Chapter 14: Not My Type

Max went to see the library with Arman. The library is almost as big as the cafeteria. The bookshelves here are very tall and there are different types of books. There's a section for each genre. There's also the English translation of many Thai novels as well. There's also a huge section of textbooks. Max was happy to see that this library was not empty. People are here and they are actually reading.

Back in his old University, the library was always empty. Folks there didn't like to read much. But here, they are reading fiction and non-fiction as well. Max went straight to the "romance" section while Arman was in the non-fiction. Max isn't into non-fiction. He never was. But Arman who has not watched movies in a long time looks definitely a non-fiction type.

The library is now Max's favorite place at this University. Max's jaw almost dropped open when he saw there was Boys' Love fiction as well. These books are actually the English translation of the Thai novels he read online.

The feeling of reading a physical copy is far more beautiful than reading a PDF version of it. Max has read only four to five novels.

But here, he wishes to read all of them. But not today. He looks around to look for more interesting books. He opens his keep notes app on his phone and writes down the names of the books he wants to read.

He sees that Arman has already found himself a seat and is deep inside some non-fiction. The cover of it is very lifeless. Max knows he shouldn't judge a book by its cover but if the cover ain't beautiful, he ain't reading it. Sometimes he's more into the cover than he is on the book.

"What are you reading?" He asks Arman.

"A non-fiction about what a person should and shouldn't do"

"Non-fictions are boring! Read something exciting, like, thriller or horror" he suggests. It's more like he's forcing him to read stuff he likes.

Arman closes the book and gives Max a look. A look that says do I look like someone who reads fiction?

They spent about an hour in the library. Arman noticed some guys from the science department. He has to know about the class schedule and also if he needs to buy new books or not. Arman told Max that he would be late so Max came back to his dorm. Roaming around the campus all alone is very boring. Max doesn't like being bored.

He has nothing to do now. The orientation class for the newbies is tomorrow. He's not a new student here. The classes here have started six months ago when Max was preparing for the Scholarship program.

He video calls his parents and tells them about this place and also tells them about the big library. His parents are happy to see him happy. After talking to them he felt good but he's still bored.

"Hey! I thought you'd never call! Found someone new, didn't you?" Nadia says from other side of the screen. The background of her looks familiar. She's at Rohan's house.

"How could I not call? Wait. Are you at Rohan's?"

Nadia leans forward to the screen and narrows her eyes to look more clearly. Max doesn't know what she's doing so he does the same. Both can't see anything besides each other's nose right now.

Max hears Arman putting books on his table and leans backward from the screen and Nadia suddenly screams,

"Is that him? You made a boyfriend already!?"

Max's cheeks flushed red as he hears Nadia's words. Nadia was so loud that it's no surprise that Arman heard her.

Max becomes nervous. He knows that Arman was cool about it so far but everyone has their tolerating limits.

Max was even more embarrassed when Nadia opened her mouth again

"He's hot"

Rohan comes from behind and sees Arman and Max together. He knows who Nadia called hot.

"Nadia, you can't just call his roommate hot right in front of your boyfriend," Rohan says making a sulking face.

"Why are you here? Go get ready" Nadia says making Rohan stand up from the sofa. "We're gonna be late"

"I know I'm hot," Arman says arrogantly "but I'm not his boyfriend. He's not my type" he winks at Nadia. Rohan is frowning. He wants to fry this guy.

"Ooooooh! The burn!" Nadia gives Arman a virtual high five.

"Nadia! You're my best friend, not his!" Max says. Without saying anything else Max disconnects the call.

On the other side, Rohan wishes to kill Arman. Rohan always thought he is exactly Nadia's type but today he doesn't feel like it anymore.

"Why would you call him hot? Am I not hot?" Rohan says to Nadia with an expression mixed with anger and jealousy

Nadia narrows her left eye as she gets the point that her boyfriend is jealous. Nadia has never seen Rohan get jealous because she doesn't give her time to anyone else but him. This is the first time. She has to take advantage of this moment.

"Why won't I? He is hot" she looks away and tries to hide her evil laugh. It's so hard to do it with Rohan's confused face lurking around. He looks adorable.

Rohan sits beside her and holds her hand. His eyebrows are raised and he's biting his lips. He so trying hard to look seductive. Nadia almost breaks but she has to continue this scene.

"Why are you making that face? You look stupid" She says. But inside she's going crazy over how beautiful Rohan is looking right now. Men are not supposed to look beautiful but handsome. Rohan is both. When Nadia called him stupid Rohan tried to make his face look normal which looks even funnier. Nadia can't hold her laughter anymore. She breaks out laughing like crazy and almost falls to the ground. Rohan realizes this was a prank. He sits still and frowns his eyebrows.

"Don't call anyone hot besides me" he says coldly.

Max is angry at Nadia. She made him look like a fool and she also ganged up with Arman. He can't stand Arman's presence anymore.

"Why are you here?" He says to him "weren't you supposed to return late?"

"Those guys are really friendly. They gave me the stuff I needed so it didn't take long"

Max smirks at him and Arman grins.


Austin returns to his condo and crashes on the bed. His cat also sits beside him looking sleepy that she is. Austin tries to pat her and she hisses. Austin laughs at this.

He has to go shoot that ad film for AWAN tomorrow. He doesn't want to.

If He could return the money to them and not do the Ad film but Josh is also involved in this. He knows what they can do.

He can not put Win at risk.

Tomorrow is not going to be a good day for him.