9. Changes

They sleep well that night. When the suns up none of them getting up, they were through some hard and scariest night. Especially for Daniela, she has been marked by some people. She doesn't dare to walk around with some eccentric or even fancy dress. Luckily she meets the right person at the right times.

Its 8 a.m. sunshine touched their skin through the curtain. Nobody sleeps in the bedroom, they slept on the couch in front of the kitchen. They were talking till morning and fall asleep in the middle of the conversation.

*Knock, knock!*

Daniela gets up right away after hearing that sound. She looked at the door for one sec, to make sure it was a real sound and she isn't dreaming. She looked at James, he still sleeping on the couch. 'Maybe it was just my imagination.'

Right before she wants to get back to her dreams, *knock knock, knock!* It repeat several times, Daniela has to walk towards the door. She's stood in front of the door and didn't open it. She still afraid maybe there are people from the last night. She wants to wake James up but—'I have to do it myself, this is my problem and I can't always depend on him.'

She takes a deep breath and counts into three before opening the door. 'One, two, three'—open up and a woman is standing in front of the door. Her dark hair with the white top, they looked at each other. They look wondered as well, nobody knows what's happening right now.

"Who are you?" Daniela starts the conversation.

"Oh, my name is Christy. I want to meet James but maybe I came at the wrong time,"

She looked at Daniela who just wears her old sweatshirts and a pair of shocks without pants. Christy feels so awkward to meet face to face with some unknown girl wearing her oldies clothes.

"You know what, I'll come back later, nice to meet you by the way,"

Christy smiles at Daniela and leaves her standing in front of the apartment door. Christy felt embarrassed at the moment, 'what was that? Sure he already has a new girl. He's famous and handsome of course every woman would be chasing him. Idiots! It was me who told him to not call me again. In the end, I shouldn't worried about him.'

. . . . . . . .

Daniela was stunned, she didn't understand what was going on. She came and then just left without a reason. She thought about that for a minute. She looked down and realizes she didn't wear any pants and just underwear. 'Ah, maybe because of this. She must've got this on a wrong way.'

She walks inside and opened up the fridge, there's nothing left in it. Just some milk and bread, 'I thought he's rich.' Nothing much she can do with those things, she woke James up and told him there's nothing left on the fridge.

"Just go to the convenience store," he talked with half-sleeping.

"I can't go out like this, I didn't bring any pants. Just get up it's almost 9 in the morning," she yelled at James and roll him out from the couch.

"Ouch, all right I'll go, just ask me nicely,"

James sits and walking to the bathroom, washed his face with the cold water to fresh up his eyes. He grabbed his hoodie and walked to the convenience store, it was just a couple of blocks but it feels so far for him. He never gets up and hit the road right away.

James forgot that there was Daniela and he didn't restock his fridge. He doesn't sure what should he pick for the breakfast. He bought some cigarettes as always, noodles, meat, some bundles of dried herbs, and eggs. He looked at some beers and think it might be good to buy some beer. Before he wants to reach it, his hands touched other people's hands too.

"Oh I'm sorry--" James surprised when looked at it, "Christy? Why are you here?"

"James, yeah that's a long story," she's surprised just like him.

"Can we talk for a minute? There's something I want to talk about," he looked at her eyes.

Christy nodding, "But not here, let's head to the usual place."


They head to the café next to the store. It's the only café around there. James spent most of his time writing at this place. This is the place when they hang out and didn't know where to go. They sat in the corner of the place, ordered black coffee and some cappuccino.

It feels awkward for both of them. They didn't meet each other since they broke-up. James glanced at her, looked at her dark beautiful hair. Her smell of perfume reminds him of how fragrant her body was. Just one moment but James can see the memories within her.

"So, how are you?" Christy breaks the tension.

"Good, just like you I guess."

"Pretty much,"

Silent, again they didn't know what to say to each other. Especially Christy, after she met Daniela at James's apartment.

"Christy, the reason why I dragged you here is I want to ask you some question." James comes first. "Maybe it's too late but I want to ask you the reason. Face to face, not from the phone."

She took a deep breath, "How long we've been together? One year, maybe more? These last couple of months we've never met each other. I'm busy with my job and so do you. I didn't know it will end. This about my feeling James, I can't force my heart to love you anymore. It just, I don't have that feeling anymore. It changes, people change James."

"But we can work it out, right? I'll spend more time with you if I should. There must be another way right?"

"James, you want in a relationship like that? It will be a shame if I lie about my feelings. When you love me with all of your heart but I didn't do it the same way. Please, if you love me just let me go okay?"

James nodding with a sad face, he wants to cry again. He holds his tears with all of his power.

"I still care about you, I know I told you to stay away from me and didn't call me again. But I can't stop worried about you. Can we do this? I know it'll take time for you,"

"I'll try," he answered it shortly.

"C'mon cheer up, you already have a new one right?" Christy didn't want to make him sad again.

"Who? Don't tell me, you meet Daniela!?"

"Ahh, she's Daniela, why she wears my clothes? Are you guys have done it?"

"No, we didn't do it. That's a long story and she didn't have a place to sleep so I lend her your clothes. Don't think something wrong."

Christy is the one who can make James smiles and cry at the same time. She doesn't want James to hate her, she wants to make a good relation with him. Deep down inside Christy still wants to make sure he's okay, after he sent those messages, she wanted to support him from a distance.

They talked for an hour and walk home separately. James lights up his cigarette while walking home, think about what she said. He knows she wants to cheer him. Still, something he didn't understand, 'why feelings can change so easily?' From that moment he won't trust everyone's feelings anymore. In the end, it'll through some changes.