SKY 2: Blessed eyes


I woke up late because I couldn't sleep well last night. Fuck Caylus for telling me to dream about him, now I fell asleep around dawn already!

And I'm already late for my first subject and my second subject teacher is pretty hard to make an excuse to attend her class when your late. I took big leaps when I was in the stairs and run my way to my classroom praying she haven't arrived yet.

I opened our class door and there she is standing in front with her sharp eyes looking at me with those bright red lipstick.

"Care to explain to me why I, your teacher, is earlier than you are, Ms. Mercadejas?" Ms. Gaviola said with one of her fleck eyebrows raising.

Isn't it obvious Ms. Gaviola? You came earlier than I am.

"I got caught up in traffic Ms. Gaviola"

"And is that my fault?"

'Did I blame you for that?'

I badly want to tell her that but of course I don't want my behavior rate to go down.

"No Ms. Gaviola."

"Since it's your first offense, write an excuse letter to the principal explaining why an honor student is late."

" Yes Ms. Gaviola"

She gave me a look and turned her back against me and continued writing on the whiteboard.

I took my sit and Oliver handed me a bottle of sardines.

"My dad said to give some samples to you guys and if you liked it, then go hit my number."

"Sure, but how much would it cost if I order?"

"original price is 70 but since were friends, I'll give you discount"

"That's my boy"

and we gave each other a fist bump.

The discussion was pretty boring as hell; most of the time my mind wanders in my imagination. I even day dreamed about eating in a buffet of sweets! Yes, I have a sweet tooth and I just can't help but not to have at least a candy of sweets in a day. I bet I looked so dreamy and I was drooling, probably one of the reason why Oliver kept looking back and forth at me. He must be laughing at me, knowing him he likes to make fun of me.


Thank God, it's lunch time!

The only subject I love and enjoy the most! It's not a subject but shut up, it's in my class schedule so I assume it is. I got my wallet and stood up about to leave to the canteen when my phone beeped inside my pocket. I got my phone out and it was a snapchat message.

8:00 am

Caylus: Goodmorning! I hope you have a great day!:)

11:15 am

Caylus: It's lunch time here, hope you ate your lunch:)

Caylus sent a snap

I opened the snap that Caylus sent me, and it was his lunch. He got a chicken penne pasta with garlic bread. The pasta looks so appetizing and now I think I am craving the pasta he is eating. Gosh, the canteen better have that down stairs or else I will totally rant him for making me crave something not available.

"Emery! Nere! You guys buying food down stairs?"

"Pass, mom made me my favourite, AFRITADA MY LOVES!!" Nere said in so much excitement.

"Sorry Shi, I made healthy lunch today."

"Awhh, I'm going down stairs alone?" I said with a frown, at least they might feel pity and decided to go with me.

"BUT!" Emery shouted giving me some hope.

"But what?!"

"Could you buy me water, please?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Please, you can keep the change."

"Fine" I surrendered.

Emery handed me 20 pesos and I made my way down. I looked around and saw the canteen full of students lining for this new store. I took a peeked with what they are serving and I think it's heaven, they have pasta! I fell in line excited to get some pasta and it was a really long line in this hot weather. Finally after 20 mins in line, it was my turn but there was no more pasta! I suddenly felt irritated, I lined up for 20 minutes and I get no pasta at all?!

My stomach made the grumbling sound, telling me to feed her or else she will devour my organs inside. There was no pasta left and I can't just sulk here because of that, so I ended up buying some Korean noodle , sausages with cheese, and rice. I am Asian and I can't live life without rice, because RICE IS LIFE.

I also got Emery her water and the water cost 20 pesos. I had no change, that girl scammed me.

I went back up to my classroom and sat on my sit and started munching on my noodles. I didn't get pasta but the noodles I got was pretty damn good, it made me rush downstairs for another cup. Of course you can't forget dessert! I love ice-cream and I can say ice-cream is my lover, you can't separate me and my loves. I got a matcha green tea corneto disc cone. The classroom is pretty noisy, some are jamming to the songs that Oliver is strumming with his guitar, some boys are playing games with their phones and screaming when they are about to loose, some anime addicts talking about the new update of a certain anime, some girls are doing some tiktok dances and the rest are pretty much either sleeping, eating, studying or didn't care with what's happening.

"Guys! There will be an English quiz later, 50 items," Cherry shouted out loud enough that silent the whole class. Thank goodness, a little peace for a moment.

After hearing the sudden announcements everyone rushed backed to their seats and opened their notes in English. Some went on groups to study, pairs, and solo. I'm pretty weak in English so I sat near to one of my guy bestfriend, Febonee , to help me study.

"Good afternoon class. Get one whole sheet of paper, write your name ,date ,section , and my name. Cursive ,with margin ,write legibly and no erasures. Minus 5 per erasures. Okay question number one, Helen was kidnapped by who? Question number 2-"

"Wait MS! Slow down!"

Ms. Cooper studied everyone and how we all panicked to her instructions and let out a sigh.

"Okay 1 minute, ready or not I will start the quiz."

"Thank you MS!"

F*ck no erasures! God knows how many erasures I can have in one test.

And so English started with my barely passing that surprise quiz Ms. Cooper gave, rip english grades.


"Goodbye and Thank you Ms. Donatto"

I stretched my arms up in the air and thank goodness class is over with math as the last subject but boo! I have 3 assignments today, math, physics and English, great! All my worst performing subject in one night.

"Hersheys want to grab milktea downstairs? Emery is getting one," Nere asked me while putting her jansport bag on her shoulders.

"No thank you, my mom's here. Maybe next time, bye take care guys!" I waved them goodbye and rushed downstairs because my mom decided to pick me up from school today because we will have a family dinner for my aunt's farewell party.

I got home and there was a saw a lot of unfamiliar faces. I thought we would have a simple family dinner?

"Sweetie, go get change and come down here for dinner and entertain some guest."

"I thought it's a family dinner?"

"Well it's your aunt's farewell party anyway so why not make most out of it," mom said with a smile then leaving me to entertain some guest that I am not even familiar with.

Yes I lived in an extended family and I am living in my mom side. My dad works abroad and I am not close to his side, well to some counted cousins only. My mom side is a big family and when I said big, I mean it. I have 18 macho cousins and 7 going macho cousins: They named the group as machos since they have a body that girls will drool over and would be willing to be bed. It is chaotic, but a day in this house is never boring.

"Hey Shi, how's school?", my older cousin Mike asked me then Louise followed behind him.

"So did you get yourself a boyfriend already?"

I rolled my eyes inwardly earning a laugh from the two of them. They would always tease me if I have one because they know it's hard to get one. I mean with this unpleasing look and a body of a whale, no guy is willing to ask someone out.

"Stop it you two," a voice echoed from my behind and a man in his corporate suit is walking towards our direction; Vince the third eldest cousin of mine. The responsible one and the gentleman; probably the only decent guy among my cousins which made me wonder why don't he have a girlfriend. Vince kissed my cheeks and gave Louise and Mike their bro handshake.

Louise placed his right arm around the neck of Vince like a side neck hug, "We were just kidding Vince, don't take things to seriously. Loosen up and get drunk with alcohol and ladies!" Louise said as if no one would hear his perverted and irresponsible mind.

"Get drunk with alcohol and money, and now that is loosen up in my dictionary," Mike said and left the conversation to get something to drink.

"Drinking is bad for your health and I don't need to hook up with ladies. I don't want to get something you have and is contagious."

"I have?" Louise looked confused at first then laughed it out after getting what Vince told him.

"I don't have it Vince, I do it protected but hot" Louise said with a hand gesture like a money sign.


Louise just laughed at Vince and his laughter died and he was stunned at the figure behind Vince. I turned my back and there I saw a pretty girl, whose hair light brown hair is tied up in a high ponytail, rosy cheeks, small but pouty lips, round hazel eyes, small pointy nose ,a heart shaped face, in a red flowy dress. She looks dazzlingly alright, that every man would dream to get her sweet yes. She seemed to be with her parent's and is approaching my aunt, maybe giving her the best wishes before living the country. I looked back at Louise and there I saw a different spark in his, not just any kind of spark, a spark where they say you just fell in the trap of cupid.

Vince snapped Louise out of his state to entertain some guess and I am not surprised that he come up with the girl he was looking at awhile ago.

I looked around and let out a sigh. I am not fond of parties and I don't really know how to entertain guest. I went up and took a quick bath and got dressed, just a simple long silky below the knee emerald dress. The chest is quite showy but not too much to expose rated 18 view, the sleeves cut just right above my elbow. All I could say is, I look decent for this 'simple party' well at least I think I do. I put on powder, some blush, and a lip tint to at least look less haggard from school. I let my hair down and brush it a little then put on some flats and made my way down to entertain some guest, if I can.

I looked around and everyone is pretty busy with their own thing, some are singing in the in the karaoke, others feasting on the buffet, most woman chatting with fellow woman, and many more. Seems like they don't need me anyway and I am kind of hungry so I got myself some food and went to the garden. A hidden place in the garden, I come here a lot when I want to be alone. It's just peaceful, it helps me think when I have a problem.

I ate my dinner alone there and to be honest, I like it. Just quite and it's just me and the stars above.

I lay down and looked up in the sky full of twinkling lights. Beautiful.

I reached my hand above like I can get a star.

One day I will be an architect.

I was dreaming of my future self when my phone made a notification sound and it was Caylus.

Caylus: Have you eaten dinner already?

Why is he curios anyway?

Me: None of your business if I did or not.

With that I pressed send and tucked my phone back in my pocket when it vibrated through my skirt's pocket.

Caylus: Well, I am a concern and kind citizen so I care for you. So have you eaten dinner already?

Concern and kind? Phfftt , the last time I remembered no such man existed.

Me: Yes master, I ate my dinner already.

Me: You happy? (full of sarcasm)

Caylus: AHAHAHAHA master, okay then. Yes cutie snob doggie, I felt relieved and contented that you ate already.

Did he just called me a snob dog?! How dare he!

Me: What snob dog huh?!

Caylus: You :)

Me: I am not a snob!

Caylus: Yup you are.


Caylus: You are a cutie snob dog.

Me: I.AM. NOT.

Caylus: AHAHAHAHA relax I was just kidding.

Me: Whatever.

Me: Why are you texting me anyway.

Caylus: I'm in a party and I am bored.

Me: Same

Caylus: You're in a party too?

Me: Yup, my aunt's actually. How about you?

Caylus: My family nurse farewell party and she has been a good one so my family decided to send their wishes personally before she lives out of the country.

Me:She must be pretty good huh?

Caylus: Of course! She's like my second mother.

Caylus: So what are you doing now? I mean you said this party is boring.

Me: Well.... I'm actually in a secret garden in my grandma's house. And I'm peacefully star gazing until you messaged me.🙄

Caylus: Ahahaha, I'm sorry but I'm bored too.

Me: So you decided to annoy me instead ?🙄

Caylus: You know what your so cute.😘💕

Me:Of course I am.

Caylus: Pft, I love the confidence there.


A voice not far behind got my attention, it was my mom.

"Dear, what are you doing there? Get up and it's time for your aunt's farewell message."

"Yes ma, coming in a sec."

I got up and tidied myself to look decent and rushed to the main garden where my aunt is surrounded by a sworn of people in circle.

"I am grateful that you all took your time, to come here and bid me farewell. Thank you so much for the love, care, and support. I will leave my homeland to a foreigner country for good, and the memories and bonds I made here will always be cherished. I will surely missed everyone here, and I hope you can visit me one day there. And with that enjoy the rest of the night."

Everyone clapped and went to give my aunt some hug. Yes, she's leaving for good. She is engage to a someone who can't leave his country for some good reason so they decided that she will migrate. I will surely miss my aunt.

I was standing quite far from them, by the entrance of the back door. And there a saw a dashing handsome guy I have ever seen in my entire life.

Dark permed hair that touched his eyebrows. With eyes that can pierce through your soul and think dark eyebrows. A jawline that is defined with a red kissable lips. The body looking all well shaped and damn how he gave my aunt a smile can just make your knees weak.

I was lost staring at a very stunning man till our eyes locked. It seems like time paused for us. We were just there.

Eyes interlock with one another.

I couldn't hear anything but just the beating of my heart, that I felt it was too loud that I fear he can hear it.

I didn't know that he was already just some meter up close that I regained my consciousness. And before he could get any closer I turned my back and rushed up stairs to my room and locked the door. My knees felt weak and I drop on the floor but the beating of my heart didn't stop there.

What's this?

Why is my heart beating this fast?

I must be crazy!

I don't even know him yet my heart reacted as if I am in love with him.

Calm down Hersheys, calm down.

You're just appreciating a god sent handsome man, god decided to blessed your eyes today that's why he sent him over for you.

Yes, God did. God sent me a handsome man only for today's eyes show.

I hope so.