
The next few days in the village were like a blur. The news about the Raikage's injured state and their eventual retreat from the war spread like wildfire. There was a massive outrage throughout the village with the result of the war. Most people wanted immediate retaliation but with all villages now seemingly having to come to an accord to stop hostilities, it will be really bad for Kumo if they were the only ones insisting on continuing this war.

The news of grandpa's recovery was kept completely secret. Only the top brass with village elders and elite jonins being privy to it. They were completely gobsmacked upon this discovery. They had seen firsthand what his condition was like and to see him recovered was astonishing to say the least. Grandpa stepped down as Raikage with the excuse that losing his hand has crippled his battle prowess and it was unanimously decided that father would take over the mantle. No one has any sort of problems with this since he was being groomed for this role for a long time. It was also decided to keep the recovery of the Third Raikage a secret and only spread news that he survived. They were hoping that at least the news of his survival will have a positive effect on the depressing atmosphere festering in the village.

Though Grandpa lost a hand in this, it didn't really make him any less dangerous. He is still a Kage class shinobi and now he even has the track record of surviving against an onslaught of 10000 shinobi. Honestly, it only made him look all the scarier.

Rai found out during these few days that what actually happened was that Kumo caught wind of the peace treaty that was signed by Konoha with Iwa and Suna. This made grandpa cautious and he decided to not take a risk. Rai doesn't know if this actually happened in canon and was ignored or if grandpa had made some failsafes with spies in the enemy ranks to get such information. Either way it all worked out fine. Of course he still ended up having to be bait and stall the combined forces but he did not have to try and last the whole 3 days. The Kumo troops were already made aware that they might have to make a quick retreat and so was ready for it. So, grandpa only had to stall them for a day. Of course, just because it is only for a day doesn't make it any less harder and he ended up in this state. But he survived and that's all that matters at the end of the day.

On a personal note, Rai's Tyrannical Emperor Divine Veins did awaken during this time. It came as a complete surprise to him. He went from being a 1st Stage Nascent Profound realm practitioner to the 9th Stage of the Earth Profound Realm. It was an extremely happy occasion but having such a drastic increase in Chakra completely ruined his Chakra Control and now he has to build it pack up the required standards to use his techniques. But, at least now he can cultivate properly and be able to see results.

Rai was initially afraid of whether his father would find out that his grandfather's recovery was because of him. After he impulsively decided to feed his grandfather a senzu bean right in front of his father's nose, he was already trying to come up with excuses to deflect the heat from himself. But, it seems like he was thinking too much, who would rationally think that someone who isn't even 4 years old could save someone on his deathbed and that too in a span of a few minutes.

Father was officially instated as the Fourth Raikage in front of the village with the Daimyo of the Land of lightning also in attendance. The Daimyo seemed to be an intelligent man unlike the other Daimyo's shown during the series who were basically idiots and could be manipulated with flowery words.

Rai sees less and less of his father nowadays but his grandfather is now full time at home just lounging around. One of the first decisions that his father made after becoming Raikage is to forbid Uncle B from leaving the village. He doesn't want to take any chances with the safety of the village's biggest war potential. It must be noted that Uncle B is the only perfect Jinchuriki across the villages and his safety is vital to the village's future. It was said according to canon that father viewed the Jinchuriki as property of the village and not as a person. That still kind of ticks me off. Looking at a person as a commodity is not something I'll ever be comfortable with I think.

Rai also met with Darui and C who would later become his father's aides. They are students of grandpa and still come along every day to keep training under him. Darui has already learnt the black lightning technique from grandpa and is now trying to perfect his kekkei genkai, the storm release. They are around 12 years of age right now.

They were pretty shocked upon finding Rai in the house with his grandpa and upon finding his identity. Rai didn't really find that strange since, his family was never the outgoing type who flaunts the inner workings of the family. He is not privy to who in the village knows of his identity as the grandson of the 3rd Raikage and son of the 4th Raikage. It pretty much makes him a sort of royalty in the village. It does not bother Rai one bit that his identity is kept a secret. He actually prefers it to remain this way. It would be extremely annoying if people are going to scrutinize his each and every move. As for protection, there may be an ANBU or someone looking over him, but he has no idea about it and hasn't bothered to try and find out.

Rai has now started pestering his grandpa to start training him as well along with Darui and C. But, he keeps getting denied saying that he's still too you to start training in nintaijutsu. Nintaijutsu is the specialty of Kumo just like puppetry for Suna and Seals for Uzushiogakure. It is a style of fighting that incorporates the use of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Techniques like Lariat, Hell Stab and Liger Bomb which are used by father and grandpa are nintaijutsu techniques.

Rai doesn't really get how he is considered too young. He knows that people like Itachi started training before he was even 3 years old. Maybe it isn't the same for Kumo or maybe nintaijutsu techniques need the body to be more mature. Seeing that he has nothing else to do for now. Rai decided to use the lottery ticket that he got as a reward from the last mission.

'Alice, Use the ticket for me.'

[Using it now.]

Rai sees something like a slot machine in his interface with 5 slots. It starts spinning and after a good 15 seconds it came to a stop.