Lightning Gauntlet/Lightning Cloak

Rai has to work on 2 different skills as well as combine them before he can succeed. One skill requires him to be able to siphon all the lightning energy into one spot and release it upon contact. So he needs to coat his entire arm in lightning and practice striking a target. The other would be the standard lightning cloak technique. He should be able to coat his entire body in lightning and he especially needs to work on its stability. After which he should be able to use the first technique while in Lightning Cloak mode. Rai knows that he has some work cut out before he can achieve this.

First thing he did was create 2 clones and instructed them to each work on one technique while he will also work on the cloak since that is the core of the technique. He would have made more clones but his pitiful amount of chakra only allows for 2 clones.

This continued for close to 12 hours with Rai dispelling and creating clones every 2 hours to consolidate his progress until Rai heard a prompt from Alice.


[New Skill created: Lightning Manipulation (C)]

Rai was able to pick up the pace after receiving this skill. It was like the floodgates were suddenly opened. His control got better many times over. And now he was starting to make real progress. He first completed the lightning discharge technique. He was able to coat his entire forearm and fist with lightning. Pulses of lightning could be seen on his hand similar to how Thor's Hammer Mjolnir looks when lightning passes through the weapon. He tried it out on a tree to see how things go. Upon impact the bark of the tree shattered and flew everywhere. Rai's hand went straight through the tree. But that was not the end of it, the lightning energy continued to pass through a few more trees before dissipating. It looked somewhat like a rail gun attack. A fist sized hole can be seen on the few trees that were in line with the attack.


[New Skill Created: Please provide name for skill]

'Just name it as Lightning Gauntlet for now.'

[New Skill created: Lightning Gauntlet (C)]

'Hey isn't that quite low for a skill that uses nature transformation.'

[It is low, but it is a growth type skill, the more proficient you grow with it, the skill rating will change accordingly.]

'Fair Enough.'

Sometime after that Rai succeeded in creating the Lightning Cloak. He was barely able to hold on for 30 seconds before it destabilized and dispelled. But from that he could understand the workings of the technique. The lightning cloak enhances all the physical parameters of the body. You get faster, you can take more damage and you also hit harder. It stimulates all the cells in the body to activate and keeps them in a state of hyper activity.

It looks like a combination of the Raikage's Lightning Release: Chakra Mode and Killua's Lightning Hatsu. Pretty cool if I say so myself. But it is still in the early stages and is extremely frail in this stage. It would need a long time and continuous tinkering before Rai can be capable of condensing the lightning and becoming as efficient in nintaijutsu like his father and grandfather.

[New Skill created: Lightning Cloak (B)]

[Doubles all physical attributes of the user's body]

Now Rai has to find a way to combine both skills and be able to use it simultaneously.

Rai first activated the Lightning Cloak and then attempted to channel additional lightning energy onto his right hand alone. The lightning Gauntlet formed but the all the energy from the cloak dissipated.

'This is harder than I thought. It's like I have to make a coat of lightning on to the existing cloak. Like an armor. If I can pull this off it'll be something like Armament Haki in the form of an armor I guess.'

'The problem seems to be that while forming the Gauntlet all the lightning from my Cloak is getting absorbed into it. This will probably make the skill stronger but I don't think that counts as the same skill. I'll have to ensure that additional energy is pulled in onto the forearm alone and also keep the cloak active throughout. Fuck my life.'

'How is this something that I can do in 3 days? Kakashi spent years creating his Raikiri and I have no idea how long it took for grandpa to be so proficient in Lightning Release: Chakra Mode.'

'Ahhhhh. This is so frustrating. I still have about 6 more hours to do this.'

You can do this Rai, come on. Rai tries to motivate himself.

It was getting closer and closer to the 3 day mark that the Raiju had set for Rai. Finally, about an hour before the time limit he had partial success with the technique. Knowing that this is the most that he could do at the moment. He goes towards the Raiju which was sleeping peacefully on a rock.

It wakes up upon sensing Rai approach and asks 'What? You want to give up already?'

"No. I'm done with creating it. Though it's only partially finished as of now, this is the most I can do before the time limit." – Rai

'Hoh. Then let me see it.'

Rai turns on the lighting cloak and takes his stance. He quickly dashes towards a huge boulder on the side. He pulls his arm back just before he reaches the boulder and condenses everything onto his right arm. Every bit of lightning chakra in the cloak as well some additional chakra gets added into the Gauntlet and he punches the boulder with the momentum he built up from using the cloak. The boulder gets pulverized to dust upon impact and even the ground upon which it stood cracked with signs of severe scorch damage. He turns around to the Raiju look for his verdict.

'It is still very poor execution and control but it is acceptable. So now the next test. Receive an attack from me.'

Rai was overjoyed upon hearing the first part but quickly deflated when he heard the rest. Receive an attack from this monster. Are you kidding me? He quickly cooks up a plan and speaks to the creature.

"Ok. But you can only use pure lightning attacks. Otherwise, I'll just turn to dust upon receiving your hit." – Rai

'Well, that is what I intended to do from the start anyways. And I'll hold back just enough to force your hand. You can do whatever you want, dodge, counter attack or anything you want. All you need to is survive.'

"What's the point of this anyway?" – Rai

'To see how you hold in a fight of course.'

Inwardly Rai is over the moon since he knows that pure lightning elemental attack will not harm him at all.

"Is this the last one though?" – Rai

'Yes. If you can survive. Then I'll acknowledge you as my summoner. Now get ready.'

The Raiju condenses some lightning on its tail until it becomes a thick coat of electricity running through the tail and launches the lightning at me in Pikachu style.

Rai tanked the hit and after 15 or so second of constant lightning barrage, it finally stopped showing Rai standing there completely unhurt.

*Awkward Silence*

Rai is wondering if this thing would be mad it him for tricking it. But, it seems his worries were for naught when he the Raiju say.

'As I expected, Lightning can't harm you huh.'

"You knew?" – Rai

'Of course I did. You think I can't even check if someone next to me has an affinity towards lightning. I was a companion to the God of Lightning. You think I can't do something so simple?'


"Then what was the point of the first test?" – Rai

'I just wanted to make things difficult for you. I can't just accept you the moment you come in front of me. It goes against my pride. Hmph.'


"So, what now?" – Rai

'Nothing, I'll let you out of here. And the next time you summon me, I'll be there. But I warn you, if you try and summon me with the pitiful amount of Chakra that you have. It won't even last a few seconds before you run out.'

"Ok." - Rai

"So can I have your name now?" – Rai

'It's Yoru. My name is Yoru' – Yoru

The previous voice has now changed to a more feminine one.

'Now, get out of here, I'm going to go back to sleep.'

Rai finds himself back where he left 3 days ago. Only it does not seem like any time has passed at all seeing that things are exactly as he left it.

Back in Yoru's Space

'So are you going to tell me how you are bound to his soul now?' – Yoru

'It's a long story. Old friend. Perhaps another time. I need to get back to him and make sure he's alright.' – Alice

'As always, everything that comes out of your mouth is related to him huh?' – Yoru

'Isn't that obvious. He's the one I fell in love with after all.' – Alice

'Whatever. I'll see you soon then. At least whip the guy into shape so that I can get out of here and lounge around in the real world.' – Yoru

'Sure thing.' – Alice