Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The journey to this location was no simple matter. In order to sate my sword, I turned on the option that gave the sword 100% of my experience automatically.

Despite our increased speed, it was slow going due to the time it took to track. Not to mention, the Boa's and flower monsters that we ran into.

I managed to get my sword 200 more experience points. [400/600]

The swords status now showed [Sated-Will require xp in two hours]

Sweet! Must of been because I gave it so much xp!

I changed the settings to be 10% autodraft so I wouldn't have to worry.


You have completed the training quest!

[Quick steps][3] is now a permanent skill!

[Track][3] is now a permanent skill!


The great thing about training quests is that even though I hadn't obtained the permanent skill as long as I complete the quest I get to keep my skill progress.

So even though I just got the permanent skills, they are already level three.


You are now entering a dungeon.

The entrance to the dungeon was in the side of a mountain wall. Without the tracking skill, I doubt we would have found it. This sheer mountain wall circles the village, which protects it from the outside world. There is only one exit, and we had gone the opposite direction. We were 100 meters from where I first began.

Who would have thought a secret dungeon was here??

MashaMura had a very serious on his face. " Here, use this. "

He handed me a spell book.

I took it and thought "Use". The book disappeared.


You have learned a new spell!

[Shadow Jump][Level 1]-Allows user to teleport into a shadow. 15 meter range. Mana cost:10mp - zero cooldown.

Wow that's awesome!

MashaMura seemed upset though.

"It is as I thought. No matter. It seems the Almighty One has decided to bring you here. This place will be a test. I need to know what kind of person you are before I can trust you. These people are in danger, and I am here to help them. I gain nothing from this, but it the right thing to do. Now, why are you here? We will soon find out..."

With his final words he disappeared like a ghost.


You have received a new quest!

MashaMura's Test- You have been asked to clear this dungeon in whatever manner you see fit.

Rewards-100 Loyalty

What the heck??

Why am I here??

Couldn't I just leave??

These people don't mean anything to me, so why did I choose to come with him? Why would I help strangers when it gains me nothing..

My chest was tight as I imagined leaving. I began to feel a deep sense of guilt that quickly overwhelmed me.

Yeah, I don't like that feeling...

I had a deep sense of knowing hit me.

I know...this guilt. Thoroughly.

I don't know what kind of person I was before I came here, but I won't be able to live with myself if I leave.

Maybe I once lived like that, but no longer.

Alright. Its decided. I'm going to do it. I'll just take it one step at a time.

The dungeon appeared to be a series of caves carved into the side of the mountain.

The entrance was dimly lit with a few torches upon the walls. This dim lighting left many patches of dark shadows. The cave was dank, gloomy, and smelled of death.

My breathing technique was active, increasing my perception and mana regeneration.

I focused and tried to sense the enemies up ahead by extending my awareness.

I was in a small tunnel, which led to a larger opening. I could sense two humanoid like monsters pacing in that area.

Guards, most likely.

I made my way down the tunnel. I was suddenly aware of the sound my feet were making.

It was to loud! I had to do something.

Alright use what you have learned.

The Breathing technique requires me to control the flow of mana inside of my body. Once strong enough , you allow it to flow outside of your body.

Like yin and yang, the mana is not lost.

It exits one hand and returns in another. This forms a field around the body which can be extended further and further with practice. The tracking skill requires this field to exist before it can be used. The act of tracking requires the manipulation of the flow with targeted thoughts, to directionalize the mana.

So, I decided to try something.

Much like quick steps I focused on the flow of mana and concentrated it around my feet, while thinking words like "silence" and "quiet".


You have discovered a new skill!

[Silent steps][1]-Reduces sound made from footsteps by 50%. Cost- 1 mana per second.

I can't believe it! It worked!

I tested it as I moved to the end of the hall. It definitely reduced the sound. I should still move slowly, at least till I see what I'm facing.

I peeked around the corner.

[Corrupted rat man][Lvl 8][Hp-7/70]

[Starving]-Weakened due to starvation.

Abilities-Cannot use due to weakened state.

I saw two five foot tall men with the features of a rat. They wore no shirts, and there pants were torn to shreds. Rat feet, hands, fur the works.

They look so.....weak..

There so high level! I'm gonna get so much xp! This is gonna be so easy

Then I noticed one of the rat men had a tattoo on his arm that made me think.

Where did I see that symbol....

Oh, I know! The village! The tattoo was a dragon eating it owns tail, like a circle. I didn't go into the village but I saw this symbol on many of the buildings.

I wonder...

Maybe he really is testing me..