
Yola felt disapproved of the warning Ardilo gave her. Yola feels that Ardilo has drifted apart since his relationship with Taera. He was different from the Ardilo she used to know. They used to be very close. They often go out together. And, most importantly, Ardilo did not keep his distance from her. She doesn't know since Ardilo knew Taera and made him turn into what he is now. Yola got annoyed with herself.

Yola lay down on her bed and thought about this carefully. Maybe as long as Yola got to know Ardilo, a different feeling grew. Maybe, Yola loves it. She thought back, did she have feelings for Ardilo? Did she have feelings until now? It seems yes. The proof is that she feels rivaled by Taera. Taera seemed to be a barrier to their friendship.

Wait for friendship? Does Ardilo still consider her a friend? Does not seem. Remember the day Ardilo said they were just friends. Yola feels like getting angry now.

Yola's phone rings. There was a call from Hendo, her boyfriend.


"Hello dear, we're meeting, right? I can't pick you up because there's still a need. You go to the cafe first, okay?"

"Hmmm... okay. Don't be late, okay. I'll be angry if you're late."

"Yes. Bye Yola, dear."

Hendo hung up the phone. Yola immediately got out of bed and immediately got ready to meet with Hendo enjoying a date before Yola underwent an exam.


Hendo arrived just in time before Yola arrived. He had ordered Yola's favorite food and drink. The cafe was their favorite place for a date. Hendo misses Yola. He wanted to give Yola encouragement because soon, Yola would face the exam.

"Where is Yola? Why hasn't arrived yet? So you're worried if you don't pick him up. Is he taking a car or taking an online motorcycle taxi? Duh, I'm thinking," Hendo muttered when he saw his cellphone, which never got the news that Yola left.

Just as Hendo wanted to contact Yola, Yola arrived at the cafe with a sullen face. Hendo was sure that something had happened to his girlfriend.

"Why are you frowning like that?" Hendo asked softly.

Yola is now sitting in front of him. He stared at Hendo for a moment and then looked away.

"I'm tired," said Yola.

"What's wrong? Let's talk first," said Hendo as he grabbed Yola's hand and held it tightly.

Yola suddenly released her hand from Hendo's grip. Hendo was surprised by Yola's attitude.

"Ardilo is angry with me," said Yola, then stirred her drink and drank it.

"Ardilo, your friend? Why are you angry, honey? Are you having problems at SEB?" Hendo asked patiently.

"Since he has a girlfriend, he keeps his distance from me. I'm annoyed," answered Yola.

"Yes, of course, he keeps his distance from you. He doesn't want his girlfriend to be jealous later. Even though you are just friends, but you two were close. I'm sure Ardilo means well so that he can still be friends with you and can also take care of his girlfriend's feelings," explained Hendo patiently.

"But..." Yola didn't agree with Hendo's opinion.

"You should be understood. You also have a boyfriend. What will people say if you stay close to Ardilo? People will say bad things about you," said Hendo advising Yola.

"You don't understand," said Yola angrily. She seemed so frustrated.

"Don't understand why honey? Come on, try to explain it to me," Hendo asked gently.

"Ah, never mind, you don't understand," said Yola, then got up from her chair and left Hendo alone, who was confused by Yola's change in attitude.


The day Ardilo had nothing to do, he came out of his room and headed for the living room. There were Hano, Alex, Johan, Umin, and Jeffry were watching together while eating snacks. Ardilo joins in.

"Eh, Ardilo. Come join. Don't you have any activities?" Jeffry asked.

"No. Today there is no meeting," said Ardilo, then sat down to join the others.

"Here's a pizza. Just take it," said Johan.

"Thanks, bro," said Ardilo, then took a slice of pizza and ate it.

"You're not going with Taera?" asked Alex.

"No. He's still studying. He also wants me to rest," said Ardilo, then chewed on his pizza.

"Since the first time I met her with Stefa, I felt that she matched your personality. She doesn't seem like a spoiled girl," said Hano.

Ardilo nodded. He's still chewing his pizza.

"Good. Ardi is busy. It's good if she understands Ardi," said Umin.

"But she's under a lot of pressure because she's the girlfriend of the chairman of the SEB. Is she okay?" asked Alex.

"It's okay. She is trying to deal with it. There's just something that's been bothering me lately," Ardilo replied.

They all then seriously pay attention to Ardilo.

"Why? She didn't want to break up, did she?" Jeffry asked.

Ardilo shook his head, "You know Yola, right? She's one of my close friends," asked Ardilo.

"Yes, you don't know, this classmate is Alex, isn't it?" Hano said to Alex. Alex nodded in agreement with Hano's words.

"I mean Umin, Johan, and Jefry, you know. Both of you would know," said Ardilo.

"Tall girl, long hair, the one you, Alex, and Yuna used to hang out with?" Jeffry asked.

"Yes, last year you wanted to go to the top together, right?" asked Umin.

"Yes. That one" replied Ardilo.

"So what's wrong with her?" asked John.

"She makes my girlfriend uncomfortable. She is getting closer to me. I know we are close, but this time the closeness is different. You know, it's kind of like an aggressive girl, you know. It's a shame my girlfriend is jealous," replied Ardilo.

"Is it Yola's time?" asked Han.

"But it seems like he has feelings for you, Di. Be careful," said Alex.

"Yes, try to tell her. Don't let her make your girlfriend stay away," said Umin.

"Well, I hope she understands. My girlfriend seems okay, but I don't like her. Our relationship is still early. I don't want anything to happen," said Ardilo.

They agree with Ardilo. They then discussed that their relationship with their girlfriends was fine. Ardilo hoped Taera would understand this situation. And Yola could understand her position.