyone.

Getting out of his thoughts, Rai glances at his Status.


Name: Rai

Title: N/A

Age: 3 Years 6 Months

Rank: 10th Stage Elementary Profound Realm

HP: 80/80

STR: 30

AGI: 20

END: 25

DEX: 20

INT: 50

CHA: 100

Skills: Lightning Shadow Clone (B), Substitution Jutsu (E), Transformation Jutsu (E)

Chakra Control: 25%

Currency: 0

SP: 0]

[Daily Quests: Lvl. 4 (3600/10000): Rome is still underdeveloped. Work Harder.

Run 3 kilometers: (3/3)

20 Pushups: (20/20)

20 Sit-ups: (20/20)

20 Squats: (20/20)]

Over the past 3 years, Rai has always ensured his completion of Daily Quests dreading the consequences of failure. Alice is extremely stingy with giving away Stat Points with him receiving 1 Stat Point every 2 weeks on average. Rai's base stats are now a match for that a base Genin's attributes. Of course he has zero experience when it comes to fights and will most definitely get slaughtered by any Genin or even an academy student for that matter.

Rai has now found out how hard having the Tyrannical Emperor Profound Veins is when it comes to cultivating. Constant meditation every day for 3 years and he has only risen by 3 small realms throughout this time period. It is said that to awaken the veins a person needs to have the heart of a tyrant and to have an unquenchable thirst for power. He knows that he really wants power but doesn't know what an unquenchable desire would be and what it really means since he knows what is to come and if even that knowledge isn't enough to awaken them, it can only mean that something drastic would need to take place. But something like this can't be forced either so, Rai decided to take the wait and see approach. He does not desperately need it yet. Maybe if the status quo remains for a few more years, then he'd get desperate and try to put himself in dangerous situations to try and awaken the veins. He has also been cultivating the Great Way of the Buddha but so far he has had no success.

On the familial side of things, things are pretty good for Rai. Though he has not been able to spend time or properly bond with any of his family members due to the war keeping them busy and always keeping them on edge. I do have to say though. The rapping uncle thing was cool and all at first but it gets old quick and I mean really quick.

Last time Rai saw him Uncle B was like

"My nephew Rai Yo! Why you always cry so.

And you're still so small yo, you need to drink more milk bro!"

Safe to say, Rai doesn't enjoy meeting him too much.

(Author Note: I don't think I'm cut out to make rap either. Cringe)

Rai is just sitting at the courtyard of his house when he feels someone standing behind him. He turns behind to see his grandfather observing him.

"Little Rai, what are you thinking so much about?" – A (Grandpa)

"Nothing much Grandpa. Don't really feel like hanging out with people much. The mood seems so depressing lately." – Rai

"Well Kid. This is War. Everyone is doing their best. But this is not something you should be worried about right now. You will have your own duties too but for now just sit back and do what normal kids do?" A (Grandpa)

"Am in not acting like a normal kid already?" - Rai

"At times you do, but most times it always feels like I'm looking at someone older. Not that this is a bad thing. I'm sure growing up during times of war and that too in our family with the responsibility that we bear is not easy. But, you should enjoy yourself more. Spend some time with that brat Atsui, he's around your age. Maybe you can get a friend that way." – A (Grandpa)

Rai is having cold sweat on his back inwardly wondering if it was that easy to see that is a lot more mature than he shows. Thankfully grandpa seems to think that it is due to the war. He has met Atsui before on one occasion. He is the younger brother of Samui (Blonde Big Tit Jonin who came to Konoha to get Sasuke declared as a rogue ninja) who has way too much energy and is extremely hot blooded. Rai doesn't feel like he'll get along with him.

"I'll try to do that grandpa. You don't need to worry about me. You only need to stay safe out there. When are you going away next?" – Rai

"I am going out right now actually. Just came to check up on you before I leave little one." – A (Grandpa)



[A Hero's Promise]

[The third Raikage is going to be leaving the village for the last time before his eventual demise at the end of the war. He sacrifices himself in order to buy time for his troops to retreat by stalling a force of 10000 shinobi's for 3 days. Make him give you a promise to be careful in the war and he will come back whatever it takes.]

[Failure Condition: Death of the Third Raikage]

[Penalty: None]

[Rewards: 1x Lottery Ticket, 100K SP, 1x Nascent Profound Pill]