Chapter 13


A couple days later, it was time for my picnic with Dante. Luckily my mother had sent some clothes over so I was no longer having to borrow Lady Delilah's. After looking at the numerous clothes she dropped, I opted to wear a beautiful yellow long sleeved short dress but not to short so as not to be tagged as a lady of the night. Walking to the picnic location, I saw Dante with series of pies, sandwiches and strawberries. Yummy!

Kitty: We should have invite Delilah.

I looked out over the lake he'd brought me to. It was a serene quiet place with lots of flowers and trees.

Dante: I'm sure she'll have the two of us do something later.

Kitty: I just don't want to impose.

Dante: Kitty, trust me, you're not. If Delilah wanted to be here, she'd have come. She's not one to shy away from what she wants.

Kitty: If you're sure.

Dante: I am, Katherine.

I nodded before reaching for one of the sandwiches he'd had packed for us.

Dante: Thank you for spending time with me.

Kitty: I just figured you wouldn't want to be alone. I know I wouldn't want to be.

Dante: I kind of hate that you know now.

Kitty: Why?

Dante: I don't really care for being pitied.

Kitty: I'm not pitying you.

Dante: Oh, please, you're acting like a mother bird.

Kitty: I am not a bird!

Dante: Alright, alright. Damn.

Kitty: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have had that outburst.

Dante: Don't worry about it, love. I shouldn't have pushed it. Would you like to see something secretive?

Kitty: What is it?

Dante: Come with me and find out.

I opened my mouth in awe for a moment as I stared at the waterfall before us. The sound of the water moving along the shore calming me as I admired the beautiful nature before me.

Dante: Close your mouth, you'll catch flies.

I heard his teasing tone as I clamped my mouth shut.

Kitty: It's beautiful.

I breathed the words out as I took all of it in.

Dante: It would be a good place to relax. Maybe write a few books.

Kitty: I might have to marry you after all.

Dante: I would make it completely worth your while.

Kitty: I'm sure you'd try to.

Dante: I promise I would.

He looked at me intently before tossing a wink my way.

Dante: Would you like to come swimming with me?

Kitty: I don't know...

Dante: Come on, the water is nice.

Kitty: I think I'd like that, yes.

It wasn't long before we were both in the water. Dante had thrown his shirt off, but I stayed in my clothes, refusing to get undressed in front of him.

Kitty: I thought you said the water was nice?!

Dante: It is.

Kitty: It's freezing!

Dante: It's mildly cold at best.

Kitty: You knew it would be cold.

Dante: How did I? It's not like I tested the waters. I've been admiring your beauty.

Kitty: Don't try to flirt your way out of this!

Dante: I've never flirted my way out of anything!

The way he laughed told me it had to be a lie. We swam around for a bit, the water finally starting to feel warmer.

Dante: This is nice.

He treaded water as he moved in front of me.

Kitty: It's not freezing now at least.

Dante: I could have warmed you up.

Kitty: Are you able to go five seconds without flirting?

Dante: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. There.

Kitty: That's not what I meant.

Dante: And here I am going longer without flirting. Isn't my willpower astonishing?

Kitty: Your ability to never stop talking is astonishing.

Dante: We don't have to talk.

Kitty: Oh?

Dante: Yes, there are other ways to use our mouths.

Kitty: Like drinking lake water?

Dante: Sure we can go with that.

Time Skip. Back at the manor.

Dante: Thank you spending time with me.

Kitty: Don't mention it, Lord Radcliffe. It wasn't terrible.

Dante: I'm glad to hear it wasn't an entirely miserable experience for you.

He stepped forward and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, causing goosebumps to form against my skin. I returned the gesture, letting my lips linger against his skin for moment. I could have sworn I heard his sigh contently as I pulled away.

The next day, I woke up more than ready to return home. My time at the Radcliffe Estate hadn't been awful by any means, but I was more than certain I'd overstayed my welcome.

Delilah: Hello, Miss Hawthorne.

Kitty: Good day, Lady Delilah.

Delilah: So I guess you're leaving?

Kitty: I am, yes. I think I've more than overstayed my welcome.

Delilah: You haven't overstayed at all! You could stay forever if you'd like.

Kitty: I am not sure if that would be wise and appropriate.

Delilah: Why not? You'll be living here soon anyways.

Kitty: Right...

I shifted on my feet awkwardly. Did she still not realize?

Delilah: I don't really have a lot of friends. It's been nice spending time with you.

Kitty: It's been nice spending time with you too. I've enjoyed it a lot.

Delilah: We'll have too do it again soon. Perhaps I can some and call on you at your house?

Kitty: I think I would enjoy that.

Delilah: Then it's settled! I'll try to call on you in the next few weeks then.

Kitty: You may come visit whenever you'd like. But first I need to go thank your brother.

Delilah: That's a bit impossible.

Kitty: Why?

Delilah: Dante left for London early this morning. Apparently there was an urgent business.

Kitty: Oh.

As she explained to me, I couldn't help but feel sad that he'd left without telling me goodbye. I knew he didn't owe me anything but I couldn't help the odd pang in y chest.

Kitty: Well, then, perhaps next time.

Delilah: I will be sure to pass the message along. For now, though, I will let you finish packing so you can leave.



Emilia: Kitty!

Kitty: Hello.

Emilia: Oh, I've missed you ever so much. The house has been so boring without you.

Kitty: I'm glad to hear I've been missed.

Emilia: Very much so, but...

She darted her eyes around a bit as she lowered her voice.

Emilia: There is something I must speak to you about in private.

Kitty: Then lets venture to my bedroom. Now, do tell me what the matter is.

Emilia: Oh, Kitty, it was the figure!

Kitty: The figure?

Emilia: Yes! I saw them again. Twice in fact. One time in the hallway and another time walking outside in the gardens.

Kitty: Were you able to get a better look at them?

Emilia: No, they never got close enough. And I wasn't about to get closer myself and risk getting pushed over again.

Kitty: It's good you stayed safe. I'd hate for something to happen to you.

Emilia: But enough of ghost stories, how was you time at the Radcliffe Estate?

Kitty: It was decent.

Emilia: Decent? Kitty, you must give me more than that. Is the estate large?

Kitty: Overwhelmingly so. I did not even have the chance to explore all of it.

Emilia: Well, I'm sure there will be plenty of time to do so. You're bound to get invited back. Either that or Mama will secure you an invitation without Lord Radcliffe even noticing.

Kitty: Please, no.

Emilia: Surely it wasn't that horrendous?

Kitty: It wasn't bad, no.

Emilia: I insist you tell me everything!

Kitty: Well...

And so I did. I told her about everything from the beginning, watching as she hung onto my words.