Jackcy's Point Of View, 

I sighed as it was Alesso's call and as Lissa picked the call, my heart skipped a beat, 

"Hey Alesso, where are you, and why you guys are not answering our calls", said Lissa as she picked up, she did not even let him speak, 

"Lissa, relax, I am fine, but Luther got hurt and we were in the hospital, and now we are on the way, and coming home now", said Alesso and I just lost my face colors, 

"How did he got hurt, how he is now, what happened to him Alesso", I asked a lot of questions in one breath, I do not know why but the thought of him being hurt made me feel devastated, 

I mean how did he got hurt, and why he was not answering, where did he went, and why he is not telling me anything, I was too lost in all these thoughts, 

"Jackcy, relax, I will explain everything, first let us come home, and now he is fine, so just calm down, I will catch you later", said Alesso and hang up,