Luther's Point Of View, 

I was happy to see them happy, they both deserve the whole world's happiness, especially Lissa, she has a special place in my heart, I know it is a selfish reason to adore her, but still, my heart feels that way, but she was all the time with Jackcy when I was not, she was with her side all the time, and in this is the twenty-first century, no one helps anyone without any benefit, but she was with her without any reason, without any benefit, and she is more than a sister for Jackcy, I want to give Jackcy all the happiness and I want Lissa also get all the happiness, she is also as a sister for me, 

"Well, I am sorry Alesso, I just did not mean to yell at you like that, it was just that you", I was about to say something but he showed me his palm and started laughing at me,