6 More Months

It's been 6 months since Rai's first Bandit Extermination mission. He has since then gone on dozens of C rank and even a few B rank missions ranging from escort missions to delivering important documents as well as a few assassination missions for nukenins from Kumo.

Rai has also kept training with the same intensity as before. There has not been much of an improvement in his spars with Scáthach. She still keeps on decimating him quite easily though Rai has managed to dodge or block few hits here and there. But, every time he manages to do that, she raises her level and again he gets thrashed around by her. If he was only sparring with her Rai would have been demoralized by now but since he has also been actively sparring with his team mates and family. He has been able to at least see the results of his thrashing.

By Rai's estimate he should easily be able to kill a Jonin Rank ninja and he could even hold his own against an Elite Jonin. The Kage rank is still a bit far for Rai. Though he may be able to kill a Kage if he does a sneak attack. He hasn't really put that to the test yet though.

Rai has also reached the mid 80's floor in the Elite Dungeon with gravity seals on at 5x. He also reached the necessary 40M SP needed to buy the Swift Release Kekkei Genkai and has already assimilated with it. His speed more than doubled since then. So much so that Rai had trouble controlling his own speed. But, a few days of practice with close to a thousand shadow clones did the job. Rai reckons that he should be around the same speed as his father by now. But he lacks in the brute strength department.

Rai also came up with a new lightning Cloak technique. Unlike the original Lightning Release: Chakra Mode which coats the body in Purplish Blue Lightning, this new one coats his body in Golden White Lightning. This technique is a combination of Lightning and Yang Release. It is superior to the old Lightning Cloak in terms of Defense and Scorch Damage. Just being held by Rai in his Golden Lightning Mode will cause major burn damage. Unfortunately there is no boost in speed using this form. The Golden Lightning is also hella flashy. It stands out like a sore thumb. It looks identical to Super Saiyan Mode just that all of Rai's hair does not turn pointy. Also, the boost is not that great.

Rai also mastered the Black Lightning form, unlike the Golden Lightning, this one can be used in stealth as well and also provides a boost in Speed. This is a combination of Lightning and Yin Release. Rai has also learnt to use all his lightning techniques with both Golden and Black Lightning forms. Now he is able to use Raikiri with Black lightning and it does not create its signature loud Birds Chirping sound. A perfect Assassination skill when used in conjunction with Presence Concealment. On the other hand the Golden Lightning Raikiri takes the word flashy to another level. It looks like a bright yellow knife that extends from his hand.

Rai is still unable to use the Raikiri technique simultaneously on both hands. He reckons that he will turn into a god of Slaughter if he ever completes this technique.

(AN: Imagine Altair running around with elemental knives that specialize in Piercing damage instead of his regular ones.)

Rai is still trying to figure out how to perform the Kirin technique that Sasuke used in his battle against Itachi. That's the only technique that Rai still needs to master in the Lightning Element. The only other Jutsu that Rai is really craving for at the moment is Tengai Shinsei/Shattered Heavens. Originally this could only be performed with an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and also needs an absurd level of Chakra. Luckily buying the technique from the Store makes it usable for Rai as well. This is probably the only technique that Rai will buy from the store. Maybe he might buy the Flying Thunder God Jutsu as well. But all of that again needs a good grinding session in the dungeon.

Rai wanted to upgrade the White Room further but it has been locked until he reaches the Tyrant Profound Realm. Speaking of cultivation, Rai just broke through to the 1st Stage of the Emperor Profound Realm. He has been trying to condense and form a domain but has neither been able to figure out what kind of domain he wants to form nor does he know to go about doing it.

Apparently there are different types of Domains: Attack Type, Defense Type, Amplification Type, Restriction Type and Intimidation Type. Rai has always been placing his attack power over everything else. He went to the extent of drastically boosting his speed with a bloodline to supplement his style of attack. Quick, Clean and Precise. That's the way Rai likes it. He does not like spending too much time in epic and hard fought battles. The best way to win a fight is to end it in an instant with minimal fuss.

So, this put Rai in a pickle, does he still go by the same strategy or should he also shore up on his defense or crowd control skills. It's a sure thing that the stronger the opponents he has to face, instakilling them will not really happen. He wanted to ask Scáthach for her opinion but it looks like she isn't willing to so much as speak until he gets to an acceptable level in combat proficiency.

There has also been no signs of Alice since that day. She did mention that she'd be gone for a relatively long time but Rai could not help but wonder when she'd be back. He has been missing the banter that he had with her every day. On the side of the EX rank quest, Rai can only hope to find them after he leaves the Shinobi World. He knows he can find the Azure Dragon Inheritance in the ATG world, but he hasn't heard of the others leaving behind an inheritance at all. Maybe, the Vermillion Bird inheritance will be somewhere in the Flame God Realm but the other two, Rai has absolutely no clue. He just left it for when he can do something about it. There really is no point worrying about something when he can't do anything to fix it at the moment.

Rai has been summoning Yoru almost every other day. The lazy OP cat has become a regular of sort in our house. Funnily, Grandpa and Father think that she's a stray cat that Rai adopted. Rai couldn't help but snicker thinking about what their faces would be like when they find out that she can make the Bijuus look like cute kittens in front of her strength. Unfortunately, Rai still can't afford to keep her summoned at all times. The amount of Chakra that she needs stay here is astronomical even with Rai's almost Tailed Beast Level Chakra. Rai reckons that he'd need to breakthrough to the Sovereign Profound Realm to permanently allow her to stay as a Summon.

Another thing that has changed in the past 6 months is that most of the Kumo Shinobi are now aware of who he is. There have been quite a few people coming over to him and trying to suck up to him. This has also caused an increase in fan girls who are kyaaaing at him every day. Honestly, being in the center of attention is really not Rai's thing. He finds it extremely uncomfortable when people stare at his every action.

People have also become increasingly interested in finding out exactly how strong and how talented Rai is, after all they wouldn't want or accept the previous Raikage's grandson and the current Raikage's son to be weak. In spite of a little bit of snooping around in his usual training areas. No one really knows his actual prowess but they do know from his track record of completed missions that he is no way a weakling. So he just let it be.

Rai was chilling on the roof of the Raikage's office. This place has become his usual spot of late. Whenever he wants to relax and clear his head, he makes his way over here. With his presence Concealment on nobody has ever noticed him there.

As he was making his way back to his house. He noticed that a meeting was taking place in his father's office. Normally Rai would just ignore this kind of thing but he then heard something interesting in today's meeting.

Rai was initially stunned when he heard it but he quickly formulates a plan in his head and heads home to find his grandfather. Rai will definitely need his help if he wants to pull this off.