
Rai quickly accepts the reward and takes it out into his hands. It looks like a standard scroll and the size of it is much smaller than he expected. The scroll is a purplish gold in color. The glaze and the shine on it makes it look very special. He opens it up and sees it completely blank.

'What do I do now, Alice?'

[Like any Contract Summon signing. You'll have to drop a bit of your blood on it and put your name there.]


Rai goes into his house, takes a needle and pricks his finger to drop a few drops of his blood onto the scroll. He initially thought about doing it in true Naruto style by biting his thumb in order to draw blood, but he thought better of it. Somehow, he just couldn't imagine himself being capable of biting himself in order to draw blood. I mean, who could possibly do that. I'm not a Savage.

He fills out his name onto the scroll and tries to figure out what to do.

'Hey. Alice. I need to the summoning Jutsu now right?'

[Yes. You do.]


*Awkward Silence*

'And could you please give it to me?'


'Come on. Don't this to me now. I've got the scroll in my hands and its even all filled up. Now I am going to have to wait until I figure out the Jutsu. You're killing me.'

[You could wait until someone tells you how to do it or earn enough SP to buy it yourself.]

'Fuck You, Alice.'

[Oh. You wish. Virgin.]

Inward Monologue. It's OK. You can do this Rai. You've seen this performed thousands of times. I think I've read something about the hand signs for this before.

Boar → Dog → Monkey → Ram → Bird

'Kuchiyose no Jutsu'

Rai draws some blood and rams his palm on to the ground in gusto.

Nothing happens.

[Hahaha. Nice Try]

Rai tries again, different combination this time, Boar → Dog → Ram → Bird → Monkey

'Kuchiyose no Jutsu' Again it's a failure.

[Stop it already Rai. I'll die of laughter here. Hahaha.]

'Shut up! If you're not going to help just keep quiet already.'

[Haha. By the way, do you even know the first thing about a Raiju? You're so gung ho about this, did you even stop and think for a second what kind of creature you're trying to summon or if it will even acknowledge you as a summoner. Maybe, it'll decide to have you as a snack.]


'So, what kind of creature is this?'

[Didn't you tell me to shut up? I think I'll listen to you for once and keep quiet.]

'My Dear Alice. How could you take something like that so seriously? You know I love you right? Please can you be a doll and tell me about this? Pretty Please.'

[I see. Shamelessness runs in the family. You must have got this from your father.]

[Anyways, A Raiju is a mythical creature from Japanese Mythology. It is supposedly the companion of the God of Thunder Raijin. It has a body which is composed of lightning. It has the ability to shapeshift to many animal forms and change size at will. It is generally a calm and harmless creature but it gets agitated during thunderstorms and it definitely is not a creature you'd want to provoke. It becomes Wrath Incarnate upon losing its temper. It could very well match a full powered Bijudama in explosive power.]

'That is a seriously OP creature. So, all I have to do is not piss it off and coax it to accept a contract right? That shouldn't be too hard. I mean I have to deal with someone bipolar like you every day. How hard could it be?'


[I'm never going to help you out of the goodness of my heart again.]

'Oh. Please what goodness of your heart. You're as black hearted as black can be.'

Rai ignores the Alice's ramblings of ungratefulness and continues to try different combinations of the Summoning Jutsu until finally he gets it right.

Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

But, unlike a regular summoning where the summoned creature gets called towards him, nothing happened. He looks around and finds himself in a strange forest expanse. He tries to contact Alice but to no avail. He initially thinks that she's just throwing a tantrum but Rai knows that Alice wouldn't fool around at some time like this. So, the only plausible explanation would be that Rai does not have access to the system interface and by extension to Alice in this place.

Rai looks around, trying to figure out what to do. After a while, seeing that nothing is happening, he decides to explore the place. After all, it does not make any sense to just stand there aimlessly. He walks around for what felt like a good hour but he doesn't find anything untoward. But he has this nagging feeling that he is being observed. He ignores that momentarily and keeps looking.

Feeling like this is going nowhere, he calls out to whatever or whoever it is that is observing him.

'I know you're there. I can feel your presence. Stop peeping and come in front of me.' – Rai

'Ho. Finally lost your patience I see. It took you close to three hours. You seem to be quite patient.' Rai hears an ancient voice resounding in the area.

A small dark blue cat appears in front of Rai. Rai can see some sparks of electricity going off of the body of the beast. There also appears to be some runic patterns that glows in fluorescent blue on its tail and feet. Its eyes are what really stand out though. A pair of Royal blue eyes shimmering with power. One look into those eyes and Rai can feel himself falling into an endless abyss.

Rai is brought out of his trance by the creature's voice.

'So, what brings you here to my humble abode?'

"Uhh. I was hoping to sign a summoning contract with your kind. I was told I could summon someone after signing my name on the scroll and drop my blood on it. But I found myself here." – Rai

Rai confesses his motives, he doesn't think it would be a good idea to lie to this creature. Alice's warnings about the creature are running through his head at the moment. He initially doubted her claim about a Raiju's power but he has no doubts whatsoever at the moment. This is an Apex Predator. He has met someone who could go toe to toe and suppress the Eight Tails on his own in his grandfather and he never felt much from him. But the feeling of dread that this being is giving off is completely bonkers. He is sure of it. This thing could snuff his life out anytime it pleases.

'Haha. It's funny that you think there are more of us. I'll tell you now brat. I'm the only one of my kind. That means you want to make me your summoned being, does it not?'

Rai is inwardly cursing his hot-blooded decision. He should have listened to Alice and waited. Now he's just a little lamb to the slaughter. But there's no pill for regret and the only option he can do is to push through with this.

"Yes. That would be so."

'Oh. You're significantly braver than I thought. And why should I agree? And what's stopping me from ripping your head off right now?'

"There's nothing I can do to stop you. You could kill me with a thought as I am right now. But one day I'll be stronger than you. It is not blind confidence. I simply know it."

'Hahahaha. You're a weird one brat.'

"It's Rai."

'What's that now?'

"My name. My name is Rai not Brat."

'Ok then Rai. You have piqued my interest now. Alright I'll give you a chance. If you want to sign a contract with me. You'll need to pass my test. But, If you fail. You will die.'

"Ok. I could work with that. Also what do I call you?"

'Pass my test first, then I'll tell you my name.'