Chapter 11

Delilah: I'm sorry to steal you away for my brother, but he'll get a lifetime with you. I'm asking for five minutes.

I paled nervously at her words, before wringing my hands as we stopped along the edge of some farmland.

Kitty: It's perfectly fine, Lady Delilah.

Delilah: Oh, look over there!

I saw her gesture towards a silo and barn in the distance.

Kitty: How charming.

Delilah: I know them! We should go say hello!

Kitty: I mean if you think it would..

Delilah: Come, Miss Hawthorne, there is no time to tarry.

We walked up to a couple and their cute little twins.

Delilah: This is Farmer Albert and his wife, Laura Andrew. And his beautiful daughters, Lorna and Louise.

Delilah rattle their names out to me as we walked up.

Albert: Lady Delilah! To what do we owe the pleasure?

Delilah: We were just on a stroll when we saw the farm in the distance. It was only fitting we stopped by.

Laura: But who is with you, dear?

I saw her gaze fall on me, curious but kind.

Kitty: Miss Katherine Hawthorne, Ma'am.

I dipped into a polite curtsy, before straightening back up and shifting on my feet.

Delilah: She's the one who's engaged to Dante.

Albert: And how is the young Duke?

Delilah: My brother? Oh, stupid as ever.

Albert: You should be nicer to your brother. He's done a lot for you these past few years.

I saw Delilah's face darken, that same sadness washing over her again as she gripped the edge of her gown tightly in her fist. What had happened?

Delilah: I know. I know he has.

Laura: Will you both stay for lunch? I've got some pie I was bale to make with the apples in the orchard.

Kitty: I'm all for pie!

We walked into the homey cabin and sat and the dining table. Laura brought out the pie and I could feel myself involuntarily drooling. Yay food!

Laura: I know it's not the prettiest pie.

Albert: But I'm sure it'll taste mighty fine all the same. Your cooking always does, dear.

I saw Mrs. Andrew's cheeks redden as she started cutting the pie to serve it to us.

Lorna: Who are you?

Louise: You are very pretty. Is that dress expensive?

I was taken aback as the twin girls turned their attention towards me.

Laura: Louise!

Louise: What? 'Twas an honest question.

I hid a small giggle behind my hand. They are so cute!! I want 2 of them! Each!

Kitty: Thank you for the compliment and I don't know. It's one of Lady Delilah's.

Lorna: Did they take you off the streets?

Okay. I take back what I said. I don't want any.

Louise: Did Lord Radcliffe carry you in his arms in the rain?!

Lorna: He's so dreamy.

Albert: No talk of boys. Or men far too old for you.

Kitty: There was no carrying, trust me.

Lorna: Perhaps you should fake an injury so you can experience it and then report back.

Louise: Oh, yes, we'd be ever so grateful.

I looked into their big brown eyes as they gazed up at me. This is becoming awkward....

Kitty: Perhaps if I can think of a really good plan for it.

Lorna: A good plan, yes.

Louise: A very good plan, yes.

Lorna: Though not too good for a plan.

Louise: Yes. We'd hate for him to get suspicious.

Kitty: Trust me, I don't think we need to worry about Lord Radcliffe getting suspicious.

Laura: Come girls, that's enough of that talk. It isn't polite. Now, Lady Delilah, you must tell how Paris was!

Delilah: Oh, well, it was beautiful, the sights, the.....

I zoned out while Delilah was talking. My mind drifting to a certain boy who loved pressing all of my buttons. What would he be doing now? My god! Why am I even thinking of him? Banish all those thoughts to the deepest parts of hell.

Delilah: Kitty!

Startled, I jumped with an exasperated yes.

Delilah: We should get going. You looked lost in thoughts. Is anything the matter?

Kitty: Oh, no no. I guess I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm fine.

Walking home, we talked about everything yet nothing.

Delilah: If you want, I can trip you in front of Dante so you can get that experiment done.

I hear the teasing tone in her voice as we stopped along the edge of the farmland.

Kitty: I think he might enjoy it far too much.

Delilah: Oh no doubt. Though I think when it comes to you, he'd enjoy doing just about anything.

Kitty: I'm not sure if I'd go that far..

Delilah: No? Hmmm... The pie was delicious though!

She swiftly changed the subject.

Kitty: Yes, it was. I haven't had a good apple pie in a while.

Delilah: If I would have thought of it, I would have brought a piece home for Dante. Though I suppose the farmer and his family needs it more.

Kitty: Are they not well off?

Delilah: Oh, as well off as farmers can be I suppose. And Dante rents them the land here for a very cheap price.

Kitty: Might I ask why?

Delilah: Farmer Albert saved our lives. We owe him a debt.

Kitty: Saved your lives?

Delilah: Do you not know?


Delilah: A few years ago, there was a horrible fire at our holiday home. It was a small little cottage a few miles from the estate where Mama, Papa, Dante and I would go to get away. We'd try to make a day of it every few months. Papa often grew wary of the responsibilities of being Duke.

She stopped for a moment as if collecting her thoughts.

Delilah: We went to stay there for a few days...Five years ago....

I watched as she seemed to struggle for the words.

Kitty: It's alright. You don't have to talk about it.

Delilah: Five years ago, my parents died in the fire that burned down that same little cottage. Farmer Al was the one who came and rescued Dante and I.

Kitty: Oh....

I paled as I heard her. Died? Fire? I swallowed. I had a vague memory of a fire happening but Dante and I hadn't met and my parents weren't always the most forthcoming with local news.

Delilah: Dante was of course too young yet to take on the dukedom so our father's brother, Uncle Robert came to run the estate and assist Dante while he took on the task of learning. It was only about a year before I was sent to France for my schooling.

Kitty: That's why I'd never met you before.

Delilah: Yes. I was supposed to return after a year, but I enjoyed it so much I asked to stay. I graduated from the finishing school two years ago, but wanted to enjoy some time to myself while I had the chance. I became a companion for an elderly woman. Not quite what was expected of me, but I loved her dearly and wanted nothing but the best for her. She passed a few months before I returned home.

Kitty: Is that why the memories of France makes you so....bittersweet?

Delilah: Part of the reason, yes. The other part I might tell you someday.

Kitty: I had no idea you'd both gone through so much....

Delilah: It's alright. We did out best to not talk about it after it happened. And I think people felt too much pity for us to let it get carried away like other gossip. Either that, or they were afraid of my brother's wrath.

Kitty: C'mon, let's return to the estate.

Entering the estate, I proceeded to walk to my room for some relaxation me time, just to see Dante staring at my door. Creepy.

Kitty: What on earth are you doing just staring at my bedroom door?

Dante: Technically, dearest, it's my bedroom door. Just like those stairs you ventured up are my stairs. The floor you stand....

Kitty: Alright, I get it!

Dante: And i was merely dropping something off for you.

Kitty: What is it?

I tried to peer around to see what he had in his hand, but he merely moved his hand behind his back.

Dante: Such nosiness.

Kitty: Fine, then get out.

Dante: Okay, okay. Here.

I watched as he handed me a leather-bound book, his cheeks flushing slightly.

Kitty: A book?

Dante: It's a journal. I found it while I was tidying the office up. I must have bought it a few months ago for something and forgotten about it.

Kitty: Oh..

I held the leather-bound journal close as i looked up at him.

Kitty: You have an office?

Dante: What kind of duke would i be without an office?

Kitty: Oh....

Dante: Would you like to see it?

Kitty: Oh, can I?!

Dante: Of course. Follow me.