
'System, how does the Dungeon work? Will I be transported somewhere for this and is there any time dilation?'

[There is a time dilation of 1:10 with every hour that passes in the real world 10 hours would have passed within the dungeon. Replying to your other question, yes your true body will be transported into the dungeon.]

'Anything else I need to know?'

[The dungeon has a total of 100 floors with a floor boss on every 10 floors. There are also multiple difficulty levels for the dungeon itself. The difficulty levels are Rookie, Veteran, Elite, Master, Legendary, and Heroic.]

[Every subsequent floor has stronger monsters inhabiting the level. The ranking of monsters are also from 1-100 and you can find the monsters on the floor equivalent to their level.]

'Can I choose any difficulty to explore or do I have to start with Rookie rank? Also are there any rewards for clearing one difficulty level?'

[You have to start from the bottom normally host. But since the Rookie difficulty will not be challenging to the current you. You can start from Veteran Rank. Also there are no rewards for clearing each difficulty level but there is a Special Reward once you complete the Heroic difficulty level dungeon.]

'Sounds good.'

Rai leaves a clone behind in his room so that his disappearance does not cause any disturbance. He then mentally commanded to enter the dungeon. A gate formed in front of him and quickly sucked him in.

The place Rai found himself in looked remarkably similar to the dungeon from Danmachi. Dark dingy walls that suck the happiness out of you. Rai first checks if all his abilities are still working fine. He sends a shadow clone to scout the area. Once Rai confirmed that everything is in order. He started walking forward.

'System, what happens if I die in here?'

[There will be severe penalties Host. Your stats will drop by 90% for a period of a year. Injuries will be healed upon exit but death is seriously punished. Also, you cannot exit mid-combat if you think you'll lose your life. You can only exit from the safe zones which are found while traversing from floor to floor. So, you will have to clear the floor you are on before leaving.]

'Got it.'

It's not like Rai ever planned on dying anyways. But Rai was curious about what would happen if he died during his training with Scáthach. He asks the system for some clarity on this.

[Replying to host. There are penalties there as well but it is only a 50% drop in stats for a week's time. ]

'That's not too bad. Hopefully Scáthach will hold back on killing me though. It would still suck for that to happen.'

Rai then continues on searching for monsters to kill. He received a bunch of memories from the clone he sent to scout earlier. He changes direction towards where there are monsters present. After a short while, he sees them. Short and green disgusting creatures. Goblins. The little shits which squirms its way into every fanfic.

There were 5 of them. A couple of them were holding clubs while the rest were unarmed. Rai went straight for the kill. He flashed right in front of one of the club-wielding goblins and decapitated it with a kunai. He immediately turned to the other club-wielding goblin and did the same to it as well. Only now did the other goblins react. They jumped at him after letting out a piercing screech. But, they were too weak and Rai effortlessly dealt with them. They were only Lvl. 1 after all.

Rai continued on slaughtering anything that comes in his path and made his way to the second floor. He faced more of the same with the only difference being that the goblins were better armed and had higher stats than the previous floor. But, they were still too weak to be of any concern. Rai quickly made his way to the 10th floor. This is the boss floor, he made his way to the boss room and found a few hobgoblins as his opponents. They were faster, stronger and smarter than the ordinary goblins but still fell short of Rai's strength. Rai raced up to the 81st floor after he killed many different kinds of monsters like Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, Minotaurs, Werewolves, Skeletons, and Giants.

But now, he could not coast through the floors anymore. The monsters on these floors seem to be vampires. They are generally very agile creatures with insane regeneration abilities. His progress slowed down extensively. Rai had spent a little over 12 hours to reach the 81st floor but here on this alone he spent close to 4 hours. Rai was using his absolute advantage in speed to reap the lives of the monsters so far but with these vampires almost matching him in that regard and also outnumbering him. Rai had to slowly whittle them down with decisive attacks to instakill them. Just dealing damage doesn't cut it since they regenerate very quickly.

Though it was time consuming, Rai was not really tested to his limit just yet. He continued all the way until the 90th floor where he knew he would finally be pushed to the limit. The boss monster on the floor is a Viscount Ranked Vampire. It is also accompanied by a dozen other underlings of his.

The battle started off immediately with all the underlings charging at Rai together. Their sharp claws extended to try and slash at his throat and face repeatedly. Rai was able to dodge all of them but he knows he might be in trouble if the Viscount ranked Vampire also joins in. Rai decided to go in for the kill. All this time Rai had only been using his lightning cloak technique and CQC to kill the monsters. He decided to start using proper Ninjutsu from here on.

Rai identifies that fire should be a weakness to their kind and quickly performed the hand seal and unleashes the Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu at them. The vampires were caught off guard by the sudden change and 5 of the vampires were burnt to a crisp. Rai had been able to bring down the number of hand seals required to use all of his techniques to 1 for everything but Lightning Release Jutsus. For lightning he could just freely mold chakra and release a barrage of lightning techniques.

Seeing the change in the flow of battle the Viscount ranked Vampire also joins in. Rai creates a clone to take care of the minions and went into single combat against the vampire noble. The clone unleashed a barrage of Ninjutsu to corner the vampires and made sure that they were huddled up close to each other. He quickly flashed between the vampires and exploded with Clone Great Explosion Jutsu. All the remaining vampires died.

Rai's main body was in a heated battle against the vampire noble. This one was slightly faster than Rai. Rai all this time was fighting with the gravity seals on at 5x. Facing someone faster than him and with a slightly better battle sense was helping him improve. The stalemate continued until he heard an explosion. Taking this cue, he quickly beheaded the slightly distracted Vampire.

Rai decided to end things for the day since he had spent close to 40 hours in the dungeon. He decided to carry on the next day. Rai wanted to fight under the strain of gravity and complete the dungeon under this handicap since this is merely the Veteran rank difficulty.

Rai accrued a little over 300K SP in this single dungeon outing. All in all not a bad day at the office for Rai. He exited the dungeon and came back to his room to see his clone meditating. No one seems to have come to see what he's doing so, it was a pretty uneventful ending to the day.