Chapter 2

Mrs. James: What?!

Dante: I am truly the happiest man alive.

I am truly going to murder you next to these petunias.

Mrs. James: Oh, I cannot wait to tell everyone! They will be so shocked!

Dante: No! No, we want it to be a secret for a bit longer.

Mrs. James: Oh, right right. Of course, I can see that. Congratulations to you both!

Dante: Thank you, Mrs. James.

Kitty: Thank you, Mrs. James!

Mrs. James: Well, I will leave you both and return to the party.

Dante: Have a good night, Mrs. James.

Kitty: You wretched vile ass!

Dante: Calm down.

Kitty: Calm down?! You just told her we were engaged!

Dante: And if I hadn't she'd have gossiped all over town, your reputation would be ruined, and you'd have no chance of making a good match. Say what you want, but I just saved you from spinsterhood.

Kitty: I'd rather be a spinster than chained to you.

Dante: Chains will only be involved if you agree, darling.

Kitty: I hate you!

Dante: Relax. She's been sworn to secrecy. We can just act like nothing happened, and if she does tell people we can deny it. Everyone thinks she's senile anyway.

Kitty: You'd better be right.

Dante: I am, Katherine. We'd better return, though.

Kitty: That might be wise.

Walking back into the ballroom, I heard murmurs and whispers coming from all directions but I chose to ignore it till Mom said she had an announcement.

Anne: It is with great joy that I be the first to tell you all of my Katherine's happy engagement to Lord Radcliffe.

I ran to my safe haven, the family library, before bursting into tears. I had read many books and written many words accompanied by the walls of this room- And now they brought no comfort as I burst into tears. When suddenly the door opened and in walked my baby sister, Emilia.

Emilia: Kitty! Oh dear, what is it?

Kitty: Oh the most awful thing, Emilia. That wretch!

Emilia: Do calm down and tell me what's the matter. You're practically in hysterics. Aren't you happy? Married! And that to a Duke!

Kitty: I don't want to marry him!

Emilia: Then don't say yes when people propose to you, silly horse!

Kitty: Goose.

Emilia: Pardon?

Kitty: It's silly goose...You know what, never mind. What do i do?!

Emilia: Marry him?

Kitty: Out of the question!

Emilia: Lord Radcliffe is a smart man. I'm sure he'll figure something out.

Kitty: What was that? I blacked out after you used Radcliffe and smart in the same sentence.

Emilia: It'll all work out, Kitty. I'm sure of it.

And with that she walks out leaving me with my thoughts. But what if it doesn't? I left my safe haven to go to my room when suddenly Dante dragged me back into the library.

Kitty: I wish for you to leave me alone!

Dante: Katherine, please.

Kitty: Haven't you done enough?

I felt insane as I pushed him, barely causing him to move. I half expected him to fight back, but instead he just sighed, low and sad.

Dante: I think we should keep the ruse up.

Kitty: You do?

Dante: Yes. It would buy us time, and hopefully keep your reputation intact.

Kitty: I hate to admit it, but that might work...

Dante: I know it will, Kitty.

Kitty: So, you will find a way out?

Dante: I swear it, Kitty. I will do everything in my power to get us out of this.

Kitty: Thank you.

Dante: I have something for you.

Kitty: Are you sure you're in any position to be gifting me things?

Dante: Relax, Kitty, it's a birthday gift. Though I suppose now you can have it as a birthday-wedding combo. Though, getting engaged to me was present enough.

Kitty: I'd like to return the gift. I think it's broken.

Dante: Sorry, the store doesn't accept returns.

He then passed me a necklace with a big blue ruby at the centre.

Kitty: Oh, it's too nice for me to accept.

Dante: Nonsense, it will suit you well. Shall I put it on you?

Kitty: Yes please!

I felt him move behind me and brush my hair out of the way before bringing the cold metal to my neck and clasping it before letting his fingers rest there. I heard him sigh, his fingertips tracing the back of my neck and I felt shivers at his touch, the action causing goose bumps to form on my flesh. He continued to trace patterns on my skin, clearly not realizing what he was doing- Or perhaps he did realize, and for a moment I didn't care.

I heard him sigh before turning around. I surprised myself as I lifted my hands to his lips to kiss.

Dante: Happy birthday, Kitty.

He pecked my cheeks and couldn't help but blush.

Kitty: Thank you! The necklace is beautiful.

Dante: I bought it when I saw it. It remined me of you.

Kitty: That's almost sweet.

Dante: I'm always sweet, Miss. Hawthorne.

Kitty: Right.

Dante: Well, you are no doubt wanting to get to bed. It's been a busy evening after all. Though, not busy in the way I usually prefer to spend my nights.

Kitty: Good day, Lord Radcliffe.

Dante: Good day, my fiancée.

I fingered the cold metal against my throat with deep breath as I watched him leave, before sighing I left the library to go to my bedroom. This had been some twentieth birthday, and not in a good way. I gasped, clutching my chest as a figure walked past, her bare feet not making a noise as she moved past me. But who was she? Torn between chasing after the figure and fear, I finally rushed off towards the safety of my bedroom.

Mariah: Kitty! Why are we screaming, darling? Are we re-enacting a scene from Shakespeare!

I tried to catch my breath as I took in that it was just Mariah Hampton in my bedroom- Not a spooky spectre out to steal my soul.

Kitty: Gh-ghost!

Mariah: Eh, wrong.

Kitty: N-never mind. Why are you here?

Mariah: Cant a woman wish her best friend a happy birthday? And a congratulations on her engagement? Though, really, I wish you would have told me you and Lord Radcliffe were a thing. He's so dreamy. So, how long have the two of you been secretly courting?

Kitty: Well, a time.

Lair! My subconscious said.

Mariah: A time? Goodness you're vague today. You're so lucky, though! I mean, a duke! And he's so charming and handsome.

Kitty: He's a human being like everyone else.

Mariah: He's more than that. Even you have to admit it. You managed to catch the most eligible bachelor in England. And all it took was you existing, apparently.

Kitty: Are you spending the night?

Mariah: I'm afraid not, dear. Mama hates staying here.

Kitty: Don't know why.

Mariah: Maybe because you roll your eyes?

We share a good giggle.

Kitty: I wish you were staying here though. We haven't had a best friend sleepover in ages.

Mariah: Because we aren't ten anymore, Kitty. Besides, you know my mother hates when we're all separated.

Kitty: Goodness, your mother needs to loosen the reins a bit.

Mariah: You're right about that. But really I must be off. And for goodness sakes, please put some rouge on your cheeks. You are terrifying pale right now!

Because things are terrifying, Mariah.