
28. Destination

James prepared himself for the next week. He learned how to teach some of the high school students. He didn't do much, everything went like usual. He only teaches writing in the literature club, so he didn't have to wake up in the morning.

Ed knew how to pick a job that suits him. James wasn't put a lot of effort into this job, he just being him. Stayed late at night, drink alcohol, and smoked many cigarettes. He spent his day sitting and contemplating his future.

Suns get high and it showed 2 p.m. James changed his outfit and went to school. 'Damn it been years since I'm back to school. It's different became a teacher.' He crossed his finger to hope that nothing will go wrongs.

Everything went greats. He's not nervous because he had been there before. He dismissed the class after 2 hours straight, teaching and telling all these kids about how was life like to be a writer. It good for him, make him remembered he was in a good place.

James walked out of the class and someone took him by surprise. The beautiful creature with the dark hair and softest voice that he has heard. It called his name, from behind. James stunned for a second, 'It can't be her right? It can't be.'


He's too afraid to turn around. He wished that the woman behind him is not Christy. But he knew that impossible. He knew only her that had such beautiful voices. James hadn't turn around but he could imagine her looks just by her voice.

"Hey, don't ignore me," Christy slapped his back.

James gathered the courage and turn around, "Oh, it's you. Hahaha, I thought it was somebody else."

"Such a liar… I heard you teach a literature club here. I don't believe it till I see you here," Christy giggled.

'Oh gosh, that is the smile that makes me hurt even more. Your beauty and happiness make me ache. The only thing that I can do here is just smiling, and pretend that isn't hurt me.'

"Sorry but I should get going," James smiled and find a way to get out from her sight.

"You do? C'mon just a little longer, we can get a drink together."

James hesitated, 'Why you asked me like there was nothing happened between us?' He didn't want to be with her any longer. He tried to make an excuse to be gone and back to his lovely apartment.

"I do want to but Ed's looking for me right now and I should get going,"

"Wow, how's he doing right now?"

"He's good. . . Yeah…." There's a silence between them, it became more awkward than before. "So I should get going. Bye"

James smiled and walked away leave Christy alone in front of an empty class. Christy stared at him walk away, she did everything to make friends with him. All she wanted to do is just normal like before.

"James!" Christy shouted at him before he left. James glanced at her, only his head turn back to hear what she wanted to say. "Are you still can't stand with me? Is it hard with our history to just being a friend?"

James looked at her, smiled, and wave. He didn't answer the question at all. Christy didn't have an idea what was that about. She knew that James couldn't stand with him. She knew that his smile is a fake, a pity smile.

James did not know it's a good idea or not. He couldn't say that he didn't want to see her. All he needed is more time to makes sure every feeling that he had is buried down in his heart. He went straight to his car and goes away from the school.

James back to his apartment then opened the door. He looked at every corner and his place looked so gloomy. His head filled with the last thing that Christy said. After looked at his empty and hollow apartment, he thought that he couldn't feel any better there.

James decided to take a little walk again, a first he didn't know where to go. He walked without any destination. He didn't want to stay home but he didn't know where to go. It just like his life, he hadn't idea where to go.

He couldn't be stuck in this position, but he didn't want to go up. He's afraid to be kicked down back to where he was when tried to crawling. He was stuck in the riddle, everything is opened and he could go wherever he wants. He just needs a destination.

James knew it, and but he was confused to figure it out. Skies turn orange with some grey clouds around. He checked his phone, it shows 5.30 p.m. Just before he put back his phone in the bag, someone calls him. It's Alice!

"Hello?" James picked up.

"Wow, glad you picked it up. I have got a party tonight, and I want you to come. What do you say?"

"Mmm… I don't know. I mean it's okay if come because I'm not one of you guys."

Alice laughed, "Hahaha, sure it's fine. I'll see you at 8. Just come, you don't have to think anything unnecessarily."

"Okay," James answered shortly and he hung up.

Alice came at the right time. James was glad there's something to do, he needed some fun. At least to erase the pain that he had. He knew this fun won't last forever, and he had to deal with the pain after it.

James tried to not care this time, he was tired to be sad all the time. With all the problems that he had, he remembered to slow down a little bit. He wanted to figure with all joy around him. One of the reasons he wanted to come is because of Alice.

He like her, she brought a good spirit with him. That's something that James didn't have, to be someone that always cheer and make other people happy is some magical thing that she had. James hoped that with her tonight will make him forget about Christy.

Alice made some different interests for him. It's not loved but it's too early to call it friendship. All that matters right now that she gave something that he wanted. She gave him a destination, even though it just for tonight. But it's wonderful than walking and have no place to stop by.