"Look Mr. whoever you are, I want to tell you that she has Pneumonia, but she is out of danger, but still you have to take good care of her, as she is so weak, and here I am writing some or health medicines, make sure she will take it time to time, okay", the doctor said and I nod my head,

"And I also gave her an injection, so the temperature of her body will be normal after some time, just take care of her and feed her healthy food and fruits", said the doctor, and I again nod,

"Okay I am leaving now", said the doctor and get up from the chair,

"Thank you so much doctor", I said and she passed me a smile,

"I will drop you outside", said Lissa and went with her,

I sat down beside Jackcy, and caressed her hair, and cupped her face,

"You will be fine soon, do not worry, okay", I said and I pecked her forehead,

Alesso was staring at me with confusion expression, and I know what I am doing is wrong, but I could not help,