Chapter 14: Hangout

Hello Readers~ just a heads up that this chapter going longer (very very long) than the ones I have made so far, so sit back and relax. That's all and I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and feel free to comment and like this chapter :)



It's Saturday today which means I'll be hanging out with Remi and her friends at the mall. Ever since we bumped into each other, we have been hanging out together whether it's during lunch or going to classes. I also started becoming friends with Blyke even though he is a Royal, but I'm not so sure about being friends with Isen yet, whenever I'm around him I somehow feel like he's watching my every move, it really creeped me out. But in the end, we kind of became friends you could say. Right now I am currently getting ready, I just got out of the shower and started dressing up. I decided to wear a pink bomber jacket, white top, denim shorts and a pair of white shoes with pink stripes and laces, along with a pink cap and a pair of heart sunglasses.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror checking if anything is out of place. Then I got my phone, wallet, and keys to the condo and left. Making sure that I locked the door, I headed to the elevator and pressed the first-floor button. I exited the building and started walking towards the Kovoro Mall. I was approaching the gates of the Mall when I suddenly heard someone scream my name from behind me. So I turned around and saw Remi smiling and waving at me like crazy, behind her I was two other boys, the redhead I identified as Blyke the Jack of the school, and the other was none other than the pervert Isen. I smiled at Remi as I started walking over to them.

"Hey Crystal! Nice outfit! "

"Thanks, Remi yours looks good too"

I said to her with a smile on my face as we all entered the mall and started going to different stores looking at some products. Right now we're at U-Mart, I walked around the store looking at the different stuff they had, on the other hand, Isen was looking at some pens while Remi and Blyke started throwing balls at each other. Everything was going smoothly until Blyke threw a ball at Isen's head and we all started laughing, and it soon turned into a huge dodge ball game in the store. We had to leave since we got kicked out, we then decided to watch a movie. We all cried, even I had tears in my eyes as we continued watching the movie.


We continued walking around the mall, we chatted for a bit until Blyke shouted out to us.

"Hey look"

The three of us then turned to see what Blyke was pointing at, it seems to be an ability gauge, it said on the board that if you get 5+ you get a prize. We then turned our heads to Remi, knowing she is 5+ level and a high tier. So we made a plan to get Remi over there and get a prize. Isen grabbed Remi's hand and lead her towards the booth. Blyke paid the guy who was working the booth and said to read her. She turned to me and said.

"But I already know my level "

"Exactly! We get the prize! "

We then made this awkward hand sign in the air, with excitement in our eyes. Then Remi walked towards the orange-haired guy.

"Don't worry miss, I don't bite"

The guy waved his hand signaling her to place her hand on his hand. Remi placed her hand on his and he began reading her level, even though we already knew she's a High-tier.

"How Splendid !"

" Young Lady, your very powerful! You scored a five! Congratulations! "

Isen Blyke and I high five in the background as the booth operator said that.

"Here, let me give you your prize! And...voila! A cute little bear for a cute little lady! "

The guy got out a cute teddy bear with a bow on it, but as soon as I saw it I felt something I couldn't explain, I glanced at Remi and saw her expression was the same as mine, meaning she also felt what I felt. She then proceeded to open up the bear from its back and took out a chip. We were all stunned by this except for Remi. I swiftly went in front of the orange-haired guy and slammed my hand on the table, while Blyke and Isen's eyes started glowing at him. Then Remi spoke.

"What's the meaning of this? "

She said as Isen grabbed the guy's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Ahhh uh-uhm"

"You heard her. Explain yourself! "

"Ah...I'm just as surprised as you are! My boss just gave them to me! I didn't know there were chips planted in them! "

" Plea-please, let's talk about this calmly.

We can sort this out! "

I just shook my head at the guy's response and activated my ability. I made sure to make not to make it that obvious and started going into his mind. Judging by what he's thinking right now, he's lying. Then I spoke out to him.

"Nice try, you lying bastard, but I think you should come with us"

As I said those words, out of nowhere a smoke bomb covered our sights. I placed my arm over my face, because of the smoke. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the orange-haired guy running away from the scene. Then Remi shouted out.

"Blyke clear the smoke!"

Blyke nodded his head and started creating laser balls in his hands to clear the smoke.

"Alright brace yourselves!"

And with that being said he cleared the smoke as a huge gust of wind blew. Our eyes then fixated on the booth stand, but the guy wasn't there anymore.

"He's gone! "

Remi then turned to Isen

"Did you get a lock on him earlier?"


Isen then pointed towards the entrance of the mall.

"He's headed for the exit!"

We all then started running after them speeding through the people in the mall. we then reached the exit of the mall and scanned the parking lot.

"There he is! " I shouted as I started sprinting towards them, with Remi, Blyke, and Isen following me.

"What! there's no driver!" I said to myself as my eyes followed the motorcycle with no one in it. Maybe the driver is invisible, I thought.

"I guess I have to use it ", I whispered to myself as I stopped running. I then took a deep breath and stomped my foot on the hard concrete floor. Then as if on cue, a big iceberg appeared in front of them and stopped them in their tracks. I was about to run to them when all of a sudden a police officer grabbed my arm to keep me in my place.

"Oh, you guys are in big trouble," the officer said with a stern look on his face.

"But sir! they're getting away," I said to him as I pointed to the motorcycle on the ground.

"We will see about that" I let out a frustrated sigh, knowing you weren't able to stop them from getting away, and on top of it we were accused of causing this mess.


Right now we were brought to the security office in the mall with cuffs in our hands to prevent us from using our abilities. As I entered the office I heard someone speaking to the officer.

"Look! Sir, I'm telling you, you've got the wrong people! we caught the guy doing something shady and we questioned him, next thing you know he dropped a smoke bomb on us...!"

The argument continued for a solid 5 minutes until Remi mentioned that were from Wellston Highschool.

"Oh, so you four are one of Headmaster Vaughn's students. Well, why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Because you kept talking over us A**hole! " The four of us thought at the same time while giving the guy the "Duh" look.

"Sir, if you would look over at the security footage from a while ago, you'll see that this is all just a misunderstanding," Blyke said

"I always knew that guy was a snake from the start. Alright, I'll look over things, you kids better not do anything funny while I'm gone! "

As the security guard turned his back and left, Blyke held up both of his hands and did the middle finger while Isen stuck his tongue out at him. Remi and I just laughed at their actions. After a few minutes of being bored Isen decided to start a conversation.

"Are you kidding me? Do they really think that they could hold us back with these dinky cuffs? I'm offended! I could easily break these in one go "

"Hey! cut it out, you'll get us in more trouble."

I looked down at the ground and decided to join their talk.

"Isen, these cuffs aren't for holding us back."

Isen, Blyke, and Remi then looked over at me confused at my statement.

"Then what's the point?"

"Alright, then I'll give you an example. Earlier, why did you let yourselves get caught by security, even though you stronger than them?" I asked as I turned to look at them.

"Well, I didn't want to be screwed later on."

" Yeah, they've got the authorities backing them. So who would wanna go against that? " Blyke added

"Exactly, it's just like these cuffs. they are perfect for restraining mid-tiers and low-tiers but for you guys it kind of serves as a reminder. "Don't cross the line. you may be strong but the authorities will always stop you" I said with a blank expression on my face and still looking down.

"Wow, that's deep"

"Yeah, you know a lot about these cuffs?"

I jumped at Isen and Blyke's remark


after our little chat about cuffs, we continued to chat for a bit then Remi spoke with a kind of serious tone in her voice.

"You know...I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I get that the authorities are made up of some powerful people, but what if someone like Seraphina or Arlo were to challenge them? Both of them are capable of doing some serious damage, it doesn't make sense that the authorities would allow those types of people to roam free without so kind of condition."

"Maybe...they don't have as much freedom as we think. "

"What do you mean, those two literally do whatever they want at school?" Blyke asked Remi with a confused look."

"Yes but, don't they seem a bit obsessive? Take Seraphina for example, she's always been bent on being perfect, and Arlo, all he ever thinks about nowadays is keeping the hierarchy in order. Both of them are distracted by their responsibilities. They wouldn't even question the system they're apart of."

"Distracted? what do you mean? " Blyke added, while Isen and I just kept silent, listening to their conversation.

"It's almost as if they've been crippled...but anyway that's just my theory". Remi noticed how quiet Isen and I've been, so she spoke

"Hey Crystal, you okay? you have been awfully quiet? " I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to meet the blue-eyed girl's eyes.

"Yeah just thinking about what happened earlier." Remi nodded her head and was about to speak again when Isen interrupted her.

" Oh wait! what was that iceberg earlier? where did it come from? " Isen said with a confused voice as Remi and Blyke remembered it earlier.

"Your right, where did it come from," Blyke said, after a few seconds of thinking about it the three friends turned their heads up at the purple-haired girl looking down at the ground.

"Crystal...did you make the iceberg from earlier? Remi asks with a hint of curiousness in her voice. Blyke and Isen too wanted to know. After a few seconds of waiting Crystal took a deep breath and sighed, turning her head towards theirs, then she spoke.

"Yeah, I made it" is all she said, as the others were shocked by her response, they didn't expect that she was the one who made it. "Oh boy" Crystal whispered to herself

Edited: Jan 31, 2021 & March 12, 2021