Reality: Summertime Saga

[Author Talk---]

Another warning to all the readers, this fan fiction is pure imagination.

Chapter may contain- Killing, Slavery, Incest, Hardcore sex, Group sex, Netori, R*pe, Violence, etc.

Read at your own risks and later don't complain about it in reviews or comments.


Walking, I saw many people on the road. It was like a normal day but the things to notice were those women.

Almost everyone had that body which could become sensational in my past life.

And the clothes they wore were just for me to slap at. I can clearly see their figure from it.

But not a single man took notice of these things, and continued their own work. Even Erick was similar to them.

I really hope it's not a dream.

* * *

When dev and Erick reached the school, at the entrance stood a young girl.

Mia is a teen with dark‐brown hair and eyes. Her usual hairstyle is a ponytail with a pink scrunchie.

Her mauve‐and‐white‐colored polo and blue jeans suit her gentle and discreet temperament.

She wears pink earrings and often carries textbooks in her hands.

"Hi, Dev! Hi, Erick! How was your weekend?, " Asked Mia in a cheerful way while having a bright smile on her face.

"I spent most of my time playing games, " Replied Erick in a tired manner. He stretched his aching shoulders around for a bit.

"As usual, " Answered Dev, he smiled at Mia. He was having many thoughts in his mind right now.

"I heard about your dad from mom, really sad about it, " Said Mia as her face took a turn and her smile was gone.

"It's fine, " Replied Dev, he waved his hands to her and indicated not to worry.

"By the way, can you help me in preparing for the final exams?, " Asked Mia as she joined her palms towards Dev in an apologetic way.

"I will think about that, " Said Dev, then he with the two entered the school building.

"Almost forgot! You look cool!, " Suddenly, Mia said with a smile. Dev just nodded and appreciated her praise.

* * *


The main hallway was filled with many students, each one was busy doing his job as mobs.

"Hey! Isn't that Dev? He changed!, " Said a girl while looking at Dev with surprise in her eyes.

"Ya, ya! I heard his father died a month ago! Is it the reason for his change?, " Asked the boy near the girl in confusion.

Dev attracted the attention of many students as he walked towards his classroom.

"Your new looks made you a protagonist, dude!, " Said Erick with excitement in his voice which replaced the tired tone.

"Don't care, " Said Dev plainly while his eyes landed on two people talking to each other.

"... So then Becca threw her retainer in the toilet, " The conversation was going one between two people who were laughing out loud.

"Buhhaha!, " Laughed Dexter, Roxxy was also having a tough time controlling her laughter.

Dexter is an intimidating muscular jock of tall stature with a blond military cut and blue eyes.

A black tank top and blue‐and‐white basketball shorts are his usual clothing.

Roxxy is a teenager with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a generous bust.

Her daily wardrobe is a tight pink tank top which barely covers her dark‐purple bra, and gray hot pants.

Her nail polish matches the color of her underwear. Silver earrings, navel piercing, and red bracelet complete her appearance.

Noticing the two come, Dexter and Roxxy went silent.

"Uge, what are you two losers looking at?, " Said Roxxy with an annoyed tone.

'I remember, I will get to fuck her in doggy style, ' thought Dev as Dexter, Roxxy and Erick were conversing.

Still thinking, Dev didn't notice the principal come and go after calling him in her office.

"Dude! What are you thinking!, " Suddenly, I came out of my thoughts by Erick's voice.

"Ahh, nothing!, " Said Dev in his same plain tone while looking at the walking figure of Principal Smith.

"You better hurry, or God knows what the principal will do to you!, " Said Erick as he was scared to even think about it.

"Okay, I will go now, " Replied Dev. He walked towards the stairs and headed to the principal's office.

* * *

'Her office was on the last floor, ' taking the stairs, Dev reached the last floor and looked at the end of the corridor.

Walking, he saw four doors on the left side while the last door at the end was the principal's.

'These are the teachers' offices, I remembered, ' thought Dev while closing near the last door with every step.


"Come in, " Mrs Smith's voice came from inside. Opening the door, I entered.

There I saw a student with the principal who sat on the table crossing her legs.

Annie is a teen with titian hair and brown eyes. She keeps her hair in a broad French braid.

Her school uniform is a burgundy‐and‐yellow jacket, a cream‐colored poplin shirt under it, and a blue skirt.

"Come here, " Called Mrs Smith, while looking at Dev with her angry face.

Then he was lectured about his low grades and why he skipped the classes for a month.

"I actually forgot and lost the combination of my locker, " Said Dev, there was a clear frown on Mrs Smith's face.

"I will give Annie the master key, it will take some time before I arrange a new locker for you, " Said Mrs Smith. Nodding his head, Dev stepped out of the office.

When Dev reached the third floor, he encountered one of his friends.

Kevin is a lean teen of tall stature with half‐combed brown hair and brown eyes.

His typical attire is a teal T‐shirt and dark shorts.

"Hey, Dev! You look cool, " Said Kevin, Dev thanked him and talked about his job at the cafeteria.

"I will look for someone to replace you, " Replied Dev as he made his way towards his locker where Annie waited for him.

* * *

When Dev reached his locker which was just opposite to his classroom, Annie was already there.

"Let's get it over with, " Said Annie as she took out a small key from her jacket and opened the locker.

'The master key which will be stolen by me, ' thought Dev as he glanced at the small key which entered the jacket again.

"Get whatever you need and head to your athletic class, " Said Annie, she then headed towards the girl's changing room.

Inside my locker, I saw my books and three extra things. Report card, the to-do list and a trending dillion card.

Putting everything inside his back, Dev was now heading towards the girl's changing room.