Before The Beginning

*Somewhere in another world*

A battle was happening on a battlefield between two sides. Battlecries were shouted, arrows were shot, carnage on the whole field. Some were knocked out, trying to get back up and fight back. They would do sacrifices to protect their fellow allies, family, land, everything. All of their strength, courage, bravery were put down to use, fighting for victory. They will not stop until either side were in defeat, or surrender.

An armored man was behind a destroyed cart with a fellow ally, holding his sword in his right hand, preparing to fight. His ally, an archer, was wearing a small cloak with a hood, holding a bow in his left hand, and an arrow in his right, ready to shoot an enemy. Panting after running and exhaustion, crouching behind the cart, one of them nodded, saying to the archer to start attacking. He nodded back. Then, the armored man got out from their cover and started attacking. The Archer stayed preparing to shoot an arrow. The armored man started twirling his sword to his sides, performing a technique. As he finished his technique, he started to leap really high, with him holding his sword with both of his hands facing the ground. He landed and stabbed the ground, releasing a wave of light around him, causing the enemies around him to become weaker. As he landed, his ally began to shoot a bright arrow towards the sky. When it was about to fall, it multiplied into multiple arrows, making a rain of arrows and hit the enemies on the ground. The archer made a small smile, feeling a little pride inside.

Their surroundings were cleared of enemies. But when the archer was about to run to the armored man, a figure was standing far in front of them, holding to what it seems a staff. The armored man walked back while making a defensive stance. The archer took an arrow behind his back, aiming towards the figure with his right eye. The figure started walking slowly towards the armored man. The figure stood in front of the armored man a few meters away. He has a purple scar on his right cheek, a red hair with a stroke of purple. He was wearing a dark cloak with armor behind it, red gloves on his hands. He stared at the armored man in front of him, then let out a small chuckle. He shook his head while smiling, underestimating his enemy.

"Do you really want this to continue, Magnus?" He asked the armored man. "Look around you," He exclaimed while showing Magnus their surroundings. A battlefield with weak bodies, arrows on the ground, fires. That battle caused carnage. "A land almost destroyed because of us both. You really want to see more casualties and destruction, do you?"

Magnus stared at the figure for a few seconds, then he answered calmly. "Says the man who started all this,"

"Hmhmhmm" the figure chuckled. "I had no intentions," The figure answered with a sinister voice. "I'm just....protecting my land," He continued.

Magnus responded with a fake amused face. "What a coincidence," He answered sarcastically. "I'm also protecting my land."

"Then it seems we both had the same intentions I see," The figure said.

"Yes, we had," Magnus responded. He immediately changed away from his defensive stance. "But mine....has a twist,"

The figure was confused for a second until he immediately saw the archer standing far beside Magnus. He immediately released the arrow in his hands. At full speed, the arrow flew towards the figure. He quickly dodged the arrow. He thought 'Heh, miss me'. Then, he immediately thought 'Wait'. He realized and quickly turned to Magnus, who was about to attack him with his sword. He immediately moved away and rolled back to dodge the attack.

"Heh...nice trick," The figure said. Magnus responded with a 'show off' smile. The figure stood up, removing his cloak.

He started to form an attack stance. He twirled his staff around him, showing off his skills. He held his staff behind him facing sideways. He then bent both of his legs, with his left facing forward, his right facing forward right. "You want to do this, do you?" He asked.

Magnus smiled before he answered. "Hmhmhm," He smiled. He quickly held his sword with both hands at the right side of his body. He lowered his body as he bent both of his legs, forming an attack stance.

Both warriors stared at each other, making a steady look on their faces, being ready for a sudden attack. Silence was between them, surrounded by the noise of the battlefield far from them. The archer was ready with an arrow to be shot. This wasn't unnoticed by the figure. He mumbled without making a sound. This made Magnus suspicious. As he was done, he started. He attacked. Not to Magnus, but the archer. He quickly shot a purple blast to the archer, causing the archer to be knocked out. Magnus turned to see.

He gasped. "No!" He exclaimed with anger. He turned to the figure with a furious face and immediately attack him. All of a sudden, the figure parried his attacks, causing Magnus to fall back.

"You know, I don't have time for this. I have an empire to rule and an army to recover," The figure said as he back away from Magnus. The figure twirled his staff and stomped it to the ground, creating a circle glyph beneath him. A huge beam of light appeared from the circle, making the figure not visible because of the light. Once it was gone, he was also gone. Magnus was angry about what just happened. He looked at his surroundings, seeing that the enemy army was gone too. The whole army followed to disappear.

"ARGHH!" He shouted irritably. "Coward," he said referring to the figure. He quickly ran to the archer who was shot by the figure.

He saw his friend struggling to recover on the ground. "H-hey, Archer," He called his friend. Archer made a small movement that made Magnus relieved. His friend was still conscious. "Don't worry," He exclaimed. "You're going to be healed," He told his friend. He waved to signal the other warriors to come and carry Archer back to the castle. They called in the healers and healed the weakened warriors on the field.

*Hi there! Like I said, part 1 will be uploaded this weekend and I did. What do you think of the first part? Comment down below, leave a like, and don't forget to subscribe! (Wait, wrong app :\ )