Chapter 16


The next day we were well on our way to London. We had stopped and were stretching our legs outside of the stagecoach.

Emilia: Why does London have to take so long to get to? I swear we've been in that stagecoach for a week.

Gerard: Perhaps one day journeys will be quicker. It's a shame that day isn't today.

Emilia: Can it happen in my lifetime? My bottom is sore.

Gerard: Maybe if we're lucky. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.

Delilah: When is our arrival time?

Angelica: If all goes right, I'd say in two days.

Emilia: Why isn't it faster?

Kitty Because the horses have to rest, Em.

Emilia: So do I.

Gerard: Well, we'll get there faster. The driver is waving us back now.

We arrived in the bustling city of London two days later, exhausted and worn from travel, but quickly stimulated by all that was happening around us. I eyed my lady's maid carefully, wondering how she was handling being so close to Gerard. I'd asked her if it was alright he came along, but really we had no choice. We needed a man in order for my parents to be satisfied and let us go.

Gerard: Any sign of him?

Delilah: No. But it's eight in the morning. As if Dante would be around now. I've never seen the man up before ten.

Kitty: Perhaps someone else has seen him? We probably need to ask around. Surely someone has seen him in the month he's supposedly been here.

Emilia: Why don't we ask that lady in the scandalous clothing over there?

Kitty: Emilia!

Angelica: She has a point. If anyone would know it would that woman of that profession. And we won't gain anything by not asking her.

Kitty: Fine. Who's going to ask her?

Delilah: Why don't you?

Kitty: Me?

Delilah: Yes, you. I'll come with you.

Kitty: Alright then.

We walked closer to the woman, her bright red hair more obvious as we got closer.

Delilah: Um, excuse me?

I watched as she took a long drag of the cigar in her hand, before crossing her arms and looking over at the both of us. She seemed to be studying us intently, though why, I didn't know.

Red head: What do you want? Surely not anything I can offer. Unless you are into that.

Kitty: No, thank you! We were wondering if perhaps you'd seen someone, Miss…?

Scarlet: Scarlet. I see lots of people, Miss Priss. If you are more specific I might be able to help you.

Delilah: We're looking for my brother. He's handsome, well dressed and his name is Dante Radcliffe.

Scarlet: Actually… I have seen him.

Kitty: You have?!

Scarlet: Yes, Miss. I have. I saw him at the pub last night. Now that I think about it I think I've seen him there several nights now.

Delilah: Really? That's amazing news!

Kitty: Wait a minute. What?

Scarlet: Yes, he was there with another gentleman.

Kitty: That motherfucker!

Scarlet: Are you alright?

Kitty: We have been trying to get in contact with him for over a month and he's just been drinking in a pub?!

Delilah: Kitty, do calm down, please.

Kitty: Calm down? Calm down?!

Scarlet: Well, I'm going to go now.

I watched as the woman practically fled the area, but I was still fuming.

Delilah: Kitty, please. There could be a perfectly good explanation for this.

Kitty: I think the explanation might be that your brother is an idiot. And perhaps I shouldn't be here.

Delilah: Don't say that, Kitty. We need to find him. If only to make sure he's alright.

Kitty: Fine, but he'd better have a damn good reason for being gone this long.

Later that day we arrived at an inn, hoping to be able to rent a few rooms for us to stay in.

Angelica: Do we just go inside?

Gerard: I assume so.

Delilah: At least it looks nice from the outside.

Kitty: Then I'd say we go inside.

But we didn't have time to even step forward before an older man with balding hair came out.

Inn-Keeper: How may I help you all?

Gerard: We were wondering if you had a few rooms for us to rent.

Inn-Keeper: I have two left.

Delilah: Two? We were thinking more like three.

Inn-Keeper: There are only two left.

Kitty: It's alright, we'll make do.

Inn-Keeper: If that's the case then let me show you all to the rooms. Well, this is it.

Kitty: This? This is it? Are you certain?

I tried to keep the frown off my face as I looked around the room, dirt seemingly everywhere.

Inn-Keeper: Yes. Is there a problem?

Angelica: It just seems a bit… Claustrophobic?

Inn-Keeper: It's comfortable.

Delilah: That's not exactly the word I would go with. Are all the rooms like this?

Inn-Keeper: Well, no, but we're mostly booked up. These are the only rooms left.

Kitty: It's alright. We'll make do.

Gerard: That we will, Miss Hawthorne. I'll leave you ladies to get ready for bed.

Inn-keeper: I will leave you ladies to unpack.


Emilia: I am not going to make do, Kitty! This is a disaster!

Delilah: I have to agree with your sister, Miss Hawthorne. Not to mention there's only one bed in here. Unless you want me to sleep with Gerard this isn't going to work.

Kitty: Perhaps we could see if there's another room to rent?

Angelica: I doubt there is. The inn-keeper made it sound like we got the last picks.

Delilah: That is quite true.

Angelica: Perhaps I could sleep on the floor.

Kitty: You're not going to sleep on the floor, Angie. If anything I will.

Emilia: Why don't we just share the bed?

Delilah: Four people on this small thing? I'd kick someone off in my sleep!

Kitty: Well, there's got to be some way this can work. We need to be rested so we can visit the pub the woman mentioned earlier.

Delilah: Then what are we going to do?

Kitty: Why don't we see if the inn-keeper has a sofa or two we can move in here?

Delilah: That's not a bad idea actually.

Emilia: I'll go see if he does.

I watched as Emilia left the room to go and see the inn-keeper. It wasn't long before Emilia came back followed by the inn-keeper who moved the only extra sofa he had in the building in. Delilah took it, leaving the rest of us in the bed.

The next day we woke up and started getting ready for the day.

Gerard: Hello, ladies. I have some news that might be good to know.

Delilah: What is it?

Gerard: There's a masquerade ball tonight.

Angelica: Really, Gerard? There's a missing Duke and you want to go to a ball?

Gerard: Yes, dove. Because that's where we'll find Lord Radcliffe.

Emilia: How do you know?

Gerard: Because Dante wouldn't miss a masked ball even if you paid him. He loves them. Says they take off the pressure from having to be so 'on' all the time.

Delilah: You know… You're right! If there's any place my brother would be in London tonight it would be there. How do we get in?

Gerard: Apparently, it's free to all. Anyone can come.

Angelica: Does that mean I can go?

Gerard: I don't see why not.

Angelica: Oh, but I have nothing to wear…

Emilia: You can always borrow something of mine.

Angelica: Oh, I couldn't possibly..

Emilia: Of course you can! We'll need you there to help us look for Lord Radcliffe after all.

Angelica: Well, then, I guess I will.

Kitty: There's just one issue.

Delilah: What's that?

Kitty: We don't have masks. It would make no sense to go to a masked ball without the proper attire.

Gerard: Leave that to me ladies. We'll all have the proper costumes by the end of the night.