Training Montage (III)

The next morning. His grandfather took him to the Valley of Clouds and Lightning (Unraikyō). It is a valley located somewhere within the Land of Lightning's many mountain ranges. It is a water-filled valley surrounded by thick fog and clouds. Visibility is nearly nonexistent in here. This is where Uncle B supposedly does his training. Rai is sure that training his observation Haki here will provide great results.

His grandfather takes him further into the valley until he sees a dark cavern. He can see Uncle B standing in front waiting for their arrival.

"Yo little nephew, you're quite the genius I hear." - Uncle B

Rai stood there stunned, that was the first time he has heard Uncle B not rap and speak like a normal person.

Seemingly understanding my thoughts he quickly says "Konoyaro, yo Bakayaro...."

"Shut up with your rap B. I can't take this first thing in the morning." - Grandpa Bellows from my side.

"Uhh. OK." - Uncle B meekly responds.

"Let's start already. Take us somewhere with very little visibility. His training can start after that." - A (Grandpa)

We quickly follow behind Uncle B to a clearing surrounded by trees. The fog is extremely thick here and it'd be a miracle for someone without a Dojutsu to survive in here if a fight breaks out.

'So this is what the Kirigakure no Jutsu will be like.'

'I could totally flourish in places like these with my presence concealment. But right now I'm here to train my Observation Haki, so let's just see what Grandpa has planned for now. I totally do not want to put my guard down and get beaten up again.'

Rai quickly notices that his grandpa and Uncle are nowhere to be seen. He is sure now that whatever they have planned has already begun. Rai quickly turns serious and starts to observe the surroundings. After about a minute of nervous silence, he can whizzing sound from his side, he concentrates harder and sees a stone speeding towards his head. He quickly ducks to avoid it. This one is followed by another stone coming to his shoulder. Again, Rai sidesteps this one as well but what followed were multiple stones coming from different directions.

He dodges the first one, but got hit on his thigh by the next one, that broke his concentration and what followed was him getting pelted by stones non-stop. He got hit on his forehead, nose, arms, legs, back. Basically, he was treated like a training dummy for people to try their accuracy on.

Towards the end, he was starting to sense most of the stones coming towards him but his body was not quick enough and not flexible enough to be able to dodge them. He realizes that this is not enough, it is not enough for just his senses to be able to pick up on the objects, he needs to beat it into his body to instinctively move away the moment he senses the projectile heading towards him. This is surely going to be another hard training exercise.

This training was also added to his schedule. He would alternate between spars with his grandfather and stone pelting every day. His sword training also started to show proper results.


[New Skill: Sword Master received] (C)

'C rank is higher than I thought I'd get.'

[This is only the basic of Sword Mastery. After Sword Master comes Sword Grandmaster, then Sword King, Sword Emperor, Sword Saint and Sword Deity. So, you still have a long way to go. Don't look at the C rank like it's something special. This is a growth type weapon skill. It can always be improved upon.]


Rai followed this schedule for 6 months until his grandfather decided to change things up again. It was finally decided to teach him Jutsus. His grandpa had decided to leave this for last since it was noted that this was what he was most talented in. He wanted Rai's basics to be rock solid before starting off on Ninjutsu techniques.

When he asked his grandpa why he was being trained this way he responded saying that "This is indeed a very unorthodox method of training. Normal shinobi's would never be trained this way. But you're the furthest person from what a normal shinobi is. Normal training methods would be wasted on you. You need an unorthodox method to train monsters like you."

Then started his training in Ninjutsu. He was going to be taught pretty much every Jutsu that was available in the Village that does not need a Kekkei Genkai. Ninjutsu, Taijutsu everything that is available.

First, he was given a Chakra Paper to test his affinities. The paper will react according to the affinities that the person has. For Fire affinity, the paper will catch on fire and turn into ash. For Wind affinity, the paper will split in half. For Lightning affinity, the paper will wrinkle. For Earth affinity, the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away and finally for Water affinity, the paper will become damp.

Rai sent some chakra to the paper in his hand and it split into 3 parts with one part catching fire and turning to ask, one part wrinkles and the last part turns damp. He has 4 affinities with Fire, Wind, Lightning and Water. His grandfather is again gob smacked by this.

"I should really stop getting surprised by things related to you. This is certainly not good for my heart to keep getting this reaction. This old man's heart might just stop one of these times when it skips a beat you know." – A (Grandpa)

Rai now also splits his time learning Ninjutsu and Nintaijutsu techniques. He first received the scroll regarding the Lightning Release: Chakra Mode and compares the differences with his technique, the Lightning Cloak. And as expected he can see many improvements that he can make to his own technique.

He also received a multitude of other scrolls to learn from and he chose a few of the ones that he thought suited him best.

Black Lightning (A)

Hell Stab (A)

Liger Bomb (A)

Lightning Release: Lariat (A)

Clone Great Explosion (A)

Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon (A)

Lightning Flash (B)

Lightning Release: False Darkness (B)

Lightning Release: Body Flicker (B)

Earth Release: Earth Style Wall (B)

Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique (B)

Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder (C)

Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang (C)

Earth Release: Earth Prison Dome (C)

Body Flicker Technique (D)

Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique (D)

Wind Release: Breakthrough (D)

Fire Release: Fire Ball (D)

He chose all of these techniques to master. And then started another grueling training montage with him pushing his body to the absolute limit. He also uses the White Room every day to try out all these jutsus and master it.

This continued until Rai turned 7 years old and his grandpa decided to send him away to an island to fend for himself. This is supposedly the same island where Naruto and Killer B were being hidden at the start of the 4th Shinobi War. His grandfather says that there is only so much that he could learn from sparring and that he needs a real fight with his life on the line to improve further.